by members of
Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Lilongwe, Malawi
These are publications listed in RePEc written by members of the above institution who are registered with the RePEc Author Service. Thus this compiles the works all those currently affiliated with this institution, not those affilated at the time of publication. List of registered members. Register yourself. Citation analysis. Find also a compilation of publications from alumni here.This page is updated in the first days of each month.
| Working papers |
Working papers
- Pangapanga, Phiriinnocent & Thangalimodzi, Lucy Tembo, 2012. "Participation in pro poor agro based enterprises in Malawi: do households’ poverty levels change automatically?," MPRA Paper 39446, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Phiri, Innocent Pangapanga, 2011. "Modelling farmers’ choice of adaptation strategies towards climatic and weather variability: Empirical evidence from Chikhwawa district, Southern Malawi," Research Theses 134489, Collaborative Masters Program in Agricultural and Applied Economics.