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by members of

Graduate School of Commerce
Faculty of Commerce
Waseda University
Tokyo, Japan

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. This page is updated in the first days of each month.
| Working papers | Journal articles | Books | Chapters |

Working papers


  1. SHIMIZU Hiroshi & WAKUTSU Naohiko, 2024. "SBIR, Startups, and Subsequent Technological Development: Laser diodes in the United States and Japan," Discussion papers 24012, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI).
  2. WATANABE Ichiro & SHIMIZU Hiroshi, 2024. "Mainstream Formation and Competitive Dynamics in the Computer Graphics Industry: Topic modeling analysis of US patents," Discussion papers 24018, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI).


  1. 井上, 明人 & Inoue, Akito & 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, fumihiko & 金, 東勲 & Kim, Donghoon & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 福田, 一史 & Fukuda, Kazufumi & 松井, 彩子 & Matsui, Ayako & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2020. "石山隼行インタビュー前半 : アスキー在籍時の業務内容と、MMOゲーム黎明期の開発・運営に関する証言, Toshiyuki Ishiyama, Oral History (1st, 1): Game Business at ASCII and Early Stage MMO Game Development and Operation," IIR Working Paper 20-01, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  2. 井上, 明人 & Inoue, Akito & 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, fumihiko & 金, 東勲 & Kim, Donghoon & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 福田, 一史 & Fukuda, Kazufumi & 松井, 彩子 & Matsui, Ayako & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2020. "石山隼行インタビュー後半 : アスキー在籍時の業務内容と、MMOゲーム黎明期の開発・運営に関する証言, Toshiyuki Ishiyama, Oral History (1st, 2): Game Business at ASCII and Early Stage MMO Game Development and Operation," IIR Working Paper 20-02, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  3. 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 金, 東勲 & Kim, Donghoon & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2020. "吉井正晴インタビュー前半 : セガおよびゲーム業界黎明期のゲーム開発、業界事情についての証言, Masaharu Yoshii, Oral History (1st, 1): Oral History on Game Development at Sega and Game Industry at the Early Stage," IIR Working Paper 20-03, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  4. 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 金, 東勲 & Kim, Donghoon & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2020. "吉井正晴インタビュー後半 : セガおよびゲーム業界黎明期のゲーム開発、業界事情についての証言, Masaharu Yoshii, Oral History (1st, 2): Oral History on Game Development at Sega and Game Industry at the Early Stage," IIR Working Paper 20-04, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  5. 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, fumihiko & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2020. "吉井正晴インタビュー第2回前半 : セガおよびセガ・オブ・アメリカにおけるゲーム開発・販売業務についての証言, Masaharu Yoshii, Oral History (2nd, 1): Oral History on Game Development and Sales at Sega and Sega of America," IIR Working Paper 20-05, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  6. 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, fumihiko & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2020. "吉井正晴インタビュー第2回後半 : セガおよびセガ・オブ・アメリカにおけるゲーム開発・販売業務についての証言, Masaharu Yoshii, Oral History (2nd, 2): Oral History on Game Development and Sales at Sega and Sega of America," IIR Working Paper 20-06, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.


  1. 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 山口, 翔太郎 & Yamaguchi, Shotaro, 2019. "佐藤秀樹第4回インタビュー前半: セガのゲーム開発の歴史と社風, Hideki Sato, Oral History (4th, 1): Game Development at SEGA and its Corporate Culture," IIR Working Paper 19-01, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  2. 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 山口, 翔太郎 & Yamaguchi, Shotaro, 2019. "佐藤秀樹第4回インタビュー後半: セガのゲーム開発の歴史と社風, Hideki Sato, Oral History (4th, 2): Game Development at SEGA and its Corporate Culture," IIR Working Paper 19-02, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  3. 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 江藤, 学 & Etou, Manabu & 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, Fumihiko & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro, 2019. "岩谷徹第2回インタビュー前半: ナムコビデオゲーム黎明期の開発体制, Tohru Iwatani, Oral History (2nd, 1): Game Development at Namco in the early days of Video Game History," IIR Working Paper 19-05, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  4. 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 江藤, 学 & Etou, Manabu & 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, Fumihiko & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro, 2019. "岩谷徹第2回インタビュー後半: ナムコビデオゲーム黎明期の開発体制, Tohru Iwatani, Oral History (2nd, 2): Game Development at Namco in the early days of Video Game History," IIR Working Paper 19-06, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  5. 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 井上, 明人 & Inoue, Akito & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 松井, 彩子 & Matsui, Ayako, 2019. "大橋太郎第3回インタビュー前半: 電波新聞社のゲームソフトとグッズの流通、および販売についての証言, Taro Ohashi, Oral History (3rd, 1): Game Softs and Game Goods Distribution at Dempa Shimbun," IIR Working Paper 19-19, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  6. 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 井上, 明人 & Inoue, Akito & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 松井, 彩子 & Matsui, Ayako, 2019. "大橋太郎第3回インタビュー後半: 電波新聞社のゲームソフトとグッズの流通、および販売についての証言, Taro Ohashi, Oral History (3rd, 2): Game Softs and Game Goods Distribution at Dempa Shimbun," IIR Working Paper 19-20, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  7. 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, Fumihiko & 金, 東勲 & Kim, Donghoon & 福田, 一史 & Fukuda, Kazufumi & 松井, 彩子 & Matsui, Ayako & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2019. "中本博通インタビュー前半 : データイーストのゲーム開発の歴史, Hiromichi Nakamoto, Oral History (1st, 1) : History of Game Development by Data East Corporation," IIR Working Paper 19-24, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  8. 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, Fumihiko & 金, 東勲 & Kim, Donghoon & 福田, 一史 & Fukuda, Kazufumi & 松井, 彩子 & Matsui, Ayako & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2019. "中本博通インタビュー後半 : データイースト在職時の証言, Hiromichi Nakamoto, Oral History (1st, 2) : History of Game Development by Data East Corporation," IIR Working Paper 19-25, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  9. 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, fumihiko & 金, 東勲 & Kim, Donghoon & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 福田, 一史 & Fukuda, Kazufumi & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2019. "西村吉雄インタビュー : ジャーナリズムの視点から見た、日本のエレクトロニクス産業のゲームとの関わり, Nishimura Yoshio, Oral History: The Development of Game Industry in the context of Electronics Industry: Perspectives from Journalism," IIR Working Paper 19-26, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  10. 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, fumihiko & 金, 東勲 & Kim, Donghoon & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 松井, 彩子 & Matsui, Ayako & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2019. "呉英二インタビュー前半 : 呉ソフトウェア工房の設立とゲーム開発についての証言, Eiji Kure, Oral History (1st, 1): History of Game Development at Kure Software Koubou," IIR Working Paper 19-29, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  11. 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, fumihiko & 金, 東勲 & Kim, Donghoon & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 松井, 彩子 & Matsui, Ayako & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2019. "呉英二インタビュー後半 : 呉ソフトウェア工房におけるゲーム開発についての証言, Eiji Kure, Oral History (1st, 2): History of Game Development at Kure Software Koubou," IIR Working Paper 19-30, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  12. 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 生稲, 史彦 & Ikuine, Fumihiko & 福田, 一史 & Fukuda, Kazufumi & 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2019. "高井一美インタビュー : アーケードゲームのオペレーション、およびレンタル業務などについての証言, Kazumi Takai, Oral History : Oral History on Arcade Game Operation and Rental Business," IIR Working Paper 19-32, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.


  1. 福田, 一史 & FUKUDA, Kazufumi & 井上, 明人 & INOUE, Akito & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 山口, 翔太郎 & YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro & 黄, 巍 & HUANG, Wei, 2018. "川口洋司第1回インタビュー前半: ゲーム雑誌の出版に携わるまで, Youji Kawaguchi, Oral History (1st, 1): Before the Job of Publishing the Game Magazine," IIR Working Paper 18-01, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  2. 福田, 一史 & FUKUDA, Kazufumi & 井上, 明人 & INOUE, Akito & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 山口, 翔太郎 & YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro & 黄, 巍 & HUANG, Wei, 2018. "川口洋司第1回インタビュー後半: 家庭用ゲーム雑誌の先駆け, Youji Kawaguchi, Oral History (1st, 2): The Pioneering Magazine of Consumer Games," IIR Working Paper 18-02, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  3. 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 金, 東勲 & KIM, Donghoon & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 山口, 翔太郎 & YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro, 2018. "佐藤秀樹第1回インタビュー前半: 幼少期の暮らし, Hideki Satoh, Oral History (1st, 1): The Life in Childhood," IIR Working Paper 18-16, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  4. 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 金, 東勲 & KIM, Donghoon & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 山口, 翔太郎 & YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro, 2018. "佐藤秀樹第1回インタビュー後半: 中学時代からセガ入社まで, Hideki Satoh, Oral History (1st, 2): From Junior High School until Entrance into SEGA," IIR Working Paper 18-17, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  5. 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 山口, 翔太郎 & YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro, 2018. "佐藤秀樹第2回インタビュー前半: テレビゲームの開発に着手, Hideki Satoh, Oral History (2nd, 1): The Outset of Developing TV Games," IIR Working Paper 18-18, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  6. 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 山口, 翔太郎 & YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro, 2018. "佐藤秀樹第2回インタビュー後半: 家庭用ゲーム機における任天堂との競争, Hideki Satoh, Oral History (2nd, 2): Competition with Nintendo in Consumer Game Machine," IIR Working Paper 18-19, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  7. 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 山口, 翔太郎 & YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro, 2018. "佐藤秀樹第3回インタビュー前半: ゲームにおけるハードとソフト, Hideki Satoh, Oral History (3rd, 1): Hardware and Software in Games," IIR Working Paper 18-20, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  8. 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 山口, 翔太郎 & YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro, 2018. "佐藤秀樹第3回インタビュー後半: セガサターン、ドリームキャスト、ソフトウェアメーカーへの転身, Hideki Satoh, Oral History (3rd, 2): Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, the Turning into Software Developer," IIR Working Paper 18-21, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  9. 江藤, 学 & ETO, Manabu & 生稲, 史彦 & IKUINE, Fumihiko & 金, 東勲 & KIM, Donghoon & 木村, めぐみ & 中村, 彰憲 & NAKAMURA, Akinori & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 山口, 翔太郎 & YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro, 2018. "西角友宏第1回インタビュー前半:中学時代までの生い立ち, Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (1st, 1): Personal History until Junior High School Days," IIR Working Paper 18-22, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  10. 江藤, 学 & ETO, Manabu & 生稲, 史彦 & IKUINE, Fumihiko & 金, 東勲 & KIM, Donghoon & 木村, めぐみ & KIMURA, Megumi & 中村, 彰憲 & NAKAMURA, Akinori & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 山口, 翔太郎 & YA, 2018. "西角友宏第1回インタビュー後半: 高校時代からパシフィック工業への入社まで, Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (1st, 2): Since High School Days until Joining PMC," IIR Working Paper 18-23, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  11. 江藤, 学 & ETO, Manabu & 生稲, 史彦 & IKUINE, Fumihiko & 金, 東勲 & KIM, Donghoon & 木村, めぐみ & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 山口, 翔太郎 & YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro, 2018. "西角友宏第2回インタビュー前半:「スカイファイター」の開発, Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (2nd, 1): Development of “Sky Fighter”," IIR Working Paper 18-24, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  12. 江藤, 学 & ETO, Manabu & 生稲, 史彦 & IKUINE, Fumihiko & 金, 東勲 & KIM, Donghoon & 木村, めぐみ & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 山口, 翔太郎 & YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro, 2018. "西角友宏第2回インタビュー後半:メカゲームからビデオゲームへ, Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (2nd, 2): From Mechanical Games to Video Games," IIR Working Paper 18-25, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  13. 福田, 一史 & FUKUDA, Kazufumi & 生稲, 史彦 & IKUINE, Fumihiko & 井上, 明人 & INOUE, Akito & 金, 東勲 & 木村, めぐみ & KIMURA, Megumi & 中村, 彰憲 & NAKAMURA, Akinori & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi , 2018. "西角友宏第3回インタビュー前半:「スペースインベーダー」開発の経緯, Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (3rd, 1): Process of Developing “Space Invaders”," IIR Working Paper 18-26, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  14. 福田, 一史 & FUKUDA, Kazufumi & 生稲, 史彦 & IKUINE, Fumihiko & 井上, 明人 & INOUE, Akito & 金, 東勲 & 木村, めぐみ & KIMURA, Megumi & 中村, 彰憲 & NAKAMURA, Akinori & 鴫原, 盛之 & SHIGIHARA, Morihiro & 清水, 洋 & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi , 2018. "西角友宏第3回インタビュー後半:「スペースインベーダー」のゲームデザインとマーケティング, Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (3rd, 2): Game Design and Marketing of “Space Invaders”," IIR Working Paper 18-27, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  15. YAMAGUCHI, Shotaro & 山口, 翔太郎 & NITTA, Ryuji & HARA, Yasushi & SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 清水, 洋, 2018. "Staying Young at Heart or Wisdom of Age: Longitudinal Analysis of Age and Performance in US and Japanese Firms," IIR Working Paper 18-41, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  16. 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 福田, 一史 & Fukuda, Kazufumi & 井上, 明人 & Inoue, Akito & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 松井, 彩子 & Matsui, Ayako, 2018. "猪瀬祥希第1回インタビュー前半: テーカン~テクモ時代のゲーム開発, Yoshiaki Inose, Oral History (1st, 1): Game Development at TEHKAN and TECMO," IIR Working Paper 18-44, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  17. 清水, 洋 & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 福田, 一史 & Fukuda, Kazufumi & 井上, 明人 & Inoue, Akito & 鴫原, 盛之 & Shigihara, Morihiro & 松井, 彩子 & Matsui, Ayako, 2018. "猪瀬祥希第1回インタビュー後半: テーカン~テクモ時代のゲーム開発, Yoshiaki Inose, Oral History (1st, 2): Game Development at TEHKAN and TECMO," IIR Working Paper 18-45, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.


  1. SHIMIZU, Hiroshi & 清水, 洋 & WAKUTSU, Naohiko, 2017. "Spin-Outs and Patterns of Subsequent Innovation: Technological Development of Laser Diodes in the US and Japan," IIR Working Paper 17-14, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.


  1. Shimizu, Hiroshi & Hoshino, Yusuke, 2015. "Collaboration and Innovation Speed : Evidence from a Prize Data-Set, 1955-2010," IIR Working Paper 15-04, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.


  1. Shimizu, Hiroshi & Wakutsu, Naohiko, 2014. "Entrepreneurial Spin-Outs and Vanishing Technological Trajectory: Laser Diodes in the U.S. and Japan," IIR Working Paper 13-21, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  2. Hori, Keisuke & Hoshino, Yusuke & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 清水, 洋, 2014. "Vectran: Development of High-Functionality Fiber and its Applications at Kuraray Co., Ltd," IIR Working Paper 14-06, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.


  1. Murayama, Kota & Nirei, Makoto & 楡井, 誠 & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 清水, 洋, 2013. "Management of Science, Serendipity, and Research Performance: Evidence from Scientists' Survey," IIR Working Paper 13-13, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  2. Roberto Fontana & Alessandro Nuvolari & Hiroshi Shimizu & Andrea Vezzulli, 2013. "Reassessing patent propensity: evidence from a data-set of R&D awards 1977-2004," Working Papers Department of Economics 2013/09, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa.


  1. Shimizu, Hiroshi & 清水, 洋 & Hoshino, Yusuke, 2012. "The Nature of Inventive Activities: Evidence from a Data-Set of the Okouchi Prizes and a Comparison with the R&D 100 Awards," IIR Working Paper 12-02, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  2. Aoshima, Yaichi & 青島, 矢一 & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 清水, 洋, 2012. "A Pitfall of Environmental Policy: An analysis of “Eco-point Program” in Japan and its application to the renewable energy policy," IIR Working Paper 12-12, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  3. Roberto Fontana & Alessandro Nuvolari & Hiroshi Shimitzu & Andrea Vezzulli, 2012. "Schumpeterian Patterns of Innovation and the Sources of Breakthrough Inventions: Evidence from a Data-Set of R&D Awards," Working Papers Department of Economics 2012/24, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa.


  1. Fontana, Roberto & Nuvolari, Alessandro & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 清水, 洋 & Vezzulli, Andrea, 2009. "The Nature of Inventive Activities : Evidence from a Data-Set of R&D Awards," IIR Working Paper 09-09, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University.

Journal articles


  1. Hang Yuan & Sen Zhang & Mengru Zhao & Keisuke Hori & Yusuke Hoshino & Hiroshi Shimizu, 2024. "Orchestrating Innovation: Diversity Of Team Characteristics In The Symphony Of New Product Development," International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 28(03n04), pages 1-34, May.


  1. Hori, Keisuke & Hoshino, Yusuke & Shimizu, Hiroshi & 清水, 洋, 2017. "Which Do You Prefer, Artisanal Or Laboratory Made?: Quantification In Traditional Japanese Sake Brewing," Hitotsubashi Journal of commerce and management, Hitotsubashi University, vol. 51(1), pages 1-16, October.


  1. Murayama, Kota & Nirei, Makoto & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2015. "Management of science, serendipity, and research performance: Evidence from a survey of scientists in Japan and the U.S," Research Policy, Elsevier, vol. 44(4), pages 862-873.


  1. Nicholas, Tom & Shimizu, Hiroshi, 2013. "Intermediary Functions and the Market for Innovation in Meiji and Taishō Japan," Business History Review, Cambridge University Press, vol. 87(1), pages 121-149, April.
  2. Fontana, Roberto & Nuvolari, Alessandro & Shimizu, Hiroshi & Vezzulli, Andrea, 2013. "Reassessing patent propensity: Evidence from a dataset of R&D awards, 1977–2004," Research Policy, Elsevier, vol. 42(10), pages 1780-1792.


  1. Roberto Fontana & Alessandro Nuvolari & Hiroshi Shimizu & Andrea Vezzulli, 2012. "Schumpeterian patterns of innovation and the sources of breakthrough inventions: evidence from a data-set of R&D awards," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Springer, vol. 22(4), pages 785-810, September.


  1. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2011. "SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGHS AND NETWORKS IN THE CASE OF SEMICONDUCTOR LASER TECHNOLOGY IN THE US AND JAPAN, 1960s–2000s," Australian Economic History Review, Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand, vol. 51(1), pages 71-96, March.
  2. Hiroshi SHIMIZU, 2011. "Inove-shon no Soshutsu: Monozukuri o Sasaeru Jinzai to Soshiki (Industrial Innovations Made Easy: How and Why Human and Organizational Interaction Renovated Modern Japanese Enterprises)," Social Science Japan Journal, University of Tokyo and Oxford University Press, vol. 14(2), pages 271-274.


  1. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2010. "Different evolutionary paths: Technological development of laser diodes in the US and Japan, 1960-2000," Business History, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 52(7), pages 1151-1181.



  1. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, Springer, number 978-981-13-3714-7, June.



  1. Shimizu Hiroshi, 2024. "Promoting Startups and Technological Development: How Do We Pursue Both?," Springer Books, in: Yao Ouyang & Richard R. Nelson & Horst Hanusch (ed.), Technological Revolution and New Driving Forces for Global Sustainable Development, chapter 0, pages 71-76, Springer.


  1. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Aim and Framework," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 3-14, Springer.
  2. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Strategic Behaviors of Japanese Firms on the Technological Trajectory," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 175-187, Springer.
  3. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Changes in the Industrial Organization: Rise of Spin-Outs," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 189-218, Springer.
  4. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Patterns of Spin-Outs and Innovation," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 221-245, Springer.
  5. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Conclusion," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 247-258, Springer.
  6. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Theoretical Background: General Purpose Technology, Pattern of Innovation, and Spin-Out," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 15-45, Springer.
  7. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Data," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 47-62, Springer.
  8. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Technological Characteristics of Laser and Laser Diode," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 63-78, Springer.
  9. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Birth of the Laser Diode: It All Started in the U.S," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 81-91, Springer.
  10. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Continuous Wave Operation at Room Temperature and Long Operating Life: Catch Up of the Japanese Firms," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 93-117, Springer.
  11. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Competition over Communications: Long-Wavelength Laser Diode," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 119-135, Springer.
  12. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "Aiming for a New Market: From CD to DVD," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 137-161, Springer.
  13. Hiroshi Shimizu, 2019. "From Red to Blue: Competition for Shorter Wavelengths," Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, in: General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation, chapter 0, pages 163-173, Springer.


  1. Roberto Fontana & Alessandro Nuvolari & Hiroshi Shimizu & Andrea Vezzulli, 2013. "Schumpeterian Patterns of Innovation and the Sources of Breakthrough Inventions: Evidence from a Data-set of R&D Awards," Economic Complexity and Evolution, in: Andreas Pyka & Esben Sloth Andersen (ed.), Long Term Economic Development, edition 127, pages 313-340, Springer.

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