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RePEc-registered Economists in Labour Economics on Twitter

This page indexes registered economists that are also on Twitter and is updated daily. Economists are also listed by field or country. Each listing has a link to a co-called Twitter list, which allows to follow them all.

How to get listed


  1. Be registered with the RePEc Author Service.
  2. Have been registered for a least a day.
  3. Have a main field in Labour Economics

How to be listed

Add your Twitter handle in your profile on the RePEc Author Service (in the contact page), or (and this may not work due to current Twitter volatility):
  1. Send a tweet to @repec_signup with your RePEc Short-ID. This identifier is of the form pxxnnnn, where xx are two letters and nnnn are up to four numbers. The RePEc Short-ID is found when you log into your account at the RePEc Author Service or on your profile page at EconPapers and IDEAS.

    A sample tweet would be: @repec_signup pxx123

  2. Receive a confirmation email (sent to the address used for the last monthly message from RePEc) within ten minutes.
  3. Click on the link provided in the email.

You are then listed here after the daily refresh. Your Twitter account will then also be listed on your IDEAS profile. Alternatively to the procedure above, look up your monthly RePEc email, click on the ranking analysis link, and there find a link to Twitter that auto-fills the tweet for you.

How the procedure could fail

(You have not received an email within 10 minutes).
  • Your tweets are protected. "Unprotect" before sending the tweet, and protect again after you have received the email.
  • You did not send the tweet to @repec_signup.
  • You have a typo in your RePEc Short-ID.
  • You have registered with RePEc within this month. Try again next month.
  • Twitter does something crazy again.
Note that you can also get on the Mastodon listing. You can easily do both Twitter and Mastodon registrations in one go in your RePEc Author Service profile (under "contacts").

Further listings and links

There are 377 economists on this list. Learn about new papers in this field through NEP-LAB (Email or RSS). All registered authors in this field.

Abowd, John M. Alonso-Borrego, Cesar Antonietti, Roberto
Adamopoulou, Effrosyni Aman-Rana, Shan Arellano-Bover, Jaime
Advani, Arun N. Andersen, Martin S. Arim, Rodrigo
Agrawal, David R. Andersson, Martin Asadullah, M Niaz
Ahammer, Alexander Anelli, Massimo Autor, David
Akcomak, Semih Angelini, Viola Avdeev, Stanislav
Aksoy, Cevat Giray Angrist, Joshua D
Backes-Gellner, Uschi Bennett, Patrick Booth, Alison Lee
Baert, Stijn Berardi, Nicoletta Boubtane, Ekrame
Balcilar, Mehmet Bergeaud, Antonin Boustan, Leah Platt
Bande, Roberto Bertheau, Antoine Brewer, Mike
Barrera-Osorio, Felipe Bhaumik, Sumon K. Brodeur, Abel
Barrett, Alan Bhorat, Haroon Brown, Jeffrey Robert
Bartik, Timothy J. Bijwaard, Govert Ewout Brueck, Tilman
Baskaya, Yusuf Soner Black, Sandra E. Bryson, Alex
Bassanini, Andrea Blanchflower, David G. Buckles, Kasey S.
Basu, Kaushik Blundell, Richard Budd, John
Batista, Catia Boeckerman, Petri Buhai, Ioan Sebastian
Bazillier, Remi Bogliacino, Francesco Burdin, Gabriel
Becchetti, Leonardo Boheim, Rene Burgherr, David
Becker, Sascha O. Boldrin, Michele Button, Patrick
Cabrales, Antonio Chen-Zion, Ayal Constant, Amelie F.
Campante, Filipe Christl, Michael Conti, Gabriella
Campos, Nauro F. Chyn, Eric Corak, Miles
Campos-Vazquez, Raymundo Miguel Cid, Alejandro Cortes, Darwin
Canavire-Bacarreza, Gustavo Javier Clark, Ken Costa-Font, Joan
Cantore, Cristiano Clemens, Michael A. Cotti, Chad D.
Carranza, Eliana Colella, Fabrizio Czura, Kristina
Cawley, John Conde-Ruiz, J. Ignacio
Cette, Gilbert Consoli, Davide
Danthine, Samuel de New, Sonja Cornelia Doorley, Karina
Darcillon, Thibault Denny, Kevin John Dostie, Benoit
Dean, Andres Deshpande, Ashwini Dougherty, Sean M.
de Blasio, Guido Dickson, Matt Duncan, Alan S
de Coulon, Augustin Dittrich, Dennis Alexis Valin Dur, Robert
Delaney, Liam Doepke, Matthias Dynarski, Susan Marie
Della Giusta, Marina Domenech, Rafael
Elia, Leandro Elsner, Benjamin
Elliott, Robert J R Escamilla-Guerrero, David
Fasani, Francesco Firpo, Sergio Freund, Lukas
Felbermayr, Gabriel J Flores-Lagunes, Alfonso Frijters, Paul
Felgueroso, Florentino Fonseca, Raquel Frimmel, Wolfgang
Ferreira, Francisco H. G. Forsythe, Eliza C Fritsch, Michael
Fiedler, Paul Frattini, Tommaso Furtado, Delia
Galasso, Vincenzo Gautier, Pieter A. Goes, Carlos
Galiani, Sebastian Geyer, Johannes Michael Gonzalez, Libertad
Gallipoli, Giovanni Ghironi, Fabio Grady, Patrick Michael
Garcia-Gomez, Pilar Gillezeau, Rob Grogger, Jeffrey T.
Garcia-Suaza, Andres Ginja, Rita Grossbard, Shoshana Amyra
Garcia-Torres, Sebastian Giulietti, Corrado Guriev, Sergei
Garnero, Andrea Giuntella, Osea Guvenen, Fatih
Gautier, Erwan Gnocato, Nicolo Guzi, Martin
Halla, Martin Hausmann, Ricardo Hijzen, Alexander
Halliday, Timothy J. Hazan, Moshe Hoen, Maria Forthun
Hanna, Rema Heathcote, Jonathan Holst, Elke
Harmon, Colm P. Heckman, James J. Horton, John Joseph
Harris, Mark N. Hermes, Henning Huber, Martin
Harvey, Laura Hessami, Zohal Huber, Peter
Haskel, Jonathan E. Hidalgo, Manuel Alejandro Hull, Marie Claire
Ibanez, Ana Maria Iliopoulos, Panagiotis Ioannides, Yannis M.
Ichino, Andrea Imberman, Scott Andrew
Jacobs, Bas Jimenez-Martin, Sergi Jordahl, Henrik
Jacobsen, Joyce Jimeno, Juan F Justino, Patricia
Jaeger, David A. Jones, Andrew Michael
Jayachandran, Seema Jones, Damon
Kaplan, David Scott Kohler, Timothy Krueger, Alan B.
Katz, Lawrence F. Kopczuk, Wojciech Kugler, Maurice David
Kirdar, Murat Kotsadam, Andreas Kuhn, Moritz
Kocher, Martin Georg Krapf, Matthias Kuka, Elira
Koedel, Cory Krieger, Tim Kunze, Astrid
Lachowska, Marta Leigh, Andrew Keith Lopez-Calva, Luis F
Lalive, Rafael Lippens, Louis Lundberg, Shelly J
Lattanzio, Salvatore Llull, Joan Lusardi, Annamaria
Laura Perez-Ortiz, Laura Lonsky, Jakub Lustig, Nora Claudia
Lehmann, Etienne Lopez Acevedo, Gladys Cristina
Lehnert, Patrick Lopez Boo, Florencia
Machado, Joel Martins, Pedro S. Michaud, Pierre-Carl
Macis, Mario Matheson, Victor Miguelez, Ernest
Macpherson, David A. Maurer, Stephan Ernst Milligan, Kevin
Maldonado, Dario Mayr, Harald Miranda, Alfonso
Maliranta, Mika Mazumder, Bhashkar Mitchell, Olivia S.
Malo, Miguel A. McKenzie, David Mitman, Kurt
Manasse, Paolo Medina, Carlos Modalsli, Jorgen
Manelici, Isabela Melo Becerra, Ligia Alba Moen, Jarle
Mangiavacchi, Lucia Menon, Nidhiya Moniz, Antonio Brandao
Marcus, Jan Messina, Julian Montornes, Jeremi
Marinescu, Ioana Elena Meurs, Dominique Myck, Michal
Martin-Roman, Angel Luis Michaillat, Pascal
Nannicini, Tommaso Nistico, Roberto Nuess, Patrick
Neilson, Christopher Nopo, Hugo Rolando
Oberhofer, Harald Overman, Henry G.
Ohtake, Fumio Ozkan, Serdar
Pabilonia, Sabrina Wulff Patrinos, Harry Anthony Pineda-Hernandez, Kevin
Packham, Analisa Peichl, Andreas Pinto, Sergio
Palivos, Theodore Pelkonen, Panu Portes, Jonathan
Pallage, Stephane Pena, Ximena Posso Suarez, Christian Manuel
Panagiotidis, Theodore Penaloza-Pacheco, Leonardo Preston, Ian Peter
Panizza, Ugo Gianluigi Perlman, Elisabeth Ruth Prettner, Klaus
Paserman, M. Daniele Pestel, Nico Proto, Eugenio
Passari, Evgenia Pica, Giovanni Puga, Diego
Pastore, Francesco Pieters, Janneke
Quintana-Domeque, Climent
Ramos, Raul Restuccia, Diego Rosenbloom, Joshua L.
Rasul, Imran Rickne, Johanna Karin Ross, Stephen
Rathelot, Roland Rinne, Ulf Rossi, Lorenza
Ravallion, Martin Rios-Avila, Fernando Rossi, Maximo
Rebollo-Sanz, Yolanda F. Rodgers, Yana van der Meulen Roventini, Andrea
Redding, Stephen James Rodriguez-Pose, Andres
Sadun, Raffaella Seals, Richard Alan Jr. Steininger, Lea
Sala-i-Martin, Xavier Seiter, Grant M. Steinmayr, Andreas
Sansone, Dario Serra, Danila Stevenson, Betsey
Sauermann, Jan Sinclair, Tara M. Stiftinger, Flora
Schanzenbach, Diane Whitmore Singleton, Carl Andrew Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Schirle, Tammy Dawn Snower, Dennis Strzelecki, Pawel
Schmidt, Lucie Sojourner, Aaron J. Suedekum, Jens
Schneider, Patrick Sorensen, Erik Sulis, Giovanni
Schulz, Bastian Spadavecchia, Lorenzo
Scicchitano, Sergio Steinhardt, Max Friedrich
Talavera, Oleksandr Tcherneva, Pavlina R. Tonin, Mirco
Tamarit, Cecilio Tekin, Erdal Tumen, Semih
Taskin, Temel Thommen, Yann Turrini, Alessandro
Valente, Marica Velasquez, Andrea Villena-Roldan, Benjamin
Vandenberghe, Vincent Verdugo, Gregory Visschers, Ludo
van Rens, Thijs Verme, Paolo Vlachos, Jonas
Walsh, Patrick Paul Wiczer, David Geoffrey Winters, John V.
Waltenberg, Fabio Domingues Wiederhold, Simon Wolfers, Justin
Ward, Zachary Wilemme, Guillaume Wozniak, Abigail
Watson, Tara Elizabeth Willage, Barton Jay Wyness, Gill
Webber, Douglas Wiltshire, Justin C.
Whaley, Kenneth Winner, Hannes
Zhang, Hanzhe Ziesemer, Thomas H.W. Zucchelli, Eugenio
Zhang, Jonathan Zimmermann, Christian Zweimueller, Martina
Zhu, Maria Zimmermann, Klaus F.
Ziebarth, Nicolas Robert Zingales, Luigi
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