by members of
Government of Sweden
Stockholm, Sweden
(Swedish National Debt Office, )
These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. This page is updated in the first days of each month.| Working papers |
Working papers
- Bergström, Pål, 1999. "Bootstrap Methods and Applications in Econometrics - A Brief Survey," Working Paper Series 1999:2, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
- Bergström, Pål & Dahlberg, Matz & Johansson, Eva, 1998.
"Municipal Labour Demand - Sweden 1988 - 1995,"
Working Paper Series
1998:24, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
- Bergstrom, P. & Dahlberg, M. & Johansson, E., 1998. "Municipal Labour Demand. Sweden 1988-1995," Papers 1998:24, Uppsala - Working Paper Series.
- Bergström, Pål & Lindberg, Sara, 1998. "Firms' Financial Policy and Labour Demand: Theory and Evidence," Working Paper Series 1998:18, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
- Algers, Staffan & Bergström, Pål & Dahlberg, Matz & Lindqvist Dillén, Johanna, 1998.
"Mixed Logit Estimation of the Value of Travel Time,"
Working Paper Series
1998:15, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
- Algers, S. & Bergstrom, P. & Dahlberg, M. & Dillen, J.L., 1998. "Mixed Logit Estimation of the Value of Travel Time," Papers 1998:15, Uppsala - Working Paper Series.
- Bergström, Pål, 1998. "On Bootstrap Standard Errors in Dynamic Panel Data Models," Working Paper Series 1997:23, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
- Bergström, Pål & Dahlberg, Matz & Johansson, Eva, 1998. "Municipal labour demand," Working Paper Series 1998:1, IFAU - Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy.
- Bergström, Pål, 1997. "Payroll Taxation, Unemployment and Skill Formation," Working Paper Series 1997:16, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
- Bergström, Pål & Dahlberg, Matz & Johansson, Eva, 1997. "GMM Bootstrapping and Testing in Dynamic Panels," Working Paper Series 1997:10, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.