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RePEc-registered Economists in Cognitive and Behavioural Economics on Twitter

This page indexes registered economists that are also on Twitter and is updated daily. Economists are also listed by field or country. Each listing has a link to a co-called Twitter list, which allows to follow them all.

How to get listed


  1. Be registered with the RePEc Author Service.
  2. Have been registered for a least a day.
  3. Have a main field in Cognitive and Behavioural Economics

How to be listed

Add your Twitter handle in your profile on the RePEc Author Service (in the contact page), or (and this may not work due to current Twitter volatility):
  1. Send a tweet to @repec_signup with your RePEc Short-ID. This identifier is of the form pxxnnnn, where xx are two letters and nnnn are up to four numbers. The RePEc Short-ID is found when you log into your account at the RePEc Author Service or on your profile page at EconPapers and IDEAS.

    A sample tweet would be: @repec_signup pxx123

  2. Receive a confirmation email (sent to the address used for the last monthly message from RePEc) within ten minutes.
  3. Click on the link provided in the email.

You are then listed here after the daily refresh. Your Twitter account will then also be listed on your IDEAS profile. Alternatively to the procedure above, look up your monthly RePEc email, click on the ranking analysis link, and there find a link to Twitter that auto-fills the tweet for you.

How the procedure could fail

(You have not received an email within 10 minutes).
  • Your tweets are protected. "Unprotect" before sending the tweet, and protect again after you have received the email.
  • You did not send the tweet to @repec_signup.
  • You have a typo in your RePEc Short-ID.
  • You have registered with RePEc within this month. Try again next month.
  • Twitter does something crazy again.
Note that you can also get on the Mastodon listing. You can easily do both Twitter and Mastodon registrations in one go in your RePEc Author Service profile (under "contacts").

Further listings and links

There are 87 economists on this list. Learn about new papers in this field through NEP-CBE (Email or RSS). All registered authors in this field.

Arrunada, Benito
Backes-Gellner, Uschi Bergh, Andreas Branas-Garza, Pablo
Becchetti, Leonardo Bogliacino, Francesco
Berggren, Niclas Booth, Alison Lee
Cabrales, Antonio Cartwright, Edward John
Cardenas, Juan-Camilo Crosetto, Paolo
Danilov, Anastasia Della Valle, Nives Dittrich, Dennis Alexis Valin
Dasgupta, Utteeyo Denny, Kevin John Drichoutis, Andreas
Delaney, Liam Dimant, Eugen Dur, Robert
Ederer, Florian
Fagiolo, Giorgio Fatas, Enrique Fisar, Milos
Fallucchi, Francesco Fehr, Dietmar Frijters, Paul
Galizzi, Matteo M Goerg, Sebastian J. Greiner, Ben
Gaudeul, Alexia Gravert, Christina
Harmon, Colm P. Hermes, Henning Holzmeister, Felix
Heckman, James J. Hirshleifer, David Hopfensitz, Astrid
Infante, Gerardo
Jacobson, Sarah Andrea
Karlan, Dean S. Kocher, Martin Georg Koh, Boon Han
Lee, Daniel J. Loeschel, Andreas Lusk, Jayson L.
Macis, Mario Meissner, Thomas Miller, Luis
Magnani, Jacopo Metcalfe, Robert D Moriwaki, Daisuke
Massoni, Sebastien Miller, Joshua Benjamin Munro, Alistair
Novarese, Marco
Ohtake, Fumio Ortmann, Andreas Oxoby, Robert J.
Page, Lionel Petrie, Ragan
Palan, Stefan Proto, Eugenio
Quiggin, John C.
Rasul, Imran Rigdon, Mary L. Roventini, Andrea
Razzolini, Laura Roider, Andreas Russo, Alberto
Sanchez-Pages, Santiago Schneider, Frederic Sheremeta, Roman M.
Saral, Ali Seyhun Schneider, Sebastian O. Soetevent, Adriaan
Sauermann, Jan Schubert, Christian Sorensen, Erik
Tavoni, Alessandro Tonin, Mirco Traxler, Christian
Vesterlund, Lise
Wengstrom, Erik Winter, Fabian
Zimmermann, Klaus F.
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