Report NEP-PPM-2017-07-30
This is the archive for NEP-PPM, a report on new working papers in the area of Project, Program and Portfolio Management. Arvi Kuura issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-PPM
The following items were announced in this report:
- Kitessa, Rahel Jigi, 2018. "On the Valuation of the Causes and Consequences of Environmental Damages : Evidence from a Field Experiment (revision of CentER DP 2017-029)," Discussion Paper 2018-017, Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research.
- Toivanen, Otto & Takalo, Tuomas & Tanayama, Tanja, 2017. "Welfare Effects of R&D Support Policies," CEPR Discussion Papers 12155, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
- Sungho Cho, 2017. "Verification of Statistical Reliability of AHP Overall Rating and Minimization of Wrong Decision-Making," Proceedings of International Academic Conferences 5007764, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
- Oleg Malafeyev & Konstantin Farvazov & Olga Zenovich, 2017. "Geopolitical Model of Investment Project Implementation," Papers 1707.06829,