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Vicki Knoblauch

Personal Details

First Name:Vicki
Middle Name:
Last Name:Knoblauch
RePEc Short-ID:pkn3
Department of Economics University of Connecticut OAK Hall Unit 1063 Storrs, CT 06269-1063 USA
(860) 486 9076
Terminal Degree:1991 Economics Department; University of Wisconsin (from RePEc Genealogy)


Department of Economics
University of Connecticut

Storrs, Connecticut (United States)
RePEc:edi:deuctus (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

Jump to: Working papers Articles

Working papers

  1. James W. Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2010. "The Price of Stability in Matching Markets," Working papers 2010-16, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  2. James W. Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2010. "Dividing Profits Three Ways: Impartiality vs. Consensuality," Working papers 2010-15, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  3. Vicki Knoblauch, 2009. "Topologies Defined by Binary Relations," Working papers 2009-28, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics, revised Dec 2009.
  4. Vicki Knoblauch, 2008. "Recognizing a Single-Issue Spatial Election," Working papers 2008-26, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  5. James W. Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2008. "Marriage Matching and Intercorrelation of Preferences," Working papers 2008-27, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  6. Vicki Knoblauch, 2008. "Three-agent Peer Evaluation," Working papers 2008-28, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  7. Vicki Knoblauch, 2008. "Recognizing One-Dimensional Euclidean Preference Profiles," Working papers 2008-52, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  8. Vicki Knoblauch, 2007. "A Universal Formula for Continuous Utility," Working papers 2007-17, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  9. Vicki Knoblauch, 2007. "Marriage Matching: A Conjecture of Donald Knuth," Working papers 2007-15, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  10. Onur B. Celik & Vicki Knoblauch, 2007. "Marriage Matching with Correlated Preferences," Working papers 2007-16, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  11. Vicki Knoblauch, 2005. "Finite Characterizations and Paretian Preferences," Working papers 2005-02, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  12. Huck, S. & Müller, W. & Knoblauch, V., 2004. "Spatial Voting with Endogenous Timing," Discussion Paper 2004-10, Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research.
  13. Vicki Knoblauch, 2004. "Can a Newly Proposed Mechanism for Allocating Contracts in U.S. Electricity Wholesale Markets Lead to Lower Prices? A Game Theoretic Analysis," Working papers 2004-41, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics, revised Mar 2006.
  14. Vicki Knoblauch, 2003. "Characterizing Paretian Preferences," Working papers 2003-30, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  15. Vicki Knoblauch, 2003. "Continuous Paretian Preferences," Working papers 2003-29, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  16. Vicki Knoblauch, 2003. "Continuous Lexicographic Preferences," Working papers 2003-31, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  17. Huck, Steffen & Knoblauch, Vicki & Müller, Wieland, 2002. "On the profitability of collusion in location games [Zur Profitabilität von Kollusion in Standortspielen]," Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Market Processes and Governance FS IV 02-22, WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
  18. Vicki Knoblauch, 2002. "A Comparison of Two-Market Bertrand Duopoly and Two-Market Cournot Duopoly," Working papers 2002-14, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  19. Vicki Knoblauch, 2001. "Is Altruism Feasible? Interdependent Preferences Provide the Answer," Working papers 2001-04, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  20. Vicki Knoblauch, 1999. "Elections and the Representation of Preferences over Infinite Sets," Royal Holloway, University of London: Discussion Papers in Economics 99/12, Department of Economics, Royal Holloway University of London, revised Feb 2000.
  21. Vicki Knoblauch, 1998. "Preference Representation via Pareto Dominance," Royal Holloway, University of London: Discussion Papers in Economics 98/3, Department of Economics, Royal Holloway University of London, revised Jan 1998.


  1. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2016. "Elections generate all binary relations on infinite sets," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 84(C), pages 105-108.
  2. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2015. "Probabilistic evaluations: A universal representation for preferences over countable sets," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 57(C), pages 25-27.
  3. Vicki Knoblauch, 2015. "Two preference metrics provide settings for the study of properties of binary relations," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 79(4), pages 615-625, December.
  4. Boudreau, James W. & Knoblauch, Vicki, 2014. "What price stability? Social welfare in matching markets," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 67(C), pages 27-33.
  5. Vicki Knoblauch, 2014. "Preference, topology and measure," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 43(2), pages 507-514, August.
  6. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2013. "A simple voting scheme generates all binary relations on finite sets," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 49(3), pages 230-233.
  7. James Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2013. "Preferences and the price of stability in matching markets," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 74(4), pages 565-589, April.
  8. Boudreau, James W. & Knoblauch, Vicki, 2011. "Dividing profits three ways: Exactness vs. consensuality," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 62(2), pages 79-86, September.
  9. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2010. "Recognizing one-dimensional Euclidean preference profiles," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 46(1), pages 1-5, January.
  10. James W. Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2010. "Marriage Matching and Intercorrelation of Preferences," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 12(3), pages 587-602, June.
  11. Vicki Knoblauch, 2009. "Marriage matching and gender satisfaction," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 32(1), pages 15-27, January.
  12. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2009. "Three-agent peer evaluation," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 105(3), pages 312-314, December.
  13. Vicki Knoblauch, 2008. "Binary Relations: Finite Characterizations and Computational Complexity," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 65(1), pages 27-44, August.
  14. Steffen Huck & Vicki Knoblauch & Wieland Müller, 2006. "Spatial Voting with Endogenous Timing," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 162(4), pages 557-570, December.
  15. Vicki Knoblauch, 2006. "Continuously Representable Paretian Quasi-Orders," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 60(1), pages 1-16, February.
  16. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2005. "Continuous lexicographic preferences," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 41(7), pages 812-825, November.
  17. Vicki Knoblauch, 2005. "Characterizing Paretian preferences," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 25(1), pages 179-186, October.
  18. Huck, Steffen & Knoblauch, Vicki & Muller, Wieland, 2003. "On the profitability of collusion in location games," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 54(3), pages 499-510, November.
  19. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2002. "An Easy Proof That a Square Lattice Is an Equilibrium for Spatial Competition in the Plane," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 51(1), pages 46-53, January.
  20. Vicki Knoblauch, 2001. "Using elections to represent preferences," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 18(4), pages 823-831.
  21. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2000. "Lexicographic orders and preference representation," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 34(2), pages 255-267, October.
  22. Knoblauch, Vicki, 1998. "Order isomorphisms for preferences with intransitive indifference," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 30(4), pages 421-431, November.
  23. Knoblauch, Vicki, 1995. "Geometric Versions of Finite Games: Prisoner's Dilemma, Entry Deterrence and a Cyclical Majority Paradox," International Journal of Game Theory, Springer;Game Theory Society, vol. 24(2), pages 165-177.
  24. Knoblauch Vicki, 1995. "Continuous Strategy Games as Location Games," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 66(1), pages 224-237, June.
  25. Knoblauch Vicki, 1994. "Computable Strategies for Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 7(3), pages 381-389, November.
  26. Knoblauch, Vicki, 1993. "Recovering homothetic preferences," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 43(1), pages 41-45.
  27. Knoblauch, Vicki, 1992. "A Tight Upper Bound on the Money Metric Utility Function," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 82(3), pages 660-663, June.
  28. Knoblauch, Vicki, 1991. "Generalizing Location Games to a Graph," Journal of Industrial Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 39(6), pages 683-688, December.


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.

Working papers

  1. James W. Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2008. "Marriage Matching and Intercorrelation of Preferences," Working papers 2008-27, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Konrad, Kai A., 2013. "Affection, speed dating and heart breaking," Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Economics of Change SP II 2013-309, WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
    2. James Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2013. "Preferences and the price of stability in matching markets," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 74(4), pages 565-589, April.
    3. André Veski & Kaire Põder, 2018. "Zero-intelligence agents looking for a job," Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, Springer;Society for Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, vol. 13(3), pages 615-640, October.
    4. Janine Balter & Michela Rancan & Olena Senyuta, 2014. "Truncation in the Matching Markets and Market Ineffciency," RSCAS Working Papers 2014/04, European University Institute.
    5. Ortega, Josué, 2018. "Social integration in two-sided matching markets," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 78(C), pages 119-126.
    6. Joana Pais & Ágnes Pintér & Róbert F. Veszteg, 2017. "Decentralized Matching Markets With(out) Frictions: A Laboratory Experiment," Working Papers REM 2017/03, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, REM, Universidade de Lisboa.
    7. Boudreau, James W. & Knoblauch, Vicki, 2014. "What price stability? Social welfare in matching markets," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 67(C), pages 27-33.
    8. James Boudreau, 2008. "Preference Structure and Random Paths to Stability in Matching Markets," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 3(67), pages 1-12.
    9. Holzman, Ron & Samet, Dov, 2014. "Matching of like rank and the size of the core in the marriage problem," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 88(C), pages 277-285.

  2. Vicki Knoblauch, 2008. "Three-agent Peer Evaluation," Working papers 2008-28, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Boudreau, James W. & Knoblauch, Vicki, 2011. "Dividing profits three ways: Exactness vs. consensuality," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 62(2), pages 79-86, September.
    2. Arthur Carvalho & Kate Larson, 2012. "Sharing Rewards Among Strangers Based on Peer Evaluations," Decision Analysis, INFORMS, vol. 9(3), pages 253-273, September.
    3. Shiran Rachmilevitch, 2022. "Reasonable Nash demand games," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 93(2), pages 319-330, September.

  3. Vicki Knoblauch, 2008. "Recognizing One-Dimensional Euclidean Preference Profiles," Working papers 2008-52, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Smeulders, B., 2018. "Testing a mixture model of single-peaked preferences," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 93(C), pages 101-113.
    2. Azrieli, Yaron, 2011. "Axioms for Euclidean preferences with a valence dimension," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 47(4-5), pages 545-553.
    3. Edith Elkind & Piotr Faliszewski & Piotr Skowron, 2020. "A characterization of the single-peaked single-crossing domain," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 54(1), pages 167-181, January.
    4. Christopher P. Chambers & Federico Echenique, 2019. "Spherical Preferences," Papers 1905.02917,, revised Feb 2020.
    5. Jiehua Chen & Martin Nollenburg & Sofia Simola & Anais Villedieu & Markus Wallinger, 2022. "Multidimensional Manhattan Preferences," Papers 2201.09691,
    6. Jiehua Chen & Kirk R. Pruhs & Gerhard J. Woeginger, 2017. "The one-dimensional Euclidean domain: finitely many obstructions are not enough," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 48(2), pages 409-432, February.
    7. Eguia, Jon X., 2008. "The Foundations of Spatial Preferences," Working Papers 08-01, C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University.
    8. Bredereck, Robert & Chen, Jiehua & Woeginger, Gerhard J., 2016. "Are there any nicely structured preference profiles nearby?," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 79(C), pages 61-73.
    9. Jon Eguia, 2013. "On the spatial representation of preference profiles," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 52(1), pages 103-128, January.
    10. Jiehua Chen & Sven Grottke, 2021. "Small one-dimensional Euclidean preference profiles," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 57(1), pages 117-144, July.
    11. Marie-Louise Lackner & Martin Lackner, 2017. "On the likelihood of single-peaked preferences," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 48(4), pages 717-745, April.

  4. Vicki Knoblauch, 2007. "Marriage Matching: A Conjecture of Donald Knuth," Working papers 2007-15, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Onur B. Celik & Vicki Knoblauch, 2007. "Marriage Matching with Correlated Preferences," Working papers 2007-16, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
    2. SangMok Lee & Leeat Yariv, 2018. "On the Efficiency of Stable Matchings in Large Markets," Working Papers 2018-4, Princeton University. Economics Department..

  5. Onur B. Celik & Vicki Knoblauch, 2007. "Marriage Matching with Correlated Preferences," Working papers 2007-16, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Enrico Maria Fenoaltea & Izat B. Baybusinov & Jianyang Zhao & Lei Zhou & Yi-Cheng Zhang, 2021. "The Stable Marriage Problem: an Interdisciplinary Review from the Physicist's Perspective," Papers 2103.11458,
    2. James Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2013. "Preferences and the price of stability in matching markets," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 74(4), pages 565-589, April.
    3. Joana Pais & Ágnes Pintér & Róbert F. Veszteg, 2017. "Decentralized Matching Markets With(out) Frictions: A Laboratory Experiment," Working Papers REM 2017/03, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, REM, Universidade de Lisboa.
    4. Karpov, Alexander, 2016. "Preference diversity orderings," Working Papers 0610, University of Heidelberg, Department of Economics.
    5. James W. Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2010. "Marriage Matching and Intercorrelation of Preferences," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 12(3), pages 587-602, June.
    6. James Boudreau, 2008. "Preference Structure and Random Paths to Stability in Matching Markets," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 3(67), pages 1-12.

  6. Huck, S. & Müller, W. & Knoblauch, V., 2004. "Spatial Voting with Endogenous Timing," Discussion Paper 2004-10, Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research.

    Cited by:

    1. Luca Lambertini, 2007. "Platform stickiness in a spatial voting model," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 4(40), pages 1-11.
    2. L. Lambertini, 2007. "Oligopoly with Hyperbolic Demand: A Differential Game Approach," Working Papers 597, Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Universita' di Bologna.
    3. Garcia, Arturo & Leal, Mariel & Lee, Sang-Ho, 2018. "Endogenous timing with a socially responsible firm," MPRA Paper 83968, University Library of Munich, Germany.

  7. Vicki Knoblauch, 2003. "Characterizing Paretian Preferences," Working papers 2003-30, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Vicki Knoblauch, 2008. "Binary Relations: Finite Characterizations and Computational Complexity," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 65(1), pages 27-44, August.
    2. Goncharova, Lyudmila Ivanovna, 2015. "Features of functioning of state establishments of the general education in the conditions of the budgetary reform," Published Papers gorpc4, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
    3. Vicki Knoblauch, 2005. "Finite Characterizations and Paretian Preferences," Working papers 2005-02, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.

  8. Vicki Knoblauch, 2003. "Continuous Paretian Preferences," Working papers 2003-29, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Kaminski, B., 2007. "On quasi-orderings and multi-objective functions," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 177(3), pages 1591-1598, March.

  9. Vicki Knoblauch, 2003. "Continuous Lexicographic Preferences," Working papers 2003-31, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Vicki Knoblauch, 2003. "Continuous Paretian Preferences," Working papers 2003-29, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
    2. Vicki Knoblauch, 2006. "Continuously Representable Paretian Quasi-Orders," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 60(1), pages 1-16, February.
    3. Mitra, Manipushpak & Sen, Debapriya, 2014. "An alternative proof of Fishburn’s axiomatization of lexicographic preferences," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 124(2), pages 168-170.
    4. Vicki Knoblauch, 2009. "Topologies Defined by Binary Relations," Working papers 2009-28, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics, revised Dec 2009.

  10. Huck, Steffen & Knoblauch, Vicki & Müller, Wieland, 2002. "On the profitability of collusion in location games [Zur Profitabilität von Kollusion in Standortspielen]," Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Market Processes and Governance FS IV 02-22, WZB Berlin Social Science Center.

    Cited by:

    1. Dimitrios Xefteris & Nicholas Ziros, 2014. "A Spatial Model of Perfect Competition," University of Cyprus Working Papers in Economics 05-2014, University of Cyprus Department of Economics.
    2. Daniel Strobach, 2006. "Competition between airports with an application to the state of Baden-Württemberg," Diskussionspapiere aus dem Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität Hohenheim 272/2006, Department of Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany.


  1. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2016. "Elections generate all binary relations on infinite sets," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 84(C), pages 105-108.

    Cited by:

    1. Vicki Knoblauch, 2020. "Von Neumann–Morgenstern stable set rationalization of choice functions," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 89(3), pages 369-381, October.

  2. Vicki Knoblauch, 2015. "Two preference metrics provide settings for the study of properties of binary relations," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 79(4), pages 615-625, December.

    Cited by:

    1. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2023. "Lexicographic preference representation: Intrinsic length of linear orders on infinite sets," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 105(C).

  3. Boudreau, James W. & Knoblauch, Vicki, 2014. "What price stability? Social welfare in matching markets," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 67(C), pages 27-33.

    Cited by:

    1. James Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2013. "Preferences and the price of stability in matching markets," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 74(4), pages 565-589, April.

  4. Vicki Knoblauch, 2014. "Preference, topology and measure," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 43(2), pages 507-514, August.

    Cited by:

    1. Ram Sewak Dubey & Giorgio Laguzzi, 2022. "How rare are the properties of binary relations?," Papers 2202.05229,
    2. Vicki Knoblauch, 2015. "Two preference metrics provide settings for the study of properties of binary relations," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 79(4), pages 615-625, December.
    3. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2023. "Lexicographic preference representation: Intrinsic length of linear orders on infinite sets," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 105(C).

  5. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2013. "A simple voting scheme generates all binary relations on finite sets," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 49(3), pages 230-233.

    Cited by:

    1. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2016. "Elections generate all binary relations on infinite sets," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 84(C), pages 105-108.
    2. Shaofang Qi, 2016. "A characterization of the n-agent Pareto dominance relation," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 46(3), pages 695-706, March.
    3. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2015. "Probabilistic evaluations: A universal representation for preferences over countable sets," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 57(C), pages 25-27.

  6. James Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2013. "Preferences and the price of stability in matching markets," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 74(4), pages 565-589, April.

    Cited by:

    1. Steven, Brams & Marc, Kilgour, 2013. "Two-Sided Matchings: An Algorithm for Ensuring They Are Minimax and Pareto-Optimal," MPRA Paper 48113, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    2. Karpov, Alexander, 2016. "Preference diversity orderings," Working Papers 0610, University of Heidelberg, Department of Economics.
    3. Boudreau, James W. & Knoblauch, Vicki, 2014. "What price stability? Social welfare in matching markets," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 67(C), pages 27-33.
    4. SangMok Lee & Leeat Yariv, 2018. "On the Efficiency of Stable Matchings in Large Markets," Working Papers 2018-4, Princeton University. Economics Department..

  7. Boudreau, James W. & Knoblauch, Vicki, 2011. "Dividing profits three ways: Exactness vs. consensuality," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 62(2), pages 79-86, September.

    Cited by:

    1. Shiran Rachmilevitch, 2022. "Reasonable Nash demand games," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 93(2), pages 319-330, September.

  8. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2010. "Recognizing one-dimensional Euclidean preference profiles," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 46(1), pages 1-5, January.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  9. James W. Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2010. "Marriage Matching and Intercorrelation of Preferences," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 12(3), pages 587-602, June.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  10. Vicki Knoblauch, 2009. "Marriage matching and gender satisfaction," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 32(1), pages 15-27, January.

    Cited by:

    1. Ortega, Josué & Klein, Thilo, 2023. "The cost of strategy-proofness in school choice," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 141(C), pages 515-528.
    2. Josu'e Ortega, 2018. "The Losses from Integration in Matching Markets can be Large," Papers 1810.10287,
    3. Ortega, Josué, 2019. "The losses from integration in matching markets can be large," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 174(C), pages 48-51.
    4. Jinyu Wei & Zihan Liang & Yaoxi Liu & Xin Yang, 2023. "Resource Matching in the Supply Chain Based on Environmental Friendliness under a Smart Contract," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 15(2), pages 1-22, January.
    5. Baodong Li & Yu Yang & Jiafu Su & Zhichao Liang & Sheng Wang, 2020. "Two-sided matching decision-making model with hesitant fuzzy preference information for configuring cloud manufacturing tasks and resources," Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Springer, vol. 31(8), pages 2033-2047, December.
    6. James W. Boudreau & Vicki Knoblauch, 2010. "Marriage Matching and Intercorrelation of Preferences," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 12(3), pages 587-602, June.
    7. James Boudreau, 2008. "Preference Structure and Random Paths to Stability in Matching Markets," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 3(67), pages 1-12.

  11. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2009. "Three-agent peer evaluation," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 105(3), pages 312-314, December.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  12. Steffen Huck & Vicki Knoblauch & Wieland Müller, 2006. "Spatial Voting with Endogenous Timing," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 162(4), pages 557-570, December.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  13. Vicki Knoblauch, 2006. "Continuously Representable Paretian Quasi-Orders," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 60(1), pages 1-16, February.

    Cited by:

    1. Pivato, Marcus, 2012. "Multiutility representations for incomplete difference preorders," MPRA Paper 41182, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    2. Vicki Knoblauch, 2009. "Topologies Defined by Binary Relations," Working papers 2009-28, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics, revised Dec 2009.

  14. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2005. "Continuous lexicographic preferences," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 41(7), pages 812-825, November.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  15. Vicki Knoblauch, 2005. "Characterizing Paretian preferences," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 25(1), pages 179-186, October.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  16. Huck, Steffen & Knoblauch, Vicki & Muller, Wieland, 2003. "On the profitability of collusion in location games," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 54(3), pages 499-510, November.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  17. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2002. "An Easy Proof That a Square Lattice Is an Equilibrium for Spatial Competition in the Plane," Journal of Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 51(1), pages 46-53, January.

    Cited by:

    1. Huck, Steffen & Knoblauch, Vicki & Müller, Wieland, 2002. "On the profitability of collusion in location games [Zur Profitabilität von Kollusion in Standortspielen]," Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Market Processes and Governance FS IV 02-22, WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
    2. Daniel Strobach, 2006. "Competition between airports with an application to the state of Baden-Württemberg," Diskussionspapiere aus dem Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität Hohenheim 272/2006, Department of Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany.

  18. Vicki Knoblauch, 2001. "Using elections to represent preferences," Social Choice and Welfare, Springer;The Society for Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 18(4), pages 823-831.

    Cited by:

    1. Vicki Knoblauch, 2003. "Continuous Paretian Preferences," Working papers 2003-29, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
    2. Vicki Knoblauch, 2006. "Continuously Representable Paretian Quasi-Orders," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 60(1), pages 1-16, February.
    3. Erling Røed Larsen, 2002. "The Political Economy of Global Warming. From Data to Decisions," Discussion Papers 322, Statistics Norway, Research Department.

  19. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2000. "Lexicographic orders and preference representation," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 34(2), pages 255-267, October.

    Cited by:

    1. Angilella, Silvia & Giarlotta, Alfio, 2009. "Implementations of PACMAN," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 194(2), pages 474-495, April.
    2. Hougaard, Jens Leth & Tvede, Mich, 2001. "The existence of maximal elements: generalized lexicographic relations," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 36(2), pages 111-115, November.
    3. Vicki Knoblauch, 2003. "Continuous Lexicographic Preferences," Working papers 2003-31, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
    4. Mitra, Manipushpak & Sen, Debapriya, 2014. "An alternative proof of Fishburn’s axiomatization of lexicographic preferences," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 124(2), pages 168-170.
    5. Caserta, A. & Giarlotta, A. & Watson, S., 2008. "Debreu-like properties of utility representations," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 44(11), pages 1161-1179, December.
    6. Shi, Bowen & Wang, Gaowang & Zhang, Zhixiang, 2020. "On the Utility Function Representability of Lexicographic Preferences," MPRA Paper 102561, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    7. Rajeev Kohli & Khaled Boughanmi & Vikram Kohli, 2019. "Randomized Algorithms for Lexicographic Inference," Operations Research, INFORMS, vol. 67(2), pages 357-375, March.
    8. Knoblauch, Vicki, 2023. "Lexicographic preference representation: Intrinsic length of linear orders on infinite sets," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 105(C).
    9. Rajeev Kohli & Kamel Jedidi, 2007. "Representation and Inference of Lexicographic Preference Models and Their Variants," Marketing Science, INFORMS, vol. 26(3), pages 380-399, 05-06.

  20. Knoblauch Vicki, 1994. "Computable Strategies for Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 7(3), pages 381-389, November.

    Cited by:

    1. Conitzer, Vincent & Sandholm, Tuomas, 2008. "New complexity results about Nash equilibria," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 63(2), pages 621-641, July.
    2. Nachbar, John H & Zame, William R, 1996. "Non-computable Strategies and Discounted Repeated Games," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 8(1), pages 103-122, June.
    3. Dargaj, Jakub & Simonsen, Jakob Grue, 2023. "A complete characterization of infinitely repeated two-player games having computable strategies with no computable best response under limit-of-means payoff," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 213(C).
    4. Jakub Dargaj & Jakob Grue Simonsen, 2020. "A Complete Characterization of Infinitely Repeated Two-Player Games having Computable Strategies with no Computable Best Response under Limit-of-Means Payoff," Papers 2005.13921,, revised Jun 2020.
    5. E. Friedman & S. Shenker, 2010. "Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning by Responsive Learning Automata," Levine's Working Paper Archive 469, David K. Levine.

  21. Knoblauch, Vicki, 1993. "Recovering homothetic preferences," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 43(1), pages 41-45.

    Cited by:

    1. Jan Heufer, 2013. "Testing revealed preferences for homotheticity with two-good experiments," Experimental Economics, Springer;Economic Science Association, vol. 16(1), pages 114-124, March.
    2. Heufer, Jan & Hjertstrand, Per, 2019. "Homothetic preferences revealed," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 157(C), pages 602-614.
    3. Jan Heufer & Per Hjertstrand, 2015. "Homothetic Efficiency and Test Power: A Non-Parametric Approach," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 15-064/I, Tinbergen Institute.
    4. Heufer, Jan, 2007. "Revealed Preference and the Number of Commodities," Ruhr Economic Papers 36, RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen.
    5. J. C. R. Alcantud & G. Bosi & C. Rodríguez-Palmero & M. Zuanon, 2003. "The relationship between Mathematical Utility Theory and the Integrability Problem: some arguments in favour," Microeconomics 0308002, University Library of Munich, Germany.

  22. Knoblauch, Vicki, 1992. "A Tight Upper Bound on the Money Metric Utility Function," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 82(3), pages 660-663, June.

    Cited by:

    1. Heufer, Jan, 2013. "Quasiconcave preferences on the probability simplex: A nonparametric analysis," Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 65(1), pages 21-30.
    2. Heufer, Jan & Hjertstrand, Per, 2019. "Homothetic preferences revealed," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 157(C), pages 602-614.
    3. Jan Heufer & Per Hjertstrand, 2015. "Homothetic Efficiency and Test Power: A Non-Parametric Approach," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 15-064/I, Tinbergen Institute.
    4. Heufer, Jan, 2007. "Revealed Preference and the Number of Commodities," Ruhr Economic Papers 36, RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen.
    5. Halevy, Yoram & Persitz, Dotan & Zrill, Lanny, 2017. "Non-parametric bounds for non-convex preferences," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 137(C), pages 105-112.
    6. Jan Heufer, 2014. "A geometric approach to revealed preference via Hamiltonian cycles," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 76(3), pages 329-341, March.
    7. Heufer, Jan & Hjertstrand, Per, 2017. "Homothetic Preferences Revealed," Working Paper Series 1187, Research Institute of Industrial Economics.
    8. Heufer, Jan, 2008. "A Geometric Measure for the Violation of Utility Maximization," Ruhr Economic Papers 69, RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen.
    9. Heufer, Jan, 2014. "Nonparametric comparative revealed risk aversion," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 153(C), pages 569-616.
    10. Edward E. Schlee & M. Ali Khan, 2022. "Money Metrics In Applied Welfare Analysis: A Saddlepoint Rehabilitation," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 63(1), pages 189-210, February.

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