January 1981, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 73-75 OECD -- the oracles' oracle
by Meredith, Brian - 75-76 Sea-use planning and the North Sea
by Smith, H. D. & Lalwani, C. S. & Brookfield, I. C. - 79-84 IWC--bargaining and compromise
by Birnie, Patricia - 84-85 The middle eastern states and the law of the sea : Ali A. El-Hakim Manchester University Press. Manchester, UK. 1979, 233 pp. £19.50
by Watt, U. C. - 85-86 The offshore petroleum resources of South-east Asia: Potential conflict situations and related economic considerations : Corazón Morales Siddayao Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1978, xx + 205 pp. £14.95
by Park, Choon-ho - 86-87 Naval power in the Indian Ocean: Threats, bluffs and fantasies : Philip Towle The Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University. Canberra, 1979, 121 pp
by Booth, Ken - 87-88 Securing the seas: The Soviet Naval Challenge and Western Alliance Options : Paul H. Nitze, Leonard Sullivan Jr and the Atlantic Council Working Group on Securing the Seas Westview Press, Boulder, CO, USA, 1979, 464 pp, £16.25
by Ranft, Bryan - 88-89 The management of the Southern Ocean : Barbara Mitchell and Richard Sandbrook IIED, 10 Percy Street, London W1P ODR, UK, 1980, 162 pp
by Suter, Keith D. - 89-90 Deepsea mining : Edited by Judith T. Kildow MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA and London, 1980, 251 pp, £10.85
by Archer, A. A. - 90-91 The lawfulness of deep seabed mining : Theodore G. Kronmiller 2 vols. Oceana, Dobbs Ferry, New York. 1980, xix + 527 pp, and iii + 460 pp, $40.00 per volume
by Lowe, A. V. - 91-92 Manganese nodules: dimensions and perspectives : Prepared by the United Nations Ocean Economics and Technology Office D. Reidel, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, Boston, USA, London, UK, 1979. 250 pp. $34.00, hardback, $14.95, paperback
by Roels, Oswald A. - 95-95 Letter to the editor : Marine fraud
by Cormack, P. & Martin, B. T.
October 1980, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 270-270 UNCLOS and navies : Accord at a price
by Lowe, A. V. - 271-289 Effects of cargo reservation , , : A review of UNCTAD's code of conduct for liner conferences
by Wijkman, Per Magnus - 290-308 Constituting the IOC as a more autonomous or independent body , : The long-term implications
by Sullivan, William L. - 309-316 Fishing effort and fisheries policy
by Cunningham, S. & Whitmarsh, D. - 322-325 UK maritime policy -- coordination at government level
by Young, Wayland - 326-328 US--foreign cooperation for fisheries development -- a preliminary economic analysis
by Stokes, Robert L. - 328-329 Effects of fishing effort limitation
by Cunningham, Stephen & Dunn, Michael & Whitmarsh, David - 329-330 INMARSAT -- satellite communications
by Meredith, Brian - 333-333 The legal regime of islands in inter national law : Derek W. Bowett Oceana Publications Inc, Dobbs Ferry, New York, Sijthoff and Noordhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands, 1979, 337 pp, $30.00
by Brown, E. D. - 333-334 La mer confisquee : G. Chouraqui Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1979
by Shackleton, Michael - 334-335 Jane's ocean technology 1979-80 : edited by Robert L. Trillo Macdonald and Jane's, London, 1979, 896 pp. £32.00
by Lennard, Don - 335-336 Ocean oil and gas drilling and the law : Peter N. Swan Oceans Publications, Dobbs Ferry, NY, 1979, 462 pp, $45.00
by Forster, Malcorn J. - 336-338 The scientific basis of determining management measures : Report of the ACMRR working party, Hong Kong, 10-15 December 1979 FAO fisheries report No 236 FIRM/R 236 (En), FAO, Rome
by Birnie, Patricia
July 1980, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 158-158 Pollution law -- the way forward
by Sebek, Viktor - 159-169 Integrated marine policy : What? Why? How?
by Underdal, Arild - 170-182 Management under FCMA : Development of a fishery management plan
by Larkins, H. A. - 183-204 'United we stand ...' , : Informal negotiating groups at UNCLOS III
by Buzan, Barry - 205-214 British Columbia fisheries and the 200-mile limit , : Perverse effects for the coastal state
by Copes, Parzival - 215-228 International ship pollution law , : Recent developments at UNCLOS
by Booth, Ian J. - 229-235 EEC fisheries management , : A critique of Common Fisheries Policy objectives
by Cunningham, Stephen - 237-241 Casual employment and trade unionism in the UK fishing industry
by Godman, N. A. & Stewart, J. D. - 241-242 PREST -- Marine resources project
by Ford, Glyn - 242-244 The development of maritime economics
by Metaxas, B. N. - 244-245 Shetland fisheries -- conservation and development
by Goodlad, John H. - 259-261 Eastern Pacific tuna fisheries -- how to manage?
by Joseph, James - 261-262 Dr. King replies
by King, Dennis M. - 262-262 Blue whale unit -- need for flexibility
by Gulland, J. A. - 263-263 Under new management port growth and Emerging Coastal Management Problems : M. Hershman, R. Goodwin, A. Ruotsala, M. McCrea and Y. Hayuth University of Washington Press, Seattle and London, 1979, 185 pp + appendixes, £8.75
by Friche, Peter H. - 263-264 The seabed arms control negotiations A study of Multilateral Arms Control Conference Diplomacy : B. Ramberg University of Denver Monograph Series in World Affairs, Vol 15, Book 2, University of Denver, USA, 1978, 135 pp
by Nailor, Peter - 264-265 Governmentand shipbuilding The politics of industrial change : Brian W. Hogwood Saxon House, Farnborough, UK, 1979, 302 pp, sP10.50
by McConville, J.
April 1980, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 90-90 UK ports -- the battle for traffic
by Sidey, J. MacN. - 91-127 Oceanic research , : International law and national legislation
by Scholz, Wesley S. - 128-141 Onshore planning implications of the offshore development of mineral resources
by Roberts, Peter W. & Shaw, Timothy - 142-146 Economic conditions and prospects of small-scale fishermen in Thailand
by Panayotou, Theodore - 147-148 Sea Fisheries Training Council -- a fisheries quango
by Godman, N. A. - 148-150 Fishery development -- the Latin American model
by Luna, Julio - 151-152 Fisheries and mangroves: US -- Malaysian project
by Duerr, Christine - 152-154 Regional cooperation in marine science : by Lewis M. Alexander University of Rhode Island, Report prepared for the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), the United Nations Ocean Economics and Technology Office (OETO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), December 1978
by Gonçalves, Maria Eduarda - 154-155 The effective management of resources : The International Politics of the North Sea edited by C.M. Mason Francis Pinter, London, Nichols, New York, 1979, 268pp, £10.00
by Watt, D. C.
January 1980, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 2-2 At loggerheads over langoustines
by Shackleton, Michael - 3-18 Aftermath of the Amoco Cadiz , : Why must the European community act?
by Nagelmackers, Henri-G. - 19-32 World fisheries to 2000 , , : Supply, demand and management
by Robinson, M. A. - 33-41 Prospects for foreign fishing vessels in US fisheries development
by Stokes, Robert L. - 42-51 Post-evaluation of fisheries projects
by Lawson, Rowena M. - 52-60 Population dynamics and management of the western rock lobster fishery
by Morgan, G. R. - 61-63 Consequences for the fishing industry of oil industry debris
by McColl, R. A. - 63-66 World trade versus the supply of shipping and ships
by Ramsay, R. A. - 67-68 Integrated policy for the oceans -- teaching in the university world
by Watt, D. C. - 78-79 Peruvian anchoveta -- optimal management
by Gulland, J. A. - 79-82 The IWC and the decimation of whale stocks
by Tomczak, Matthias - 82-83 The sea power of the state : S.G. Gorshkov Pergamon, Oxford, 1979. 290pp. £15.00
by Alford, Jonathan - 83-84 The prevention of oil pollution : edited by J. Wardley-Smith Graham & Trotman, London, 1979, 309pp, £15.00
by Pritchard, S. Z.
October 1979, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 254-254 Safety first for divers
by Loftas, Tony - 255-263 Concepts of marine region and the new law of the sea
by Gonçalves, Maria Eduarda - 264-277 International management of highly migratory species : Centralized versus decentralized economic decision making
by King, Dennis M. - 278-288 Three aspects of the law of the sea , : Islands, delimitation and dispute settlement
by Jacovides, Andreas J. - 289-301 Limitation of fishing effort : An economic analysis of options
by Stokes, Robert L. - 302-311 The Frigg gas field : Exploitation of an international cross-boundary petroleum field
by Gault, Ian - 312-313 Spain's foreign fishing policy
by Richards, Robert A. C. - 313-315 Nodules and Scandinavia -- mining opportunities
by Marjoram, Tony - 315-317 Improved access to ocean data services
by Abram, Richard J. & Hughes, Kent H. - 326-326 Marine outfall systems: Planning, design and construction : Robert A. Grace Prentice-Hall International, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, 600 pp, £ 25.55
by Shaw, T. L. - 327-327 Flags of convenience in 1978 : Ken Grundey Polytechnic of Central London, London, 1978, 58 pp, £3.00 (UK), £5.00 (overseas)
by Abrahamsson, B. J. - 327-328 Offshore oil and gas yearbook 1978/79: UK and continental Europe : Kogan Page Ltd, London, 1978, 352 pp, £25
by Lennard, D. E. - 328-329 Volkerrechtliche und politische auswirkungen der dritten seerechtskon ferenz vereinten nationen auf nord und ostsee : by Renate Platzöder Publications of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Forschungsinstitut für internationalen Politik und Sicherheit, Nr SWP-S 266, Hans Eggenberg, Ebenhausen bei München, October 1978, 211 pp
by Watt, D. C.
July 1979, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 170-170 Extended limits : A threat to small-scale fisheries
by Loftas, Tony - 171-189 Inshore fishing interests on the Atlantic coast : Their response to extended jurisdiction by Canada
by Macdonald, R. D. S. - 190-200 Maritime issues in North-East Asia : Their impact on regional politics
by Buzan, Barry - 201-210 Science, politics and economics of the Peruvian anchoveta fishery,
by Glantz, Michael H. - 211-224 First steps in the enclosure of the oceans : The origins of Truman's proclamation on the resources of the continental shelf, 28 September 1945
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 225-231 Financing LNG carriers
by Mankabady, Samir - 232-238 The future role of ICES in the light of changes in fisheries jurisdiction
by Parrish, B. B. - 239-240 Fisheries policy for the Canary Isles
by Richards, Robert A. C. - 240-242 UK pollution control--Whitehall v parliament
by Sebek, Viktor - 245-246 A balanced science of renewable resourceswith particular reference to fisheries : by Henry A. Regier Washington Sea Grant Communications, Division of Marine Resources, 3716 Brooklyn Avenue, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, 1978. 108 pp, $9.50
by Cushing, D. H. - 246-247 Middle East liner shipping : An economic analysis of traffic, services, ports and future prospects H.P. Drewry (Shipping Consultants) Ltd Publications, 34 Brook Street, London W1Y2LL, 1978, 144 pp
by Metaxas, B. N. - 247-248 The enterprises : by Elisabeth Mann Borgese International Ocean Institute Occasional Papers No 6, University of Malta Press, Malta, November 1978, 23 pp, no price given
by Ogley, Roderick C. - 248-250 Aquaculture in the united states: Constraints and opportunities : The National Research Council, under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418, 1978. 123pp
by Nash, Colin E. - 251-251 Military activities and law of the sea
by Young, Elizabeth
April 1979, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 78-78 Law of the sea : Who should do what?
by Loftas, Tony - 79-98 The new international law of fisheries emerging from bilateral agreements
by Carroz, J. E. & Savini, M. J. - 99-105 Aquaculture policies in Latin America,
by Palacio, Francisco J. - 106-132 Competent international organizations and the law of the sea
by Kingham, J. D. & McRae, D. M. - 133-148 The development of the code of conduct for liner conferences
by Sturmey, S. G. - 149-155 The failure of the IWC, 1946-1966
by Elliot, G. H. - 161-163 Coastalwaters: A management analysis : by John M. Armstrong and Peter C. Ryner Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. Ann Arbor, MI. USA, 1978, 240 pp. £12.60
by Clark, M. J. - 163-164 Salmon and trout farming in Norway : by David J. Edwards Fishing News Books Limited, Farnham, Surrey, UK, 1978, 195 pp. £9.00
by Pullin, R. S. V. - 164-164 Japanese investment in US fishing industry--update
by Josephs, Hilary K.
January 1979, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 2-2 Resources-- something in reserve?
by Loftas, Tony - 3-19 Greek shipping and the accession of Greece to the EEC
by Pantelidis, Evangelos T. - 20-39 Policies in pollution, aquaculture and coastal management in Japan
by Sakiyama, Teruji - 40-58 Security, disarmament and the law of the sea
by Larson, David L. - 59-65 The ClNECA experience
by Tomczak, Matthias - 66-67 Impacts and management of resource exploitation
by Roberts, Peter W. & Shaw, Timothy - 67-69 Spanish adaptation to shipyards crisis
by Richards, Robert A. C. - 72-73 Resource management at the international level: The case of the north pacific : by Oran J. Young Francis Pinter, London and New York, 1977, 252 pp
by Watt, D. C. - 72-73 Marine policy: A comparative approach : by John King Gamble Jr Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, and Famborough. Hants, 1977, 147 pp
by Watt, D. C. - 73-74 Technical change and british naval policy 1860-1939 : edited by Bryan Ranft Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1977, 178pp
by O'Connell, D. P.
October 1978, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 254-254 New compensation fund : Closing the stable door ..
by Loftas, Tony - 255-267 Japanese investment in the US fishing industry and its relation to the Two-Hundred-Mile Law
by Josephs, Hilary K. - 268-274 The EEC treaty and the merchant fleets of the member states
by Rizzi, Daniele - 275-303 Rockall and the limits of national jurisdiction of the UK : Part 2
by Brown, E. D. - 304-320 US law of the sea policy : A bureaucratic politics analysis
by Friedman, Alan G. - 321-330 Marine archaeology in the UK : A pattern of development
by Jones, Cecil - 331-333 Insurance and reinsurance requirements for LNG
by Mankabady, Samir - 333-334 Oil and fishing -- conflict in the North Sea
by Mackay, G. A. & Pearce, D. W. - 339-340 New directions in the law of the sea : Vols 5 and 6, compiled and edited by R. Churchill, M. Nordquist and S. Houston Lay Oceans and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 1977, £16.50 per volume
by O'Connell, D. P. - 340-341 Jane's ocean technology 1978 : edited by Robert L. Trillo Third edition, MacDonald and Jane's, London, 1978, 820 pages, £27.50
by Lennard, D. E. - 341-342 The pacific quest : Endel-Jakob Kolde Pacific Rim Research Series No 1, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, 1976, 162 pages
by Young, Elizabeth - 341-342 Pacific basin enterprise and the changing law of the sea : Jeremiah J. Sullivan Pacific Rim Research Series No 2, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, 1977, 219 pages
by Young, Elizabeth - 342-342 Submersibles and their use in oceanography and ocean engineering : Elsevier, Amsterdam, New York and Oxford, 1977, 383 pages, $49.00, Df11 20.00
by Dawson, James - 343-344 Offshore policemen: operational and legal considerations
by Stanford, Gerald B.
July 1978, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 170-170 In for the krill
by Loftas, Tony - 171-180 Protecting the Mediterranean : Coordinating regional action
by Saliba, Louis J. - 181-211 Rockall and the limits of national jurisdiction of the UK : Part 1
by Brown, E. D. - 212-226 The role of research in fisheries development
by Simpson, A. C. - 227-233 Diving legislation in the UK
by Mathers, Nigel F. - 234-235 US Coastal Plains Marine Center
by Snow, Beverly C. - 239-240 Letters to the editor : Tuna management -- the debate continues
by Joseph, James & Gulland, J. A. - 242-242 Coastal ecosystem management: A technical manual for the conservation of coastal zone resources : by John Clark John Wiley and Sons, London and New York, 7977, 925 pp, £28.50, $48.50
by Tetley, Michele Mason - 242-244 Coastal resources management: Institutions and programs : by Joseph M. Heikoff Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, Mich, 1977, 287 pp. £11.00, $18.15
by Clark, M. J. - 244-245 New strategic factors in the North Atlantic : edited by Christoph Bertram and Johan J. Holst IPC Science and Technology Press, Guildford, and Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1977, 194 pp, £11.50, $25.00
by Watt, D. C. - 245-247 Aquaculture for the developing countries : by Frederick W. Bell and E. Ray Canterbery Ballinger, Cambridge, Mass, 1977, 267 pp, £13.40, $22.00
by Shepherd, C. J. - 247-248 Norges Havretts -- OG ressurspolitikk (Norway's law of the sea and resources policy) : edited by Arne Treholt, Karl Nandrup Dahl, Einar Hysvaer, and Ivar Nes Tiden Norsk Forlag, Oslo, 1976, 215 pages
by Churchill, Robin - 247-248 Fiskerigrensen, Folkeretteim OG denøkonomiske sone (Fishery Limits, international law and the economic zone) : by Carl A. Fleischer Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1977, 220 pages, NKr69
by Churchill, Robin - 249-250 Federal port policy in the United States : by Henry S. Marcus, James E. Short, John C. Kuypers, and Paul O. Roberts MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1977, 371 pages, £15.00
by Metaxas, B. N.
April 1978, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 86-86 UNCLOS and ocean mining : Molehill or mountain?
by Loftas, Tony - 87-104 The South China Sea : Prospects for marine regionalism
by Valencia, Mark J. - 105-111 Liability for North Sea oil pollution
by Fitzmaurice, Victor E. - 161-163 Alternatives for the organization of tuna management
by Gulland, J. A. - 163-165 Seabed mineral resources and the economic interests of developing countries : Danny M. Leipziger and James L. Mudge Ballinger, Cambridge, Mass, 1977, 241 pages, £11.00, $18.15
by Archer, Alan - 165-167 Economic impacts of extended fisheries jurisdiction : edited by Lee G. Anderson Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1977, 428 pages, £16.90, $22.80
by Meirowitz, Mark
January 1978, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 2-2 Resources of discontent
by Loftas, Tony - 3-21 It's Scotland's oil? : Hypothetical boundaries in the North Sea -- a case study
by Brown, E. D. - 22-29 Management procedures in the US fishery conservation zone
by Gary Knight, H. - 30-36 The fishery conservation and management act of 1976 : Organizational structure and conceptual framework
by Kelly, John E. - 37-45 Offshore policeman
by Rawson, Kenneth - 46-64 Archipelagos and the law of the sea : Island straits states or island-studded sea space?
by Andrew, Dale - 65-67 The North Sea as a special area
by Pritchard, S. Z. - 68-68 Marine institute in Israel
by Carr, Judy - 72-74 An environmental appraisal of the severn barrage : edited by T.L. Shaw Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, 1977, 2nd ed, 155 pages, £3.00
by Russell, Clifford S. - 75-76 Marine pollution : edited by R. Johnston Academic Press. London and New York, 1977, 729 pages, £23.00, & 51.00
by Morris, R. J. - 76-77 Radioactive wastes in the seabed? : Oceanus, Vol 20, No 1, 1977
by Preston, A. - 77-78 Establishing a 200-mile fisheries zone : Office of Technology Assessment Report, US Government Printing Office, Washington. DC, 1977, 132 pages
by Birnie, Patricia - 78-79 Is coastal aquaculture in the public interest?
by Herke, William H. - 79-81 Floating cities: further thoughts on their legal status
by Woodliffe, J. C.
October 1977, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 274-274 Pity the poor herring
by Loftas, Tony - 275-288 The management of highly migratory species : Some important concepts
by Joseph, James - 289-300 Two North Sea policies : Danish and Norwegian attitudes compared
by Archer, Clive - 301-310 Whale conservation : Role of the International Whaling Commission
by Gambell, Ray - 311-317 International law and federal offshore lands disputes
by Lowe, A. V. - 318-325 Development of cooperative research in the North Sea , : The origins, planning and philosophy of JONSDAP 76
by Ramster, J. W. - 326-339 Politics and management of the California abalone fishery
by Wyner, Alan J. & Moore, John E. & Cicin-Sain, Biliana - 340-341 Information service in UK
by Hargreaves, P. M. - 341-342 Deepsea mining legislation
by Friedman, Alan G. - 342-343 Pollution -- a French perspective
by de Castro, Gene - 343-344 Marine research in Israel
by Carr, Judy - 352-353 Navies and foreign policy : K. Booth Croom Helm, London, 1977, 294 pages, £9.95
by O'Connell, D. P. - 353-354 Petroleum resources of seas and oceans : B.A. Sokolov, A.G. Gaynanov, D.V. Nesmeyanov and A.M. Seregin MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1976, 267 pages, £2.50
by Caston, V. N. D. - 354-355 Sea power and the law of the sea : Mark W. Janis Lexington Books, distributed in UK by Teakfield Ltd, Farnborough, Hants, 1977, 99pages, £6.50
by Watt, D. C - 356-356 Farming the edge of the sea : E.S. Iversen fishing news books, farnham, surrey, 1976, second edition, 436 pages, £13.50
by Pullin, R. S. V. - 359-361 Letters to the editor : Comecon shipping policy -- international impacts and implications
by Heaver, Trevor D.
July 1977, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 178-178 North sea oil : Who leads whom?
by Loftas, Tony - 179-189 World fisheries and fish stocks
by Gulland, J. A. - 190-204 Floating cities : A new challenge for transnational law
by Kieth, Kent M. - 205-214 Coastal aquaculture in Europe
by Pullin, R. S. V. - 215-229 Ocean and environmental information , : The theory, policy, and practice of knowledge management
by Freeman, Robert R. - 230-238 The Atlantic fisheries commissions
by Cushing, D. H. - 239-254 Resources, pollution and research in a South African economic zone
by Darracott, Ann - 255-258 200-mile limits: recent claims : A detailed annotated survey of the recent proliferation of claims to 200-mile fishing limits and economic zones
by Churchill., Robin - 265-266 Strategies for marine pollution monitoring : Edward D. Goldberg John Wiley and Sons, New York, London, Sydney, Toronto, 1976, 310 pages. £17.05. $27.50
by Portmann, J. E. - 266-267 Optimal development of the North Sea's oil fields: A study in divergent government and company interests and their reconciliation by Peter R. Odell and Kenneth E. Rosing Kogan Page, London, 1976, 189 pages, £30.00
by Ion, D. C. - 267-268 The control of oil pollution on the sea and inland waters : edited by J. Wardley-Smith Graham and Trotman, London, 1976, 251 pages, £9.75
by Pritchard, S. Z. - 268-269 The European offshore oil and gas yearbook 1976-77 : edited by Ethel de Keyser Kogan Page, London, 1976, 475 pages, £20.00
by Lennard, D. E. - 270-271 Tidal energy -- ideal source
by Shaw, T. L.
April 1977, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 90-90 UNCLOS: A parcel unpacked
by Loftas, Tony - 91-101 Resources in Antarctica : Potential for conflict
by Mitchell, Barbara - 102-109 Soviet merchant marine and world shipping
by Guzhenko, Timofei - 110-117 Shipping policy of the comecon countries
by Kwasniewski, Klaus - 118-131 The EEC and the law of the sea
by Reynolds, Paul D. - 132-142 Fisheries extension services , : Their role in rural development
by Cole, Robert C. - 143-155 Environmental protection in North Sea exploration and production operations
by Blaikley, D. R. - 156-163 Environment aspects of manganese nodule mining
by Amos, Anthony F. & Roels, Oswald A. - 164-165 Anticipating problems--an interdisciplinary approach
by Frosch, Robert - 170-171 Industrial island in the North Sea Report on the feasibility study The North Sea Island Group: Hydronamic, sliedrecht, 1976, 195 pp, dfl 55 (including postage)
by Churchill, Robin - 172-173 National and international law enforcement in the ocean : William T. Burke, Richard Legatski, and William Woodhead published by Washington Sea Grant in Cooperation with the Institute for Marine Studies, and distributed by the University of Washington Press, Seattle and London, 139 pages, $7.50
by Birnie, Patricia