Report NEP-POL-1998-09-14
This is the archive for NEP-POL, a report on new working papers in the area of Positive Political Economics. Eugene Beaulieu issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-POL
The following items were announced in this report:
- Nir Dagan & Oscar Volij, 1995. "Formation of Nations in a Welfare State Minded World," Economic theory and game theory 010, Nir Dagan, revised Aug 1999.
- Truchon, Michel, 1998. "An Extension of the Concordet Criterion and Kemeny Orders," Cahiers de recherche 9813, Université Laval - Département d'économique.
- Tone Dieckmann; & Ulrich Schwalbe, 1998. "Dynamic Coalition Formation and the Core," Economics Department Working Paper Series n810798, Department of Economics, National University of Ireland - Maynooth.
- Truchon, Michel, 1998. "Figure Skating and the Theory of Social Choice," Cahiers de recherche 9814, Université Laval - Département d'économique.
- Rafael La Porta & Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes & Andrei Shleifer & Robert Vishny, 1998. "The Quality of Goverment," NBER Working Papers 6727, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.