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FAQ for RePEc archive maintainers, monthly mailing

Monthly mailings regarding series and journals, containing various statistics and alerts, are sent to maintainers specified with Maintainer-Email: in archive and series templates, as well as editors listed in series templates. There is no other way. Note that this field can be repeated.
No. We do not change the address, you do. Do this in the series and archive templates.
Authors register at the RePEc Author Service.
Add the following to the series template: Editor-Name: and Editor-Email:. If there are multiple editors, put several pairs of fields, one for each editor, just as you do for authors.
Modify the archive and series templates accordingly. Note, however, that Maintainer-Email: is required, so someone has to get these emails...

Comments and additions about your own experience are welcome. Send them to Christian Zimmermann.
IDEAS is a RePEc service. RePEc uses bibliographic data supplied by the respective publishers.