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by members of

International Business School
Botevgrad, Sofia, Bulgaria

These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. This page is updated in the first days of each month.
| Working papers | Journal articles | Books | Chapters |

Working papers


  1. Georgieva, Daniela & Bankova, Diyana, 2023. "The role of the financial auditor for the participation of forestry enterprises in global value chains," MPRA Paper 117684, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2023.
  2. Georgieva, Daniela & Popova-Terziyska, Radostina, 2023. "Modern marketing communications in the forest sector as a factor to increase the added value in terms of COVID-19," MPRA Paper 117685, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2023.


  1. Georgieva, Daniela Ventsislavova & Gateva, Nedka & Georgieva, Teodora & Tsakova, Irina & Jukneviciene, Vita, 2022. "Assessing the innovation potential of the furniture industry value chain in Bulgaria," MPRA Paper 113979, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Aug 2022.
  2. Georgieva, Daniela & Mitkova, Milena & Georgieva, Teodora, 2022. "Глобалните Вериги На Стойността В Селското Стопанство По Примера На Българските Земеделски Производители [Global value chains in agriculture on the example of Bulgarian farmers]," MPRA Paper 115748, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.
  3. Georgieva, Daniela, 2022. "Digitization of Bulgarian furniture manufacturers during the COVID-19," MPRA Paper 116029, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Georgieva, Daniela & Mitkova, Milena, 2022. "Изследване На Същността На Счетоводните Дейности В Контекста На Защитата На Лични Данни [A study of accounting activities in the context of personal data protection]," MPRA Paper 117777, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.


  1. Georgieva, Daniela, 2021. "A study of hotels' managers and tourists’ attitudes regarding the use of furniture with hidden compartments by hotels in Bulgarian black sea and mountain resorts," MPRA Paper 108374, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised May 2021.
  2. Popova-Terziyska, Radostina & Neykov, Nikolay & Georgieva, Daniela, 2021. "Development of a model for monitoring the needs for innovation in furniture enterprises in Bulgaria," MPRA Paper 110067, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Oct 2021.
  3. Georgieva, Daniela & Bankova, Diyana, 2021. "Security and safety of tourists as a factor for sustainable tourism, based on the example of Bulgarian black sea resorts," MPRA Paper 110345, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2021.
  4. Georgieva, Daniela & Popova-Terziyska, Radostina & Neykov, Nikolay, 2021. "Development of a tool for optimizing the management processes in the field of innovation in the Bulgarian furniture enterprises," MPRA Paper 110745, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2021.
  5. Georgieva, Daniela, 2021. "Attitudes, priorities and opportunities for managerial development of female forest professionals and female forest owners in Bulgaria," MPRA Paper 113980, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Aug 2022.
  6. Georgieva, Daniela & Bankova, Diyana, 2021. "Hybrid audit as an innovative approach in the audit practice of forestry," MPRA Paper 113981, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.


  1. Georgieva, Daniela, 2020. "A study of intangible assets disclosure as factor for sustainability: an evidence from Bulgarian furniture enterprises," MPRA Paper 103245, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Georgieva, Daniela & Bankova, Diana, 2020. "Problems in audit and reporting in Bulgaria’s forestry," MPRA Paper 103246, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Georgieva, Daniela & Georgieva, Teodora, 2020. "Staff-related disclosures as an element of social policies on the model of Bulgarian black sea hotels," MPRA Paper 103391, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Sep 2020.
  4. Георгиева, Даниела & Георгиева, Теодора, 2020. "Извършваните От Счетоводителите Дейности И Задачи Като Фактори За Определяне На Необходимите Дигитални Компетенции [Accountants’ work tasks and activities as factors for defining the needed digital," MPRA Paper 104704, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
  5. Георгиева, Даниела, 2020. "Изследване На Дигиталните Умения На Счетоводителите В Качеството Им На Потребители На Информационни И Комуникационни Технологии [Research on the digital skills of accountants as users of informatio," MPRA Paper 104705, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
  6. Georgieva, Daniela & Georgieva, Teodora, 2020. "A study of social policies based on the example of the Bulgarian hotels on the Black Sea coast," MPRA Paper 105291, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
  7. Георгиева, Даниела, 2020. "Предизвикателства Пред Отчитането На Научноизследователската И Развойна Дейност В България [Reporting of R&D in Bulgaria - challenges]," MPRA Paper 105321, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  8. Георгиева, Даниела, 2020. "По Някои Въпроси Относно Непубликуването На Оповестявания За Научноизследователската И Развойна Дейност Като Част От Финансовите Отчети На Български Иновативни Предприятия [On some issues regarding," MPRA Paper 106717, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.


  1. Georgieva, Daniela, 2019. "Erasmus + (key action 1) mobility of students in distance learning programs. Empirical analysis based on the example of International Business School - Botevgrad, Bulgaria," MPRA Paper 95075, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Georgieva, Daniela, 2019. "Мобилност На Студенти В Дистанционна Форма На Обучение По Примера На Международно Висше Бизнес Училище – Ботевград, България [Mobility of students in distance learning programs on the example of In," MPRA Paper 95093, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 0209.
  3. Georgieva, Daniela & Popova, Radostina, 2019. "Digitisation in forest industry in Bulgaria - state and perspectives," MPRA Paper 96021, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Jun 2019.
  4. Георгиева, Даниела, 2019. "Счетоводно Отчитане На Разходи За Иновационни Проекти (Основен Курс За Несчетоводители) [Accounting of R&D projects' expenditures (basic course for non-accounting personnel)]," MPRA Paper 97680, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Aug 2019.
  5. Georgieva, Daniela, 2019. "Digital competences of accountants within the context of the fourth industrial revolution," MPRA Paper 98289, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2019.
  6. Георгиева, Даниела, 2019. "Дигиталните Компетенции На Счетоводителите В Контекста На Четвъртата Индустриална Революция [Digital competences of accountants within the context of the fourth industrial revolution]," MPRA Paper 98290, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2019.
  7. Георгиева, Даниела, 2019. "Фактори, Които Оказват Въздействие Върху Оповестяванията За Научноизследователска И Развойна Дейност На Български Иновативни Предприятия [Factors that affects research and development disclosure of," MPRA Paper 98752, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2019.


  1. Mintchev, Vesselin & Boshnakov, Venelin, 2018. "The Choice of Bulgarian Migrants – Stay or Leave Again?," MPRA Paper 88546, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Georgieva, Daniela, 2018. "Capitalization of tangible and intangible assets in non-profit organizations in Bulgaria," MPRA Paper 88655, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Georgieva, Daniela, 2018. "Съдържателни Аспекти На Счетоводната Политика На Сдружения В България От Гледна Точка На Ползвателите На Документа [Content of the accounting policies of Bulgarian non-profit associations from user," MPRA Paper 89377, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Aug 2018.
  4. Georgieva, Daniela, 2018. "Дълготрайните Материални И Нематериални Активи, И Стоково-Материалните Запаси Като Елементи На Счетоводната Политика На Хотели В България [Intangible and tangible assets, and inventories as element," MPRA Paper 92070, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised Mar 2018.
  5. Георгиева, Даниела, 2018. "Модел На Счетоводна Политика На Юридическо Лице С Нестопанска Цел По Примера На Сдруженията [A model of accounting policy of non-profit organization: on the example of associations]," MPRA Paper 94168, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2018.
  6. Georgieva, Daniela, 2018. "Structure, content and elements of the accounting policies of hotels in Bulgaria," MPRA Paper 99253, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2019.


  1. Георгиева, Даниела, 2017. "Заетост На Жените В Горския Сектор В България И Неговата Конкурентоспособност [Employment of women in the forestry sector in Bulgaria and its competitiveness]," MPRA Paper 105607, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
  2. Georgieva, Daniela, 2017. "Preparation and disclosure of non-financial statement based on the new Bulgarian accountancy act," MPRA Paper 78015, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Georgieva, Daniela, 2017. "Достоверното Счетоводно Дефиниране На Научноизследователската И Развойна Дейност [Defining and interpreting the term research and development for accounting purposes]," MPRA Paper 78272, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Daniela, Georgieva & Rossitsa, Chobanova, 2017. "Women in forestry sector in Bulgaria," MPRA Paper 79440, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
  5. Georgieva, Daniela, 2017. "Емпиричен Анализ На Стиловете На Учене На Студенти От Счетоводните Специалности В Международно Висше Бизнес Училище [An empirical analys of learning styles of students from accounting majors in Int," MPRA Paper 80094, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Georgieva, Daniela & Chobanova, Rossitsa, 2017. "Innovative ideas for improving attractiveness of forestry sector for women (survey results)," MPRA Paper 84193, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
  7. Georgieva, Daniela, 2017. "Вербалната Комуникация Като Част От Ключовите Компетенции На Счетоводителите В България [Verbal communication as a key skill in accounting profession in Bulgaria]," MPRA Paper 86377, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Mintchev, Vesselin & Shopov, Georgi & Kaltchev, Iordan & Boshnakov, Venelin, 2016. "Migration of Bulgarian Population – Characteristics and Relations to the Regional Socio-economic Disparities," MPRA Paper 78581, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Mintchev, Vesselin, 2016. "Potential and Return Migrants in Bulgaria - Demographic and Socio-economic Aspects," MPRA Paper 78597, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Mintchev, Vesselin & Boshnakov, Venelin, 2016. "The Bulgarian Community in Spain (Will The Bulgarians Return from Spain?)," MPRA Paper 78605, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  4. Mintchev, Vesselin, 2016. "Settlers and Temporary Migrants in Germany (Results of Empirical Survey of Individuals Travelling by Busses from Bulgaria to Germany)," MPRA Paper 78606, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  5. Georgieva, Daniela, 2016. "Innovations and Bulgarian business," MPRA Paper 78033, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  6. Georgieva, Daniela, 2016. "Възможности За Използването На Интерактивни Методи На Обучение По Счетоводните Дисциплини, Преподавани Във Висшите Учебни Заведения [The possibilities of using interactive teaching methods in accou," MPRA Paper 78035, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Georgieva, Daniela, 2015. "Иновациите Като Приоритет На Неправителствения Сектор В България. Потенциал И Възможности [Innovations as a priority of the NGO sector in Bulgaria. Potential and opportunities]," MPRA Paper 78036, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Georgieva, Daniela, 2015. "Пред-Търговските Обществени Поръчки Като Инструмент За Финансиране На Научноизследователските Дейности На Предприятията В България [Pre-commercial procurement as instrument for funding research and," MPRA Paper 88494, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Georgieva, Daniela, 2015. "Перспективи От Използването На Доставки На Развойни Продукти За Предприятията В България [Prospects of using pre-commercial procurement to businesses in Bulgaria]," MPRA Paper 88495, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Tsvetanova, Yulia, 2014. "Internal Audit in the Pharmaceutical Sector: International and National Good Practices," MPRA Paper 56343, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  2. Tsvetanova, Yulia, 2014. "Features of Internal Audit in Pharmaceutical Industry," MPRA Paper 56344, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Georgieva, Daniela Ventsislavova, 2013. "Развитие На Иновационната Теория От Края На Xviii В. До Началото На Xxi В [Development of innovative theories from the end of 18th. century to the beginning of the 21th. century]," MPRA Paper 81900, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Venelin Boshnakov & Vesselin Mintchev & Alexander Naydenov, 2011. "Sources of Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence from Bulgaria," wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers 89, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw.


  1. Venelin Boshnakov & Vesselin Mintchev, 2006. "Return Migration’s Profile and Experience: Empirical Evidence from Bulgaria," wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers 65, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw.

Journal articles


  1. Radostina Popova-Terziyska & Daniela Ventsislavova Georgieva & Nikolay Neykov, 2023. "Needed Support for Female Private Forest Owners (Some Results of a Survey of Danube Countries)," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 1, pages 164-179.


  1. Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov, 2021. "Return Migration and Remittances: Recent Empirical Evidence for Bulgaria," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 3, pages 56-75.
  2. Vesselin Minchev, 2021. "Effects of Workers’ Remittances on the Home Country: The Case of Bulgaria," Nauchni trudove, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, issue 1, pages 337-353, February.
  3. Raya Madgerova & Anny Atanasova, 2021. "Implementation Analysis Of The Business Planning In Entrepreneurial Small And Medium-Sized Business In Bulgaria," Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics, SOUTH-WEST UNIVERSITY "NEOFIT RILSKI", BLAGOEVGRAD, vol. 9(1), pages 96-118.
  4. Anny Atanasova & Dilyana Yaneva, 2021. "Characteristics Of Business Networks And Their Role For Strategic Company Development," Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics, SOUTH-WEST UNIVERSITY "NEOFIT RILSKI", BLAGOEVGRAD, vol. 9(2), pages 58-67.


  1. Daniela Georgieva, 2020. "R&D Disclosures as Part of the Financial Statements of Bulgarian Innovative Companies," Business Management, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria, issue 3 Year 20, pages 5-17.
  2. Даниела Георгиева, 2020. "Научноизследователската И Развойна Дейност Като Част От Оповестяванията Към Финансовите Отчети На Български Иновативни Предприятия," Business Management, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria, issue 3 Year 20, pages 5-19.
  3. Tsvetan Tsvetkov, 2020. "Assessing Maturity of the Risk Management System in Higher Education Institutions," Business Management, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria, issue 4 Year 20, pages 45-59.


  1. Daniela GEORGIEVA, 2019. "Digital Competences Of Accountants Within The Context Of The Fourth Industrial Revolution," Economics 21, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria, issue 2 Year 20, pages 34-58.
  2. Даниела Георгиева, 2019. "Дигиталните Компетенции На Счетоводителите В Контекста На Четвъртата Индустриална Революция," Economics 21, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria, issue 2 Year 20, pages 37-63.
  3. Dimitar Dimitrov & Tsvetan Tsvetkov & Georgi Penchev & Konstantin Poudin, 2019. "Tobacco Products Contraband & Counterfeit Risk Identification," Godishnik na UNSS, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, issue 1, pages 123-146, December.


  1. Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov, 2018. "The Choice of Bulgarian Migrants – Stay or Leave Again?," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 2, pages 45-64.


  1. Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov, 2016. "The Bulgarian Community in Spain (Will the Bulgarians Return from Spain?)," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 117-141.
  2. Vesselin Mintchev, 2016. "Settlers and Temporary Migrants in Germany (Results of empirical survey of individuals travelling by busses from Bulgaria to Germany)," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 143-158.
  3. Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov, 2016. "Recent Experiences of Bulgarian External Migration: A Preface to a Special Issue," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 3-5.
  4. Vesselin Mintchev & Georgi Shopov & Iordan Kaltchev & Venelin Boshnakov, 2016. "Migration of Bulgarian Population – Characteristics and Relations to the Regional Socio-Economic Disparities," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 45-78.
  5. Vesselin Mintchev, 2016. "Potential and Return Migrants in Bulgaria – Demographic and Socio-Economic Aspects," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 91-115.
  6. Tsvetan Tsvetkov, 2016. "Contemporary tools for security assessment," Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, issue 2, pages 24-38, April.
  7. Anny Atanasova & Blagovesta Koyundzhiyska-Davidkova, 2016. "Analysis and Evaluation of the Economic State of the Family Business in Bulgaria," International Conference on Marketing and Business Development Journal, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, vol. 2(1), pages 91-99, July.
  8. Raya Madgerova & Vyara Kyurova & Anny Atanasova & Blagovesta Koyundzhiyska-Davidkova, 2016. "Intercompany Conditions For Development Of Family Business," Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics, SOUTH-WEST UNIVERSITY "NEOFIT RILSKI", BLAGOEVGRAD, vol. 4(2), pages 186-202.


  1. Dimitar Dimitrov & Tsvetan Tsvetkov, 2014. "Economic Security, Crises and Environment for Innovations in the Security and Defense Sector," Godishnik na UNSS, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, issue 1, pages 87-126, October.
  2. Ani Vl. Atanasova, 2014. "Foreign Expirience In Clusters Formation," Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics, SOUTH-WEST UNIVERSITY "NEOFIT RILSKI", BLAGOEVGRAD, vol. 10(1), pages 44-57.


  1. Tsvetan Tsvetkov, 2013. "Economic Aspects of Terrorism and Tools for Their Research," Economic Alternatives, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, issue 1, pages 20-34, Janyary.
  2. Raya Madgerova & Ani Atanasova, 2013. "Definition, Princips And Precondition For Implementation Of The Benchmarking To Improve The Enterprises’ Activity," Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics, SOUTH-WEST UNIVERSITY "NEOFIT RILSKI", BLAGOEVGRAD, vol. 1(1&2), pages 5-20.


  1. Vesselin Mintchev, 2010. "Global Approach to Migration – Lessons for Bulgaria," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 1, pages 3-31.
  2. Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov & Alexander Naydenov, 2010. "Sources of Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence from Bulgaria," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 4, pages 39-64.


  1. Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov, 2007. "Empirical Assessment on the Adjustments of Bulgarian Return Migrants," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 13-32.
  2. Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov, 2007. "Stay or Leave Again? New Evidence for Bulgarian Return Migration," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 7, pages 107-126.


  1. J. Kalchev & Vesselin Mintchev & S. Blajeva & Rossitsa Rangelova & Venelin Boshnakov & Katya Vladimirova, 2006. "Gender Dimension Of The Bulgaria'S New Migration: Policy Implications," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 1, pages 43-66.
  2. Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov, 2006. "Economics of Bulgarian Emigration - Empirical Assessment," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 2, pages 23-47.


  1. Yordan Kalchev & Valentin Goev & Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov, 2004. "Bulgarian Emigration in the Beginning of ÕÕI Century: an Assessment of Attitudes and the Profile of Potential Emigrants," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 3-30.
  2. Yordan Kalchev, & Valentin Goev & Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov, 2004. "External Migration from Bulgaria at the Beginning of the XXI Century: Estimates of Potential Emigrants’ Attitudes and Profile," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 7, pages 137-161.
  3. Teodora Georgieva, 2004. "Technological State of the Perfume and Cosmetic Production in Bulgaria in the Context of Accession to European Union," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 3, pages 164-192.
  4. Ivan Georgiev & Tsvetan Tsvetkov, 2004. "A Comparative Analysis of Innovation in Industrial Companies in Bulgaria and in the EU," Godishnik na UNSS, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, issue 1, pages 167-219, May.


  1. Valentin Goev & Vesselin Mintchev & Tsvetomira Tsenova-Knudsen & Venelin Boshnakov, 2002. "Determinants of European Union Enterprises Relocation in Bulgaria," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 7, pages 56-72.


  1. Vesselin Mintchev & Plamen Tchipev & Rosska Petkova, 2000. "Structure of the Corporate Control in the Enterprises from the Mass Privatization," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 1, pages 33-72.



  1. Iskra Beleva (Искра Белева) & Victor Yotzov (Виктор Йоцов) & Iglika Vassileva (Иглика Василева) & Emil Kalchev (Емил Калчев) & Lubomir Dimitrov (Любомир Димитров) & Vesselin Mintchev (Веселин Минчев) , 2016. "Годишен Доклад 2016 "Икономическо Развитие И Политика В България: Оценки И Очаквания. Тема На Фокус: Аграрният Сектор Като Фактор За Икономическото Развитие На България"," ERI-BAS Books, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, number 30:p:1-182 edited by Iskra Beleva (Искра Белева) & Mitko Dimitrov (Митко Димитров), December.
  2. Iskra Beleva (Искра Белева) & Victor Yotzov (Виктор Йоцов) & Iglika Vassileva (Иглика Василева) & Emil Kalchev (Емил Калчев) & Lubomir Dimitrov (Любомир Димитров) & Vesselin Mintchev (Веселин Минчев) , 2016. "Annual Report 2016 "Economic Development and Policies in Bulgaria: Evaluations and Prospects. Focus: Agricultural Sector as a Factor for the Economic Development of Bulgaria"," ERI-BAS Books, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, number 31:p:1-168 edited by Iskra Beleva (Искра Белева) & Mitko Dimitrov (Митко Димитров), December.


  1. Vesselin Mintchev (Веселин Минчев) & Evgenia Markova (Евгения Маркова) & Mihaela Misheva (Михаела Мишева) & Irena Zareva (Ирена Зарева) & Iskra Christova-Balkanska (Искра Христова-Балканска) & Venelin, 2012. "Bulgarian Emigration: Theories, Policies, Empirical Studies (Българската емиграция: теории, политики, емпирични изследвания), in Bulgarian," ERI-BAS Books, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, number 27:p:1-282, December.


  1. Mitko Dimitrov & Wladimir Andreff & Laszlo Csaba & N. Campos & Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova & Gabor Hunya & Vesselin Mintchev & Nikolay Naydenov & A. Pailhe & Rossitsa Rangelova & Plamen Tchipev & A, 1999. "Economies in Transition and the Variety of Capitalisms. Features, Changes, Convergence," ERI-BAS Books, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, number 1:p:1-527 edited by Mitko Dimitrov & Wladimir Andreff & Laszlo Csaba, December.


  1. Mitko Dimitrov & Saul Estrin & Xavier Richet & Vesselin Mintchev & G. Zaman & Ilir Gedeshi & et al., 1997. "State Enterprise Restructuring in Bulgaria, Romania and Albania," ERI-BAS Books, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, number 2:p:1-294 edited by Mitko Dimitrov, December.



  1. Веселин Минчев, 2010. "Профил И Нагласи На Потенциалните Емигранти От България След 2007: Емпирични Оценки," ERI-BAS Chapters, in: Искра Христова-Балканска (ed.), Устойчиво развитие и многообразие в България, edition 1, chapter 10, pages 117-140, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute.
  2. Vesselin Mintchev, 2010. "Profile and Attitudes of Potential Emigrants from Bulgaria after 2007: Empirical Assessments," ERI-BAS Chapters, in: Iskra Christova-Balkanska (ed.), Sustainable Development and Diversity in Bulgaria, edition 1, chapter 10, pages 113-134, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute.


  1. Vesselin Mintchev, 2009. "International Migration and Remittances in the Balkans: The Case of Bulgaria," Chapters, in: Ewald Nowotny & Peter Mooslechner & Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald (ed.), The Integration of European Labour Markets, chapter 9, Edward Elgar Publishing.


  1. Веселин Минчев & Венелин Бошнаков, 2007. "Ефекти, Профил И Поведение На Завръщащите Се Емигранти В България," ERI-BAS Chapters, in: Митко Димитров (ed.), Студии за ускорено развитие на българската икономика, edition 1, chapter 8, pages 165-189, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute.
  2. Веселин Минчев & Милена Ангелова, 2007. "Преструктуриране На Публичните Дружества И Предизвикателства Пред Развитието На Капиталовия Пазар В България," ERI-BAS Chapters, in: Митко Димитров (ed.), Студии за ускорено развитие на българската икономика, edition 1, chapter 22, pages 429-434, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute.


  1. Vesselin Mintchev, 1999. "The Trade with Industrial Goods Between Bulgaria and the Countries from the European Union: Tendencies of the Bulgarian Industrial Specialization in the Transition to Market Economy," ERI-BAS Chapters, in: Mitko Dimitrov & Wladimir Andreff & Laszlo Csaba (ed.), Economies in Transition and the Variety of Capitalisms. Features, Changes, Convergence, edition 1, chapter 25, pages 321-348, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute.


  1. Mitko Dimitrov & Roska Petkova & Vesselin Mintchev & Evgeni Peev, 1997. "Restructuring State Enterprises in Bulgaria," ERI-BAS Chapters, in: Mitko Dimitrov (ed.), State Enterprise Restructuring in Bulgaria, Romania and Albania, edition 1, chapter 2, pages 31-131, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute.

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