by members of
Charles H. Lundquist College of Business
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon (United States)
These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. Find also a compilation of publications from alumni here.This page is updated in the first days of each month.
| Working papers | Journal articles |
Working papers
- Diane Del Guercio & Jonathan Reuter, 2011.
"Mutual Fund Performance and the Incentive to Generate Alpha,"
NBER Working Papers
17491, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
- Diane Del Guercio & Jonathan Reuter, 2014. "Mutual Fund Performance and the Incentive to Generate Alpha," Journal of Finance, American Finance Association, vol. 69(4), pages 1673-1704, August.
- Diane Del Guercio & Jonathan Reuter & Paula A. Tkac, 2010. "Broker Incentives and Mutual Fund Market Segmentation," NBER Working Papers 16312, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
- Diane Del Guercio & Paula A. Tkac, 2001.
"Star power: the effect of Morningstar ratings on mutual fund flows,"
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
2001-15, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
- Guercio, Diane Del & Tkac, Paula A., 2008. "Star Power: The Effect of Monrningstar Ratings on Mutual Fund Flow," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Cambridge University Press, vol. 43(4), pages 907-936, December.
- Yue Fang, 2000. "When Should Time be Continuous? Volatility Modeling and Estimation of High-Frequency Data," Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers 0843, Econometric Society.
- Diane Del Guercio & Paula A. Tkac, 2000. "The determinants of the flow of funds of managed portfolios: mutual funds versus pension funds," FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2000-21, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Journal articles
- Del Guercio, Diane & Woidtke, Tracie, 2019. "Can Strong Corporate Governance Selectively Mitigate the Negative Influence of “Special Interest” Shareholder Activists? Evidence from the Labor Market for Directors," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Cambridge University Press, vol. 54(4), pages 1573-1614, August.
- Del Guercio, Diane & Genç, Egemen & Tran, Hai, 2018. "Playing favorites: Conflicts of interest in mutual fund management," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 128(3), pages 535-557.
- Diane Del Guercio & Elizabeth R. Odders-White & Mark J. Ready, 2017. "The Deterrent Effect of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Enforcement Intensity on Illegal Insider Trading: Evidence from Run-up before News Events," Journal of Law and Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 60(2), pages 269-307.
- Diane Del Guercio & Jonathan Reuter, 2014.
"Mutual Fund Performance and the Incentive to Generate Alpha,"
Journal of Finance, American Finance Association, vol. 69(4), pages 1673-1704, August.
- Diane Del Guercio & Jonathan Reuter, 2011. "Mutual Fund Performance and the Incentive to Generate Alpha," NBER Working Papers 17491, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
- Del Guercio, Diane & Seery, Laura & Woidtke, Tracie, 2008. "Do boards pay attention when institutional investor activists "just vote no"?," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 90(1), pages 84-103, October.
- Guercio, Diane Del & Tkac, Paula A., 2008.
"Star Power: The Effect of Monrningstar Ratings on Mutual Fund Flow,"
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Cambridge University Press, vol. 43(4), pages 907-936, December.
- Diane Del Guercio & Paula A. Tkac, 2001. "Star power: the effect of Morningstar ratings on mutual fund flows," FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2001-15, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
- Yue Fang & Sergio G. Koreisha, 2004. "Updating ARMA predictions for temporal aggregates," Journal of Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 23(4), pages 275-296.
- Fang, Yue, 2003. "Forecasting combination and encompassing tests," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 19(1), pages 87-94.
- Fang, Yue & Xu, Daming, 2003. "The predictability of asset returns: an approach combining technical analysis and time series forecasts," International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 19(3), pages 369-385.
- Del Guercio, Diane & Dann, Larry Y. & Partch, M. Megan, 2003. "Governance and boards of directors in closed-end investment companies," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 69(1), pages 111-152, July.
- Guercio, Diane Del & Tkac, Paula A., 2002. "The Determinants of the Flow of Funds of Managed Portfolios: Mutual Funds vs. Pension Funds," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Cambridge University Press, vol. 37(4), pages 523-557, December.
- Yue Fang, 2000. "Seasonality in foreign exchange volatility," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 32(6), pages 697-703.
- Guercio, Diane Del & Hawkins, Jennifer, 1999. "The motivation and impact of pension fund activism," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 52(3), pages 293-340, June.
- Del Guercio, Diane, 1996. "The distorting effect of the prudent-man laws on institutional equity investments," Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier, vol. 40(1), pages 31-62, January.