Report NEP-CIS-2023-01-02
This is the archive for NEP-CIS, a report on new working papers in the area of Confederation of Independent States. Alexander Harin issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-CIS
The following items were announced in this report:
- Popov, Vladimir, 2022. "Why is the United States so tough on Russia? The answer may be in the Lenin’s brochure of 1920," MPRA Paper 115447, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Jargin, Sergei V., 2022. "Environmental and Social Aspects of the Conflict in Ukraine: an Update," SocArXiv gez25, Center for Open Science.
- Kazakova Maria & Izryadnova Olga & Volovik Nadezhda, 2021. "Main structural shifts in the Russian economy: the potential for economic growth and social modernization [Основные Структурные Сдвиги В Экономике России: Потенциал Экономического Роста И Социально," Working Papers s21104, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Pavel Trunin & Sergey Narkevich & Chembulatova Maria, 2021. "Assessment Of The Influence Of The Macroprudential Policy Of The Central Bank Of The Russian Federation On Economic Development [Оценка Влияния Макропруденциальной Политики Центрального Банка Росси," Working Papers s21102, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Klyachko Tatiana & Fedotov ALexandr & Polishkina Anna & Kovalenko Alexey, 2021. "Additional professional education in the Russian Federation by 2021: needs and efficiency [Дополнительное Профессиональное Образование В Российской Федерации К 2021 Году: Потребности И Эффективност," Working Papers s21049, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Abroskin Alexandr & Abroskina Natalia, 2021. "Estimation of actual final consumption and household assets based on a structural approach in the Russian Federation [Оценка Фактического Конечного Потребления И Активов Домашних Хозяйств В Российс," Working Papers s21103, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Knobel Alexandr & Baeva Marina & Zaytsev Yuriy & Kazaryan Margarita, 2021. "Approaches To Assessment Of The Impact Of Protective Trade Measures On Russian Exporters [Подходы К Оценке Влияния Защитных Торговых Мер На Российских Экспортеров]," Working Papers s21146, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Klyachko Tatiana & Loginov Dmitry & Tokareva Galina & Semionova Elena & Tishenko Alexey, 2021. "Analysis And Assessment Of The Socio-Economic State Of Regional Systems Of Preschool Education [Анализ И Оценка Социально-Экономического Состояния Региональных Систем Дошкольного Образования]," Working Papers s21048, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Leskova Yulia & Pisarev Georgyi & Levushkin Anatoliy & Zolotova Olga, 2021. "Family Relationship And Business Processes In The Conditions Of Reforming Russian Legislation [Семейные Отношения И Бизнес-Процессы В Условиях Реформирования Российского Законодательства]," Working Papers s21141, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Danilov Yuriy & Pivovarov Danil & Davyudov Igor, 2021. "Approaches to the development of a comprehensive model of the relationship between the financial sector and the socio-economic system of the Russian Federation [Подходы К Разработке Комплексной Мод," Working Papers s21126, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Danilov Yuriy & Pivovarov Danil & Davyudov Igor, 2021. "The concept of sustainable finance and the possibility of its effective implementation in the practice of the functioning of the Russian financial sector [Концепция Устойчивых Финансов И Возможност," Working Papers s21127, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Agadzhanyan Alexadr & Razdyakonov Vladislav, 2021. "Social Design As A Kind Of Religious Imagination (On The Materials From The History Of Russian Thought Of The Late Xix - Beginning Of Xx Centuries) [Cоциальное Проектирование Как Вид Религиозного В," Working Papers s21033, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Blinov Vladimir & Sergeev Igor & Satdykov Airat & Esenina Ekaterina & Kurteeva Larisa, 2021. "Structure And Parameters Of Secondary Vocational Education Development Scenarios In The Russian Federation Until 2035 [Структура И Параметры Сценариев Развития Среднего Профессионального Образовани," Working Papers s21040, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Гурко, Сергей Александрович, 2022. "ОЦЕНКА ТЕКУЩЕЙ ФИНАНСОВОЙ СТРАТЕГИИ ПАО «МОСЭНЕРГО» В УСЛОВИЯХ КРИЗИСНЫХ ОГРАНИЧЕНИЙ// ACADEMY JOURNAL ISSN 2733-0923, no. 1(19) (April 20, 2022)/ Chief Editor V. Klevtsov /Open European Academy of Pu," OSF Preprints wkunq, Center for Open Science.
- Steiner, Nils D. & Berlinschi, Ruxanda & Farvaque, Étienne & Fidrmuc, Jan & Harms, Philipp & Mihailov, Alexander & Neugart, Michael & Stanek, Piotr, 2022. "Rallying around the EU flag: Russia's invasion of Ukraine and attitudes toward European integration," BOFIT Discussion Papers 9/2022, Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT).
- Komarov Vladimir & Akimova Varvara & Voloshinskaya Anna & Moskvitina Natalia, 2021. "National projects in Russia and foreign countries: methods and recommendations [Национальные Проекты В России И Зарубежных Странах: Методики И Рекомендации]," Working Papers s21159, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Pechatnikov Leonid & Maskin Maksim & Pekova Oksana & Petrova Natalia, 2021. "Building A Quality System In Medical Organizations: International And Russian Experience [Построение Системы Качества В Медицинских Организациях: Международный И Российский Опыт]," Working Papers s21060, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Radyigin Alexandr & Chernova Maria & Abramov Alexandr, 2021. "Factors Influencing The Yield Of Shares And Bonds Of Russian Companies And Their Use In Investment Strategies [Факторы, Влияющие На Доходность Акций И Облигаций Российских Компаний, И Их Использова," Working Papers s21128, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Grishina Irina & Polinev Andrey & Shkuropat Anna, 2021. "Methodology Of The Comprehensive Assessment Of The Socio-Economic Situation Of Regions For Monitoring The Achievement Of The National Development Goals Of Russia Until 2024 [Методика Комплексной Оц," Working Papers s21156, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Sokolov Ilya, 2021. "Directions Of Development Of Public-Private Partnership Mechanisms In The Russian Federation [Направления Развития Механизмов Государственно-Частного Партнерства В Российской Федерации]," Working Papers s21120, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Malevanov Yuriy & Dozhdikov Anton & Ivanov Alexandr, 2021. "Analysis of mechanisms for managing the quality of education in the Russian Federation based on "big data" [Анализ Механизмов Управления Качеством Образования В Российской Федерации На Ос," Working Papers s21046, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Alasgeev Sergey & Kuteynitsyna Tatiana & Postalyuk Natalia & Prudnikova Victoria, 2021. "Orientation of vocational education systems to labor markets: regional differentiation [Ориентация Систем Спо На Рынки Труда: Региональная Дифференциация]," Working Papers s21050, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Alexeev, Michael & Zakharov, Nikita, 2022. "Who profits from windfalls in oil tax revenue? Inequality, protests, and the role of corruption," BOFIT Discussion Papers 2/2022, Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT).
- Natchov, Timur V. & Pyle, William, 2022. "Revealed in transition: The political effect of planning's legacy," BOFIT Discussion Papers 12/2022, Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT).
- Radyigin Alexandr & Chernova Maria & Abramov Alexandr, 2021. "Modern Approaches To Measuring The Public Sector Of The Economy And Their Use In Country Comparisons [Современные Подходы К Измерению Государственного Сектора Экономики И Их Использование В Странов," Working Papers s21129, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Елманова, Виктория Михайловна & Kudryashov, Alexander, 2022. "АНАЛИЗ ФИНАНСОВОЙ СТРАТЕГИИ ГОРНОДОБЫВАЮЩЕГО ПРЕДПРИЯТИЯ НА ПРИМЕРЕ ПАО «ГМК «НОРИЛЬСКИЙ НИКЕЛЬ»// Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Sciences Journal ISSN 2733-0931, no. 1(18) (April 30, 2022)/ Chief Ed," OSF Preprints buem8, Center for Open Science.
- Alexandra Bozhechkova & Dobronravova Elizaveta & Alexey Evseev & Ishakova Farida & Pavel Trunin, 2021. "Impact Of Monetary Policy On Investment And Issue In Industries With Different Price Rigidity [Влияние Монетарной Политики На Инвестиции И Выпуск В Отраслях С Различной Жесткостью Цен]," Working Papers s21100, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Shulgin Sergey & Scherbov Sergey, 2021. "Multi-Regional Demographic Forecast For Russia: Consequences Of The Covid-19 Pandemic [Многорегиональный Демографической Прогноз Для России: Последствия Пандемии Covid-19]," Working Papers s21052, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Musina Nuria & Fedyayev Denis, 2021. "Model for assessing the needs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in financing the health care system, taking into account the demographic, epidemiological and geographic state of th," Working Papers s21056, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Elena Sinelnikova-Myruleva & Grebenkina Alina & Makeeva Natalia, 2021. "Neutral Percentage Rate: Analysis And Evaluation For The Russian Economy [Нейтральная Ставка Процента: Анализ И Оценка Для Российской Экономики]," Working Papers s21101, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Werner Roeger & Paul J. J. Welfens, 2022. "Gas Price Caps and Electricity Production Effects in the Context of the Russo-Ukrainian War: Modeling and New Policy Reforms," EIIW Discussion paper disbei323, Universitätsbibliothek Wuppertal, University Library.
- Milogolov Nikolai & Gromov Vladimir, 2021. "Development of approaches to improving the mechanism of taxation of personal income in the Russian Federation in the context of digitalization of tax administration [Разработка Подходов К Совершенс," Working Papers s21111, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Gabueva Larisa, 2021. "Methods For Managing The Health And Active Longevity Of The Population Over The Working Age In Russia: Prospects For Improvement [Методы Управления Здоровьем И Активным Долголетием Населения Старше," Working Papers s21058, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- International Monetary Fund, 2022. "St. Lucia: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for St. Lucia," IMF Staff Country Reports 2022/348, International Monetary Fund.
- Filippova Irina & Deryugin Alexander & Arlashkin Igor, 2021. "Assessment of the impact of regional norms of tax payments to local budgets on the taxable base [Оценка Влияния Региональных Нормативов Налоговых Отчислений В Местные Бюджеты На Налогооблагаемую Ба," Working Papers s21110, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Lyubimov Ivan & Mirakyan Diana, 2021. "Factor Of Professional Education In The Formation Of Export Policy Of Russian Companies [Фактор Профессионального Образования В Формировании Экспортной Политики Российских Компаний]," Working Papers s21144, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Davydov, Denis & Garanina, Tatiana & Weill, Laurent, 2022. "Managing bank liquidity hoarding during uncertain times: The role of board gender diversity," BOFIT Discussion Papers 11/2022, Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT).
- Родина, Юлия Михайловна & Kudryashov, Alexander, 2022. "ВЛИЯНИЕ ПАНДЕМИИ COVID 19 НА КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ ФИНАНСОВЫЕ ПОКАЗАТЕЛИ БАНКОВ В РОССИИ// Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Sciences Journal ISSN 2733-0931, no. 1(18) (April 30, 2022)/ Chief Editor V. Klevtcov /Ope," OSF Preprints 67xf3, Center for Open Science.
- Pokida Andrey & Zybunovskaya Natalya, 2021. "Dynamics Of Non-Criminal "Shadow" Employment Of The Employee Population [Динамика Некриминальной «Теневой» Занятости Трудоспособного Населения]," Working Papers s21061, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Doronova Tatiana & Hailova Elena & Tarasova Natalia & Pestrikova Svetlana & Krivtsova Svetlana, 2021. "Research of mechanisms ensuring the realization of the rights of children from 1.5 to 3 years old to receive preschool education [Исследование Механизмов, Обеспечивающих Реализацию Прав Детей От 1,," Working Papers s21041, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- International Monetary Fund, 2022. "Republic of San Marino: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release and Staff Report," IMF Staff Country Reports 2022/349, International Monetary Fund.
- Maleva Tatiana & Kartseva Marina & Kuznetsova Polina & Salmina Alla, 2021. "Inequality of social burden: features of the socio-economic situation of the population experiencing the "sandwich syndrome” [Неравенство Социальной Нагрузки: Особенности Социально-Экономическ," Working Papers s21069, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- International Monetary Fund, 2022. "St. Vincent and the Grenadines: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for St. Vincent and the Grenadines," IMF Staff Country Reports 2022/346, International Monetary Fund.
- Claudio Morana, 2022. "Euro area inflation and a new measure of core inflation," Working Papers 505, University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Economics, revised Oct 2023.
- Родина, Юлия Михайловна & Kudryashov, Alexander, 2022. "МОНИТОРИНГ ИСПОЛНЕНИЯ БЮДЖЕТА ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ РОСБАНК.СТРАХОВАНИЕ// Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Sciences Journal ISSN 2733-0931, no. 1(18) (April 30, 2022)/ Chief Editor V. Klevtcov /Open European Aca," OSF Preprints rmsa4, Center for Open Science.
- Sylvain Bellefontaine, 2022. "Uzbekistan: Achieving a multidimensional transition," Working Paper 14a15403-51dd-4e88-90b6-4, Agence française de développement.
- Larionova Marina & Shelepov Andrey & Saharov Andrey & Popova Irina & Ignatov Alexandr & Vasilkovskyi Sergey, 2021. "Analysis Of Modern Approaches To Collective Regulation Of The Digital Economy [Анализ Современных Подходов К Коллективному Регулированию Цифровой Экономики]," Working Papers s21145, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Galina A. Orlova & Kristina A. Tanis & Marina N. Balakhonskaya & Anastasiia A. Balykova & Alexander A. Berlov & Alina A. Zaripova & Maxim Yu. Lukin, 2022. "How To Turn Towards Soviet Temporality? Setting The Analytical Optics," HSE Working papers WP BRP 211HUM/2022, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
- Koryitin Andrey & Kostrykina Natalia & Melkova Elena, 2021. "Development of approaches to improving taxation of solid minerals extraction [Разработка Подходов К Совершенствованию Налогообложения Добычи Твердых Полезных Ископаемых]," Working Papers s21121, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Mariia Shkolnykova & Lasse Steffens & Jan Wedemeier, 2022. "Systems of Innovation in Central and Eastern European countries: Path of Economic Transition and Differences in Institutions," Bremen Papers on Economics & Innovation 2209, University of Bremen, Faculty of Business Studies and Economics.
- Serebryakova, Evgeniya, 2022. "Analysing ICTs Potential for Rural Women’s Empowerment in Central Asia through the Capability Approach," SocArXiv v72xw, Center for Open Science.
- Kasyan Alexey & Egorov ilya & Trofimov Atryem, 2021. "The permutation test speaks in favor of the hypothesis of the Altai linguistic macrofamily [Перестановочный Тест Говорит В Пользу Гипотезы Алтайской Языковой Макросемьи]," Working Papers s21034, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Werner Roeger & Paul J. J. Welfens, 2022. "Gaspreisdeckel, Strommarkt und Makroeffekte in Deutschland und der EU," EIIW Discussion paper disbei324, Universitätsbibliothek Wuppertal, University Library.
- Olegs Krasnopjorovs, 2022. "Ready for the next 820? Looking for the keys to paradise of Riga city," Discussion Papers 2022/02, Latvijas Banka.
- Sylvain Bellefontaine, 2022. "Ouzbékistan : réussir une transition multidimensionnelle," Working Paper 14a15403-51dd-4e88-90b6-4, Agence française de développement.
- Moll, Ben, 2022. "Volle Speicher reichen nicht die Fixierung auf die Speicherfüllstände verstellt den Blick auf das Wesentliche: weniger Gas zu verbrauchen," LSE Research Online Documents on Economics 116667, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library.