Report NEP-ICT-2020-10-12
This is the archive for NEP-ICT, a report on new working papers in the area of Information and Communication Technologies. Marek Giebel issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-ICT
The following items were announced in this report:
- Manudeep Bhuller & Andreas R. Kostøl & Trond C. Vigtel, 2020. "How Broadband Internet Affects Labor Market Matching," RF Berlin - CReAM Discussion Paper Series 2002, Rockwool Foundation Berlin (RF Berlin) - Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM).
- Littlechild, S., 2020. "Online reviews and customer satisfaction: The use of Trustpilot by UK retail energy suppliers and three other sectors," Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 2086, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge.
- Maria Tsouri & Teis Hansen & Jens Hanson & Markus Steen, 2020. "Knowledge recombination for emerging technological innovations: the case of green shipping," Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG) 2045, Utrecht University, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Group Economic Geography, revised Sep 2020.
- Sergey Kichko & Wen-Jung Liang & Chao-Cheng Mai & Jacques-Francois Thisse & Ping Wang & Sergei Kichko, 2020. "The Rise (and Fall) of Tech Clusters," CESifo Working Paper Series 8527, CESifo.
- Riccardo Righi & Montserrat Lopez-Cobo & Georgios Alaveras & Sofia Samoili & Melisande Cardona & Miguel Vazquez-Prada Baillet & Lukasz Ziemba & Giuditta De-Prato, 2020. "Academic Offer of Advanced Digital Skills in 2019-20. International Comparison. Focus on Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing, Cybersecurity and Data Science," JRC Research Reports JRC121680, Joint Research Centre.