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For Transition Economics, these are 1515 authors affiliated with 1585 institutions.
The scores of institutions in each field are determined by a weighted sum of all authors affiliated with the respective institutions. The weights are determined, for each author, by the proportion of all working papers announced in
Rank | Institution | Score | Authors | Author shares |
1 | Department of Economics, University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois (USA) | 1.17 | 48 | 41.13 |
2 | World Bank Group Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 2.08 | 336 | 280.66 |
(3) | Economics Research, World Bank Group Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 4.15 | 132 | 109.61 |
(3) | Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), London School of Economics (LSE) London, United Kingdom | 5.87 | 61 | 25.04 |
3 | Economics Department, Yale University New Haven, Connecticut (USA) | 6.12 | 48 | 29.25 |
4 | Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University New Haven, Connecticut (USA) | 6.52 | 19 | 8.88 |
5 | Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Bonn, Germany | 8.59 | 573 | 72.52 |
6 | Economics Department, University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC) Santa Cruz, California (USA) | 8.75 | 23 | 18.14 |
7 | International Monetary Fund (IMF) Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 10.26 | 295 | 251 |
8 | Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands | 10.43 | 90 | 68.11 |
9 | Abteilung für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Mannheim Mannheim, Germany | 10.66 | 48 | 40.23 |
(10) | Afdeling Ruimtelijke Economie, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands | 13.13 | 32 | 23.31 |
10 | Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz, Austria | 13.76 | 36 | 26.1 |
11 | Business School, University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand | 13.78 | 16 | 13.46 |
12 | National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) | 14.15 | 443 | 39.99 |
13 | RAND Santa Monica, California (USA) | 14.72 | 37 | 25.15 |
(14) | Department of Economics, Business School, University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand | 15.8 | 11 | 8.93 |
14 | Department of Economics, University of California-Berkeley Berkeley, California (USA) | 16.79 | 46 | 34.08 |
15 | Česká Národní Banka Praha, Czech Republic | 17.92 | 76 | 68.97 |
16 | Nationalekonomiska institutionen, Stockholms Universitet Stockholm, Sweden | 24.94 | 39 | 32.85 |
17 | Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE) Paris, France | 25.54 | 176 | 149.37 |
18 | Graduate School of Business, Columbia University New York City, New York (USA) | 26.47 | 40 | 32.88 |
19 | Tinbergen Instituut Amsterdam, Netherlands | 26.9 | 137 | 26.77 |
20 | Economics Department, University of California-Davis Davis, California (USA) | 26.92 | 35 | 32.32 |
21 | Department of Economics, Stanford University Stanford, California (USA) | 27.49 | 48 | 38.69 |
22 | Department of Economics, Oxford University Oxford, United Kingdom | 27.63 | 143 | 111.72 |
23 | Department of Economics, Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) | 27.89 | 57 | 43.88 |
24 | School of Economics and Political Science, Universität St. Gallen Sankt Gallen, Switzerland | 28.05 | 53 | 42.53 |
25 | Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Germany | 28.19 | 24 | 16.56 |
26 | Paris School of Economics Paris, France | 30.4 | 190 | 108.82 |
(27) | Finance & Economics Department, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University New York City, New York (USA) | 30.41 | 24 | 20.74 |
27 | Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, Hong Kong | 30.92 | 13 | 11.29 |
28 | New Economic School (NES) Moscow, Russia | 31.11 | 37 | 28.85 |
29 | School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University Beijing, China | 31.88 | 17 | 16.13 |
30 | Ministry of Finance, Government of Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria | 32.11 | 1 | 1 |
31 | Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Netherlands | 32.51 | 94 | 63.22 |
32 | London School of Economics (LSE) London, United Kingdom | 32.8 | 218 | 150.19 |
(33) | School of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia | 34.88 | 28 | 23.43 |
33 | Department of Economics, European University Institute Firenze, Italy | 34.88 | 35 | 21.75 |
32 | Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia | 34.88 | 33 | 26.7 |
35 | Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti Bucureşti, Romania | 35.86 | 201 | 192.19 |
36 | Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario London, Canada | 35.94 | 39 | 32.13 |
37 | Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Leuven, Belgium | 37.59 | 99 | 68.98 |
38 | CentER for Economic Research, Universiteit van Tilburg Tilburg, Netherlands | 38.52 | 129 | 80.2 |
(39) | Econometrisch Instituut, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Netherlands | 43.5 | 22 | 10.38 |
39 | Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) | 45.36 | 53 | 31.77 |
(40) | Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), Department of Economics, Oxford University Oxford, United Kingdom | 45.44 | 24 | 14.58 |
40 | Facoltà di Economia, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Roma, Italy | 46.64 | 96 | 80.51 |
41 | Department of Economics, University of Toronto Toronto, Canada | 47.51 | 54 | 47.06 |
42 | Department of Economics, International Business School, Brandeis University Waltham, Massachusetts (USA) | 48.61 | 27 | 22.63 |
43 | Geary Institute, University College Dublin Dublin, Ireland | 50.85 | 27 | 13.03 |
(44) | Dipartimento di Economia e Istituzioni, Facoltà di Economia, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Roma, Italy | 51.74 | 30 | 23.63 |
44 | Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG), Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Lisboa, Portugal | 52.53 | 72 | 61.85 |
45 | Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics (IIE) Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 52.55 | 29 | 18.81 |
46 | European Central Bank Frankfurt am Main, Germany | 52.64 | 136 | 113.4 |
(47) | Economic Growth Center, Economics Department, Yale University New Haven, Connecticut (USA) | 53.72 | 13 | 9.98 |
47 | Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) Beijing, China | 55.22 | 50 | 45.86 |
48 | International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 56.09 | 121 | 106.61 |
49 | Department of Food and Resource Economics, Korea University Seoul, South Korea | 56.31 | 3 | 2.92 |
50 | Guanghua School of Management, Peking University Beijing, China | 56.62 | 29 | 27.52 |
(51) | China Economics and Management Academy, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) Beijing, China | 59.33 | 27 | 24.34 |
(51) | Economics Department, Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE) Paris, France | 59.61 | 61 | 51.51 |
51 | Department of Economics, University of Southern California Los Angeles, California (USA) | 59.77 | 17 | 14.58 |
(52) | Economics Department, London School of Economics (LSE) London, United Kingdom | 61.98 | 54 | 36.08 |
52 | School of Economics, University of Nottingham Nottingham, United Kingdom | 63.79 | 77 | 49.87 |
53 | Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche (WIIW) Wien, Austria | 65.88 | 22 | 18.44 |
54 | Közgazdaság-tudományi Intézet, Közgazdaság- és Regionális Tudományi Kutatóközpont, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Budapest, Hungary | 68.02 | 40 | 30.12 |
55 | William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) | 68.92 | 14 | 3.07 |
56 | CESifo München, Germany | 69.31 | 203 | 26.38 |
57 | Centre d'Économie de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne) Paris, France | 70.92 | 127 | 92.02 |
58 | School of Management & Languages, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, United Kingdom | 71.04 | 13 | 12.05 |
59 | Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA) | 71.75 | 23 | 20.54 |
60 | Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) | 72.16 | 58 | 47.76 |
61 | Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University Canberra, Australia | 73 | 117 | 75.78 |
62 | Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Duisburg-Essen Essen, Germany | 73.5 | 20 | 16.61 |
63 | Institutet för Näringslivsforskning (IFN) Stockholm, Sweden | 74.26 | 57 | 34.99 |
(64) | Center for Economic and Financial Research (CEFIR), New Economic School (NES) Moscow, Russia | 74.88 | 17 | 13.44 |
(64) | Volkswirtschaftslehre, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Duisburg-Essen Essen, Germany | 76.9 | 14 | 11.14 |
64 | Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University Clayton, Australia | 78.04 | 126 | 121.57 |
65 | Institut ekonomických studií, Faculty of Social Sciences, Univerzita Karlova v Praze Praha, Czech Republic | 79.19 | 69 | 47.21 |
(66) | Department of Economics, W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona (USA) | 79.89 | 22 | 18.72 |
66 | W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona (USA) | 79.89 | 29 | 24.73 |
67 | Economics Department, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) | 80.65 | 67 | 53.63 |
68 | DIW Berlin (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) Berlin, Germany | 81.15 | 122 | 80.78 |
69 | National Research University Higher School of Economics Moscow, Russia | 81.44 | 42 | 34.61 |
70 | Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University Ithaca, New York (USA) | 82.93 | 20 | 17.36 |
71 | Booth School of Business, University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois (USA) | 83.7 | 49 | 44.7 |
(72) | LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance, Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Leuven, Belgium | 84.4 | 25 | 12.94 |
72 | Department of Economics, Bar Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel | 86.06 | 16 | 14.91 |
(73) | Department of Economics and Finance, College of Business, City University Kowloon, Hong Kong | 86.95 | 15 | 13.2 |
73 | College of Business, City University Kowloon, Hong Kong | 86.95 | 16 | 14.2 |
74 | Institutul National de Cercetari Economice (INCE), Academia Romana Bucureşti, Romania | 87.97 | 77 | 67.27 |
(75) | Aid Effectiveness Research, World Bank Group Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 88.8 | 2 | 0.9 |
75 | Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto Toronto, Canada | 90.26 | 31 | 26.99 |
76 | Fakultät für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Innsbruck, Austria | 90.84 | 20 | 14.86 |
(77) | International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD), World Bank Group Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 91.5 | 45 | 37.03 |
77 | Národohospodářský Ústav, Akademie věd České Republiky Praha, Czech Republic | 94.46 | 4 | 2.93 |
78 | School of Business, University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada | 94.94 | 14 | 13.47 |
(79) | Centrum voor Economische Studiën, Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Leuven, Belgium | 97.34 | 50 | 36.87 |
(79) | Institut für Finanzwissenschaft, Fakultät für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Innsbruck, Austria | 97.6 | 8 | 4.59 |
79 | Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (NetSPAR) Tilburg, Netherlands | 98.85 | 29 | 7.88 |
80 | China Center for Economic Research (CCER), Peking University Beijing, China | 99.43 | 15 | 12.58 |
(81) | Département économie et finance, Groupe EDHEC (École de Hautes Études Commerciales du Nord) Lille/Paris, France | 100.18 | 16 | 11.07 |
81 | Groupe EDHEC (École de Hautes Études Commerciales du Nord) Lille/Paris, France | 100.18 | 19 | 12.97 |
(82) | Labor and Population Program, RAND Santa Monica, California (USA) | 100.7 | 15 | 7.78 |
82 | Department of Economics and Finance, Brunel University Uxbridge, United Kingdom | 101.81 | 18 | 14.83 |
83 | Business School, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Kowloon, Hong Kong | 102.72 | 19 | 18.85 |
84 | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia (USA) | 105.13 | 47 | 36.97 |
85 | College of Business and Economics, Australian National University Canberra, Australia | 105.36 | 50 | 44.39 |
(85) | Research School of Economics, College of Business and Economics, Australian National University Canberra, Australia | 105.36 | 46 | 40.65 |
86 | Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW) Kiel, Germany | 105.44 | 60 | 40.89 |
87 | Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Milano, Italy | 105.69 | 23 | 11.55 |
(88) | Department of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University Clayton, Australia | 105.8 | 56 | 54.17 |
88 | Department of Economics, Rutgers University-New Brunswick New Brunswick, New Jersey (USA) | 110.64 | 30 | 29.82 |
89 | Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany | 110.79 | 34 | 26.34 |
90 | School of Public Policy, George Mason University Arlington, Virginia (USA) | 111.2 | 10 | 8.9 |
(91) | Department of Economics, Business School, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Kowloon, Hong Kong | 112.11 | 16 | 15.85 |
91 | Department of Economics, University of Maryland College Park, Maryland (USA) | 113.43 | 44 | 36.5 |
92 | Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China | 115.02 | 1 | 1 |
(93) | Unidade de Estudos sobre Complexidade e Economia (UECE), Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG), Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Lisboa, Portugal | 116.58 | 27 | 18.4 |
93 | Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität Berlin Berlin, Germany | 117.53 | 67 | 46.12 |
94 | Department of Economics, Boston University Boston, Massachusetts (USA) | 117.59 | 55 | 47.91 |
95 | Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College Hanover, New Hampshire (USA) | 120.84 | 5 | 4.42 |
(96) | Business Economics, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto Toronto, Canada | 121.26 | 11 | 9.3 |
96 | Volkswirtschaftliche Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany | 122.33 | 44 | 31.63 |
(97) | Research Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 123.51 | 54 | 46.67 |
97 | Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education and Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) Praha, Czech Republic | 124.13 | 58 | 35.85 |
98 | Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California-Berkeley Berkeley, California (USA) | 125.78 | 25 | 21.27 |
99 | Centre d'études prospectives et d'informations internationales (CEPII) Paris, France | 125.96 | 39 | 22.93 |
100 | Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Uniwersytet Warszawski Warszawa, Poland | 126.77 | 54 | 48.01 |
101 | Department of Economics, Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey (USA) | 126.98 | 48 | 36.63 |
102 | Department of Economics, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio (USA) | 127.01 | 35 | 33.99 |
103 | Ross School of Business, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) | 127.79 | 19 | 17.04 |
104 | Department of Economics, School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University New York City, New York (USA) | 128.57 | 51 | 40.91 |
(105) | Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (ELS), Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE) Paris, France | 130.46 | 23 | 17.95 |
105 | Handelshögskolan, Göteborgs Universitet Göteborg, Sweden | 133.39 | 57 | 48.09 |
(105) | Nationalekonomiska institutionen, Handelshögskolan, Göteborgs Universitet Göteborg, Sweden | 133.39 | 52 | 43.96 |
106 | Aston Business School, Aston University Birmingham, United Kingdom | 135.56 | 15 | 13.84 |
107 | Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco San Francisco, California (USA) | 136.98 | 32 | 29.08 |
(107) | Economic Research, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco San Francisco, California (USA) | 136.98 | 25 | 22.58 |
108 | Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie Warszawa, Poland | 137.12 | 48 | 39.43 |
109 | Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Budapest, Hungary | 137.37 | 32 | 26.09 |
110 | Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) London, United Kingdom | 137.48 | 255 | 20.27 |
111 | Durham Business School, Durham University Durham, United Kingdom | 138.46 | 15 | 13.27 |
(112) | International Studies Program, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia (USA) | 138.72 | 20 | 11.93 |
112 | Suomen Pankki Helsinki, Finland | 138.82 | 23 | 18.69 |
113 | Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (RCEA) Rimini, Italy | 139.27 | 85 | 12.94 |
114 | Ekonomihögskolan, Lunds Universitet Lund, Sweden | 140.66 | 70 | 62.64 |
(115) | Siirtymätalouksien tutkimuslaitos, Suomen Pankki Helsinki, Finland | 141.5 | 9 | 7.88 |
(115) | Sonderforschungsbereich 649: Ökonomisches Risiko, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität Berlin Berlin, Germany | 141.51 | 42 | 16.97 |
115 | Copenhagen Business School København, Denmark | 145.62 | 38 | 32.62 |
(116) | Nationalekonomiska Institutionen, Ekonomihögskolan, Lunds Universitet Lund, Sweden | 146.48 | 60 | 54.85 |
116 | Ekonomska fakuteta, Univerza v Ljubljani Ljubljana, Slovenia | 149.39 | 12 | 9.68 |
(117) | Department of Accountancy, Economics and Finance, School of Management & Languages, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, United Kingdom | 149.65 | 10 | 8.64 |
117 | Directorate-General Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgium | 152.94 | 29 | 25.66 |
118 | School of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University Beijing, China | 154.52 | 7 | 6.22 |
(119) | Center for International Development, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) | 154.69 | 8 | 4.21 |
119 | School of Economics, University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia | 155.73 | 60 | 52.24 |
(120) | Institut for International Økonomi og Virksomhedsledelse, Copenhagen Business School København, Denmark | 156.4 | 2 | 1.41 |
120 | Economics Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) | 156.44 | 32 | 26.8 |
(121) | Institut für Statistik und Ökonometrie (ISÖ), Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität Berlin Berlin, Germany | 157.54 | 20 | 11.31 |
121 | Department of Economics, Royal Holloway Egham, United Kingdom | 158.32 | 27 | 19.63 |
122 | Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (IGIER), Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Milano, Italy | 158.93 | 41 | 16.79 |
(123) | Sonderforschungsbereich 373, Quantifikation und Simulation ökonomischer Prozesse, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität Berlin Berlin, Germany | 159.15 | 3 | 0.9 |
123 | Center for Finance, Universität St. Gallen Sankt Gallen, Switzerland | 159.21 | 3 | 3 |
124 | Narodowy Bank Polski Warszawa, Poland | 159.25 | 32 | 19.16 |
125 | Asian Development Bank Manila, Philippines | 160.18 | 24 | 17.84 |
126 | Department of Economics, Lingnan University Tuen Mun, Hong Kong | 162.57 | 5 | 4.76 |
127 | Economics Department, University of Nevada-Reno Reno, Nevada (USA) | 163.61 | 17 | 15.1 |
(128) | Centre for Economic Reform & Transformation, School of Management & Languages, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, United Kingdom | 164.38 | 5 | 3.4 |
128 | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Bologna, Italy | 166.44 | 84 | 59.1 |
129 | WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Wien, Austria | 167.76 | 38 | 32.95 |
130 | Department of Applied Economics, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota-St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota (USA) | 170.98 | 18 | 17.33 |
131 | Stern School of Business, New York University (NYU) New York City, New York (USA) | 172.51 | 44 | 38.67 |
132 | International Economics Department, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 173.46 | 10 | 6.7 |
133 | CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research Warszawa, Poland | 173.49 | 23 | 10.96 |
134 | School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto Toronto, Canada | 174.42 | 4 | 2.47 |
135 | Fachbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Hamburg Hamburg, Germany | 177.12 | 23 | 18.01 |
136 | Department of Economics, University of California-San Diego (UCSD) La Jolla, California (USA) | 177.39 | 37 | 30.62 |
(137) | Institut für Makroökonomie und Wirtschaftspolitik, Fachbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Hamburg Hamburg, Germany | 178.22 | 4 | 4 |
137 | Department of Economics, Central European University Budapest, Hungary | 179.94 | 24 | 14.15 |
138 | Waikato Management School, University of Waikato Hamilton, New Zealand | 180.18 | 27 | 20.16 |
(139) | Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware (USA) | 181.2 | 27 | 23.51 |
139 | College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware (USA) | 181.2 | 30 | 26.51 |
140 | Business School, University of Sydney Sydney, Australia | 181.59 | 9 | 7.5 |
(141) | Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy, School of Economics, University of Nottingham Nottingham, United Kingdom | 181.66 | 36 | 18.13 |
(141) | Macroeconomics and Growth Research, World Bank Group Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 183.24 | 3 | 2.33 |
141 | Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong Pokfulam, Hong Kong | 184.49 | 10 | 10 |
142 | Oesterreichische Nationalbank Wien, Austria | 184.97 | 25 | 22 |
(143) | School of Business, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong Pokfulam, Hong Kong | 185.46 | 2 | 2 |
(143) | Department of Economics, Waikato Management School, University of Waikato Hamilton, New Zealand | 186.01 | 26 | 19.71 |
(143) | Discipline of Finance, Business School, University of Sydney Sydney, Australia | 186.58 | 2 | 2 |
143 | Deutsche Bundesbank Frankfurt, Germany | 188.43 | 51 | 45.48 |
144 | Business School, University of Western Australia Perth, Australia | 188.99 | 10 | 8.16 |
145 | Department of Economics, Cornell University Ithaca, New York (USA) | 189.39 | 40 | 25.2 |
(146) | Department of Economics, Tepper School of Business Administration, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA) | 190.27 | 14 | 11.54 |
146 | Tepper School of Business Administration, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA) | 190.27 | 19 | 15.14 |
(147) | Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Économique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Faculté de Sciences Économiques et de Gestion, Université Lumière (Lyon 2) Lyon, France | 190.49 | 28 | 20.54 |
147 | Faculté de Sciences Économiques et de Gestion, Université Lumière (Lyon 2) Lyon, France | 190.49 | 31 | 22.59 |
148 | Department of Economics, Duke University Durham, North Carolina (USA) | 191.82 | 43 | 32.37 |
149 | Department of Economics, Brigham Young University Provo, Utah (USA) | 192.64 | 18 | 17.98 |
(150) | Department of Finance, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois (USA) | 193.88 | 14 | 12.17 |
150 | Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois (USA) | 193.88 | 39 | 34.58 |
151 | Department of Economics, Pennsylvania State University State College, Pennsylvania (USA) | 194.86 | 20 | 18.12 |
152 | Majandusteaduskond, Tartu Ülikool Tartu, Estonia | 195.71 | 21 | 19.88 |
(153) | Applied Economics Workshop, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois (USA) | 197.16 | 5 | 4.98 |
(153) | Ibero-Amerika Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (IAI), Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany | 198.05 | 7 | 4.3 |
153 | Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles Bruxelles, Belgium | 200.34 | 142 | 96.96 |
154 | Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector (IRIS), University of Maryland College Park, Maryland (USA) | 200.74 | 1 | 0.72 |
155 | Business School, University of Glasgow Glasgow, United Kingdom | 200.79 | 42 | 34.35 |
(155) | Department of Economics, Business School, University of Glasgow Glasgow, United Kingdom | 200.79 | 40 | 32.35 |
156 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) London, United Kingdom | 201.11 | 5 | 5 |
(157) | Financial Institutions Center, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) | 201.84 | 8 | 4.06 |
(157) | Finance Department, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland College Park, Maryland (USA) | 203.19 | 6 | 5.85 |
157 | Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland College Park, Maryland (USA) | 203.19 | 10 | 9.85 |
(158) | Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA), Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University Canberra, Australia | 203.4 | 52 | 18.64 |
158 | Department of Economics, University College London (UCL) London, United Kingdom | 204.8 | 61 | 43.89 |
This ranking is based on registered authors only, and only those who are classified within
. Authors can register at the
Rank | Author | Score |
1 | Klaus F. Zimmermann Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany | 1.91 |
2 | Holger Görg Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany | 3.77 |
3 | Andrei Shleifer Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) | 3.86 |
4 | Simeon Djankov Ministry of Finance, Government of Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria | 5.45 |
5 | Benno Torgler School of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia | 6.37 |
6 | John B Knight Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), Department of Economics, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom | 7.58 |
7 | Gérard Roland Department of Economics, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, California (USA) | 8.68 |
8 | Avner Greif Department of Economics, Stanford University, Stanford, California (USA) | 8.74 |
9 | Ansgar Belke Volkswirtschaftslehre, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany | 8.99 |
10 | Almas Heshmati Department of Food and Resource Economics, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea | 9.06 |
11 | Junsen Zhang Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong | 9.53 |
12 | John Whalley Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada | 10.43 |
13 | Ekaterina Zhuravskaya Paris School of Economics, Paris, France | 12.3 |
14 | David Dollar Aid Effectiveness Research, World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 12.42 |
15 | Jan Svejnar Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) | 13.22 |
16 | Martin Ravallion Economics Research, World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 14.74 |
17 | Shang-Jin Wei School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China | 15.91 |
18 | Dwayne Benjamin Department of Economics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada | 19.47 |
19 | Josef C. Brada Department of Economics, W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona (USA) | 19.54 |
20 | Xiaobo Zhang International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Washington, District of Columbia (USA) China Center for Economic Research (CCER), Peking University, Beijing, China | 20.64 |
21 | Thorsten Beck CentER for Economic Research, Universiteit van Tilburg, Tilburg, Netherlands | 23.09 |
22 | Balázs Égert Economics Department, Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE), Paris, France William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) | 23.76 |
23 | Gary H. Jefferson Department of Economics, International Business School, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts (USA) | 25.51 |
24 | Jozef Konings Centrum voor Economische Studiën, Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium | 26.75 |
25 | Arye L. Hillman Department of Economics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel | 27.46 |
26 | Randall Morck School of Business, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada | 27.66 |
27 | Loren Brandt Department of Economics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada | 27.85 |
28 | Mark E Schaffer Centre for Economic Reform & Transformation, School of Management & Languages, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom | 27.87 |
29 | John Strauss Department of Economics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (USA) | 27.89 |
30 | Jikun Huang Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China | 29.63 |
31 | Heng-Fu Zou China Economics and Management Academy, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing, China | 33.87 |
32 | Hongbin Cai Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing, China | 34.63 |
33 | Lixin Colin Xu Economics Research, World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 36.46 |
34 | Albert Park Department of Economics, Business School, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Kowloon, Hong Kong | 37.16 |
35 | Hongbin Li School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China | 37.58 |
36 | Belton M. Fleisher Department of Economics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (USA) | 38.37 |
37 | Eswar Prasad Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (USA) | 39.66 |
38 | John Sutherland Earle School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia (USA) | 40.47 |
39 | Shi Li School of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China | 40.65 |
40 | Adam Wagstaff Economics Research, World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 41.69 |
41 | Johan Frans Maria Swinnen LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance, Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium | 41.75 |
42 | Morris Goldstein Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics (IIE), Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 43.08 |
43 | Jarko Fidrmuc CESifo, München, Germany | 43.27 |
44 | Fabrizio Coricelli Centre d'Économie de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Paris, France | 43.47 |
45 | Terry Sicular Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada | 43.87 |
46 | Dennis Tao Yang Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong | 48.69 |
47 | David Gerald Tarr Economics Research, World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 49.82 |
48 | Prakash Loungani International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 50.64 |
49 | Hartmut Lehmann William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) | 51.03 |
50 | Ronald MacDonald Department of Economics, Business School, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom CESifo, München, Germany | 53.51 |
51 | Dalia Marin Volkswirtschaftliche Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany | 56.09 |
52 | Beata Smarzynska Javorcik Department of Economics, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom | 56.14 |
53 | Wing Thye Woo Economics Department, University of California-Davis, Davis, California (USA) | 56.16 |
54 | Yuriy Gorodnichenko Department of Economics, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, California (USA) | 56.7 |
55 | Evzen Kocenda Národohospodářský Ústav, Akademie věd České Republiky, Praha, Czech Republic | 56.74 |
56 | Peter Murrell Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector (IRIS), University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland (USA) | 56.75 |
57 | Ira N. Gang Department of Economics, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, New Jersey (USA) | 56.84 |
58 | John Giles Economics Research, World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 57.78 |
59 | Xin Meng Research School of Economics, College of Business and Economics, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia | 58.05 |
60 | Irena Grosfeld Paris School of Economics, Paris, France | 59.02 |
61 | Yin-Wong Cheung Department of Economics and Finance, College of Business, City University, Kowloon, Hong Kong | 59.04 |
62 | Ari Kokko Institut for International Økonomi og Virksomhedsledelse, Copenhagen Business School, København, Denmark | 61.54 |
63 | David N. DeJong Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA) | 61.59 |
64 | Martin Brown Center for Finance, Universität St. Gallen, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland | 62.11 |
65 | Iftekhar Hasan | 62.83 |
66 | Russell Smyth Department of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Clayton, Australia | 65.21 |
67 | Jeffrey M. Perloff Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, California (USA) | 66.54 |
68 | James Riedel International Economics Department, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 67.51 |
69 | Suk-Joong Kim Discipline of Finance, Business School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia | 68.87 |
70 | Michael Funke Institut für Makroökonomie und Wirtschaftspolitik, Fachbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany | 68.92 |
71 | Katherine Terrell † | 70.34 |
72 | Terence T. L. Chong Institute of Global Economics and Finance (IGEF), Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong | 73.32 |
73 | Jan Hanousek Národohospodářský Ústav, Akademie věd České Republiky, Praha, Czech Republic | 73.5 |
74 | László Halpern Közgazdaság-tudományi Intézet, Közgazdaság- és Regionális Tudományi Kutatóközpont, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest, Hungary | 74.29 |
75 | Chong-En Bai School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China | 74.5 |
76 | Roman Horvath Institut ekonomických studií, Faculty of Social Sciences, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Praha, Czech Republic | 75.71 |
77 | Aloysius Siow Department of Economics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada | 76.62 |
78 | Sandra Poncet Théorie et Applications en Microéconomie et Macroéconomie (TEAM), Centre d'Économie de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Paris, France | 77.16 |
79 | Edward C. Norton Economics Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) | 77.63 |
80 | Zhigang Tao School of Business, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong | 78.01 |
81 | Alessandra Guariglia Department of Economics and Finance, Durham Business School, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom | 79.54 |
82 | Nauro F. Campos Department of Economics and Finance, Brunel University, Uxbridge, United Kingdom | 79.87 |
83 | Sylvie Démurger Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Économique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Faculté de Sciences Économiques et de Gestion, Université Lumière (Lyon 2), Lyon, France | 82.15 |
84 | Shaohua Chen Economics Research, World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 82.8 |
85 | Lubos Komarek Česká Národní Banka, Praha, Czech Republic | 83.89 |
86 | Bernard S. Black Department of Finance, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (USA) | 84.71 |
87 | Yue Ma Department of Economics, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong | 90.06 |
88 | Scott Bradford Department of Economics, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (USA) | 90.21 |
89 | Jonathan Wadsworth Department of Economics, Royal Holloway, Egham, United Kingdom | 90.62 |
90 | Sergei Guriev Center for Economic and Financial Research (CEFIR), New Economic School (NES), Moscow, Russia | 91.53 |
91 | Elizabeth Brainerd Department of Economics, International Business School, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts (USA) | 93.95 |
92 | Anders Aslund Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics (IIE), Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 94.5 |
93 | Jan Fidrmuc Department of Economics and Finance, Brunel University, Uxbridge, United Kingdom | 96.51 |
94 | Deborah L. Swenson Economics Department, University of California-Davis, Davis, California (USA) | 96.74 |
95 | Konstantin Sonin New Economic School (NES), Moscow, Russia | 96.79 |
96 | Carsten A. Holz | 97.29 |
97 | Sourafel Girma School of Economics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom | 99.4 |
98 | Judith M. Dean Department of Economics, International Business School, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts (USA) | 99.72 |
99 | Steven B Caudill Department of Economics and Business Administration, Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee (USA) | 101.92 |
100 | Erwin R. Tiongson World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 103.08 |
101 | Laurent Weill Laboratoire de Recherche en Gestion (LaRGE), Institut de Finance de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France | 104.19 |
102 | Ali M. Kutan Economics Department, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois (USA) | 104.71 |
103 | Lina Song Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy, School of Economics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom | 104.76 |
104 | Shenggen Fan International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 109 |
105 | Van H. Pham Department of Economics, Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University, Waco, Texas (USA) | 109.13 |
106 | Yanrui Wu Department of Economics, Business School, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia | 109.35 |
107 | Xiao-yuan Dong Department of Economics, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Canada | 113.13 |
108 | Gunther Schnabl Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik, Wirtschaftswissenschafltiche Fakultät, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany | 114.41 |
109 | Shunfeng Song Economics Department, University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, Nevada (USA) | 116.31 |
110 | Edgar L Feige Economics Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin (USA) | 117.18 |
111 | Eliyathamby Antony Selvanathan Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia | 118.33 |
112 | Richard Pomfret School of Economics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia | 119.15 |
113 | Guanghua Wan Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines | 121.65 |
114 | J. David Brown Centre for Economic Reform & Transformation, School of Management & Languages, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom | 121.82 |
115 | Daniel Berkowitz Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA) | 122.64 |
116 | Leora F. Klapper Economics Research, World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 123.28 |
117 | Fadzlan Sufian Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Jalan Gombak, Malaysia | 123.59 |
118 | Koen Schoors Centre for Russian International Socio-political and Economic Studies (CERISE), Ghent, Belgium | 123.73 |
119 | Alexander Libman Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Moscow, Russia Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Frankfurt, Germany | 126.53 |
120 | Klara Sabirianova Peter Department of Economics, University of North Carolina-Chapel-Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (USA) | 127.86 |
121 | John Gibson Department of Economics, Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand | 131 |
122 | Milan Vodopivec | 132.23 |
123 | Fredrik Sjöholm Nationalekonomiska Institutionen, Ekonomihögskolan, Lunds Universitet, Lund, Sweden | 132.24 |
124 | Dominique van de Walle Economics Research, World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 132.47 |
125 | Hua Wang Economics Research, World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 132.73 |
126 | Haizhou Huang Dr. | 133.7 |
127 | Ralph De Haas European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), London, United Kingdom | 135.73 |
128 | Joze P. Damijan Ekonomska fakuteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia | 136.14 |
129 | Michael Alroy Landesmann Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche (WIIW), Wien, Austria Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Johannes-Kepler-Universität, Linz, Austria | 136.28 |
130 | Finn Tarp Økonomisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, København, Denmark | 136.81 |
131 | R. Sudharshan Canagarajah International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD), World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 137 |
132 | Tomas Holub Česká Národní Banka, Praha, Czech Republic | 137.67 |
133 | Tao Zhang China Economics and Management Academy, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing, China | 138.22 |
134 | Russell Pittman Antitrust Division, Department of Justice, Government of the United States, Washington, District of Columbia (USA) | 138.42 |
135 | Saroja Selvanathan | 142.08 |
136 | John Edwin Anderson Economics Department, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska (USA) | 143.6 |
137 | Alan Ahearne Department of Economics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland | 145.5 |
138 | Iikka Korhonen Siirtymätalouksien tutkimuslaitos, Suomen Pankki, Helsinki, Finland | 145.61 |
139 | Stepan Jurajda Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education and Economics Institute (CERGE-EI), Praha, Czech Republic | 146.77 |
140 | Raghavendra Rau Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom | 148.83 |
141 | Nancy Qian Economic Growth Center, Economics Department, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut (USA) | 148.84 |
142 | Marek Dabrowski CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research, Warszawa, Poland | 149.85 |
143 | Jorge Martinez-Vazquez International Studies Program, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia (USA) | 149.91 |
144 | Ashley Chunli Shen China Economics and Management Academy, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing, China | 150.39 |
145 | Thomas George Rawski Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA) | 151.08 |
146 | Marian Rizov Business School, Middlesex University, Enfield/Hendon, United Kingdom | 152.63 |
147 | Mika Tapani Widgrén † | 156.21 |
148 | Lucian Liviu Albu Institutul de Prognoza Economica, Institutul National de Cercetari Economice (INCE), Academia Romana, Bucureşti, Romania | 156.41 |
149 | Abdur Chowdhury Department of Economics, College of Business Administration, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (USA) | 156.45 |
150 | Alexander Muravyev Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia | 157.05 |
151 | Rodney Tyers Business School, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia | 157.69 |
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