- 57 The humanitarian-development-peace nexus and forced displacement: Progress, insights and recommendations for operational practice
by Oecd & Unhcr - 56 The surge of Green, Social, Sustainability and Sustainability-linked (GSSS) bonds in Latin America and the Caribbean: Facts and policy implications
by Oecd - 55 How philanthropic foundations support gender equality and women’s empowerment
by Oecd - 54 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s economic vulnerabilities in the MENA: Synthesis report and focus on Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia
by Oecd - 53 The role of political will in enabling long-term development approaches to forced displacement
by Oecd & Unu-Cpr
- 52 Making renewable energies drivers of competitiveness in the EU Outermost Regions
by Oecd - 52 Faire des énergies renouvelables des moteurs de la compétitivité dans les régions ultrapériphériques de l’UE
by Ocde - 51 Mer et innovation : Vecteurs d’internationalisation des régions ultrapériphériques de l’UE
by Ocde - 51 Innovative oceans: Drivers of internationalisation for the EU Outermost regions
by Oecd - 50 Internationalisation, specialisation and technological collaboration in the EU Outermost Regions: A patent data-based analysis
by Oecd - 50 Internationalisation, spécialisation et collaboration technologique dans les régions ultrapériphériques de l’UE : Une analyse à partir des données de brevets
by Ocde - 49 Industries agroalimentaires novatrices dans les régions ultrapériphériques de l’UE
by Ocde - 49 Innovative agro-food industries in the EU Outermost Regions
by Oecd - 48 The G20 initiative for rural youth employment: A better future for rural youth
by Oecd - 47 Refugees and internally displaced persons in development planning: No-one left behind?
by Oecd & Unhcr - 46 Addressing forced displacement in climate change adaptation: No longer a blind spot
by Oecd
- 42 Gender-responsive COVID-19 recovery: Strengthening country systems through official development assistance and gender-responsive budgeting
by OECD & UN Women - 41 The fiscal implications of strategic investment funds
by Håvard Halland - 40 Migration in Asia: What skills for the future?
by Catherine Gagnon & Jason Gagnon - 39 COVID-19 innovation in low and middle-income countries: Lessons for development co-operation
by Ben Ramalingam & Benjamin Kumpf - 38 Youth aspirations and the reality of jobs in Africa
by Adrien Lorenceau & Ji-Yeun Rim & Toma Savitki - 38 Aspirations des jeunes et réalité de l’emploi en Afrique
by Adrien Lorenceau & Ji-Yeun Rim & Toma Savitki - 37 Financing transition in the health sector: What can Development Assistance Committee members do?
by Oecd - 36 Sustainably financing infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa - What role for the DAC?
by Oecd - 35 Mobilising institutional investor capital for climate-aligned development
by Håvard Halland & Adam Dixon & Soh Young In & Ashby Monk & Rajiv Sharma
- 34 Towards more sustainable solutions to forced displacement: What measures are donor countries applying to forced displacement in developing countries?
by Jason Gagnon & Mathilde Rodrigues - 33 Civil service pension reform in developing countries: Experiences and lessons
by Oecd - 32 Politically informed approaches to working on gender equality in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
by Oecd - 31 Key trends in development co-operation for national data and statistical systems
by Simon Lange - 30 How Islamic finance contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
by Oecd - 29 Digital transformation and the futures of civic space to 2030
by Oecd - 28 Mission drawdowns: Financing a sustainable peace: Sustaining gains and supporting economic stability post UN mission withdrawal
by Oecd - 27 What does "inclusive governance" mean?: Clarifying theory and practice
by Oecd - 26 Transition finance ABC methodology: A user’s guide to transition finance diagnostics
by Oecd - 25 Putting finance to work for gender equality and women's empowerment: The way forward
by Oecd
- 24 Financing for refugee situations
by Oecd - 23 Enabling effective triangular co-operation
by Oecd - 22 Decentralised development co-operation: Unlocking the potential of cities and regions
by Oecd - 21 Green triangular co-operation: An accelerator to sustainable development
by Oecd - 20 Towards universal social protection: Lessons from the universal health coverage initiative
by Ji-Yeun Rim & Caroline Tassot - 19 Financing social protection in Namibia
by Klaus Schade & Justina La & Alexander Pick - 17 Engaging with men and masculinities in fragile and conflict-affected states
by Oecd - 16 Measuring women’s economic empowerment: Time use data and gender inequality
by Gaëlle Ferrant & Annelise Thim - 15 Financing social protection in Ethiopia: A long-term perspective
by Kefyalew Endale & Alexander Pick & Tassew Woldehanna
- 14 Integrating renewables in mining: Review of business models and policy implications
by Galina Alova - 13 Increasing social insurance coverage in Viet Nam’s SMEs
by Paulette Castel & Alexander Pick - 12 Analyse de l’impact des politiques fiscales et de protection sociale sur les inégalités et la pauvreté au Togo
by Jon Jellema & Caroline Tassot - 11 Financing for stability: Guidance for Practitioners
by Lydia Poole & Rachel Scott - 10 Financing for Stability in the post-2015 era
by Lydia Poole - 9 The 2030 Agenda and Development Co-operation Results
by Poul Engberg-Pedersen & Rosie Zwart
- 8 Gender equality and women's empowerment in fragile and conflict-affected situations: A review of donor support
by Oecd - 7 Strengthening the results chain: Synthesis of case studies of results-based management by providers
by Rosie Zwart - 6 Dispelling the myths of triangular co-operation: Evidence from the 2015 OECD survey on triangular co-operation
by Oecd
- 5 Aid for Trade and the Sustainable Development Agenda: Strengthening Synergies
by Frans Lammersen & William Hynes - 4 Good development support in fragile, at-risk and crisis affected contexts
by Oecd - 3 Improving Security and Justice Programming in Fragile Situations: Better Political Engagement, More Change Management
by Erwin van Veen
- 2 Human Resource Management in States affected by Fragility and Conflict
by Oecd - 1 Aid for trade 10 years on: Keeping it effective
by Frans Lammersen & Michael Roberts