- 02/2021 EU-US climate cooperation: Challenges and opportunities for the implementation of the Paris agreement
by Stranadko, Nataliya - 01/2021 Transparency in the extractive industries sector as a legal tool for strengthening good governance: The EU's approach
by Abdulatova, Nilyufar
- 05/2020 Standing before the second Lisbon decade: The legal discourse on the future of European integration
by Martini, Stefan - 4/20 Bridging the gap in transatlantic data protection
by Maldonado, Eric - 3/20 Please don't hurt me, I will rate you: Reputation systems as self-regulatory mechanisms for the sharing economy
by Stergiou, Paraskevi (Vivian) M. - 2/20 European identity discourses in the contested neighborhood of Europe and Russia: The case of Ukraine
by Minesashvili, Salome - 1/20 Die Target-Salden in der Eurozone: "Falle" oder Scheinproblem?
by Eger, Thomas & Weise, Peter
- 1/19 Im Dienste der Demokratie? Das institutionelle Gleichgewicht in der gemeinsamen Handelspolitik der EU
by Terhechte, Jörg Philipp
- 3/18 Official communications of the European External Action Service with Russia: Crafting the image of normative power Europe
by Igumnova, Lyudmila - 2/18 The recent challenges for the European system of fundamental rights: Protocol No. 16 to the ECHR and its role facing constitutional and European Union level of protection
by Zampetti, Giovanni - 1/18 Revisiting public support for the euro, 1999-2017: Accounting for the crisis and the recovery
by Roth, Felix & Baake, E. & Jonung, Lars & Nowak-Lehmann D., Felicitas
- 2/17 European political parties and European public space from the Maastricht Treaty to the Reg. No. 1141/2014
by Saitto, Francesco - 1/17 Competition and the public interest in the digital market for information
by Lombardi, Claudio
- 3/16 The extraterritorial reach of EU competition law revisited: The "effects doctrine" before the ECJ
by Behrens, Peter - 2/16 Domestic facilitators and impediments to EU democracy promotion in its Eastern neighbourhood: The cost-benefit balance of norm adoption
by Buscaneanu, Sergiu - 1/16 EU integration and the introduction of State aid control in Serbia: Institutional challenges and reform prospects
by Milenkovic, Marko
- 8/15 The passing-on of price overcharges in European competition damages actions: A matter of causation and an issue of policy
by Lombardi, Claudio - 7/15 The ordoliberal concept of "abuse" of a dominant position and its impact on Article 102 TFEU
by Behrens, Peter - 6/15 The development of competition law in Kosovo
by Nezaj, Novitet Xh. - 5/15 Kosovo's transformation into a market economy
by Nezaj, Novitet Xh. - 4/15 The development of Kosovo and its relationship with the EU
by Nezaj, Novitet Xh. - 3/15 The influence of the accession negotiations between the EU and Turkey on Turkey's employment and social policies
by Kuşlu, Göksel - 2/15 EU security practices in Eastern Europe: Extending European peace or managing risks?
by Dobrescu, Mădălina - 1/15 The adjustment of Moldova's competition law to European Union competition law
by Bologan, Dumitriţa
- 3/14 The European Union and Christian Churches: The patterns of interaction
by Mudrov, Sergei A. - 2/14 The EU origin of the Albanian legal regime on product liability
by Dollani, Nada - 1/14 The "consumer choice" paradigm in German ordoliberalism and its impact upon EU competition law
by Behrens, Peter
- 4/13 Mitgliedschaft der mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder in der Währungsunion: Risiken und Chancen
by Nagy, Katalin & Ferkelt, Balázs - 3/13 The EU response to the eurozone crisis: Democratic contestation and the New Fault Lines in European Integration
by Glencross, Andrew - 2/13 The test for legality under EU competition rules: What guidance do the commission's guidelines provide?
by Behrens, Peter - 1/13 Der Kontext als Schlüssel für ein angemessenes Verständnis der Integration durch Recht in Europa am Beispiel der aktuellen Grundrechtsprechung des EuGH
by Grimmel, Andreas
- 3/12 Menschenrechte und richterliche Unabhängigkeit in den Ländern des Donauraumes
by Bárd, Károly - 2/12 Implementation of the acquis communautaire in EU candidate countries: A reappraisal
by Jano, Dorian - 1/12 Do determinants of FDI to developing countries differ among OECD investors? Insights from Bayesian model averaging
by Antonakakis, Nikolaos & Tondl, Gabriele
- 3/11 The European commission's discretion as to the adoption of Article 9 commitment decisions: Lessons from Alrosa
by Cavicchi, Piero - 2/11 Politics in robes? The European Court of Justice and the myth of judicial activism
by Grimmel, Andreas - 1/11 Solidarität und Wettbewerb in der Europäischen Union in Zeiten der Finanz- und Verschuldungskrise
by Eger, Thomas
- 4/10 Latvian foreign trade and investment with Germany and Russia: past and present
by Karnups, Viesturs Pauls - 3/10 The future of the international exchange rate system
by Schäfer, Wolf - 2/10 Ökonomische Effekte der Dienstleistungsfreiheit in der EU. Die Dienstleistungsrichtlinie im Lichte empirischer Untersuchungen
by Lammers, Konrad - 1/10 Der Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt als Ordnungsrahmen in Krisenzeiten: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Berücksichtigung der Finanzkrise
by Hentschelmann, Kai