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FAQ for RePEc archive maintainers, server issues

Usually, all you need to do is change the URL: field in the archive template in both the old and new location. A day or two later, you can check at the RePEc checker whether it worked (click on your archive code, then mirroring logs). If not, contact
Check at the RePEc checker, click on your archive code, then mirroring logs. If there is a error message, his means that RePEc services are unable to access your data. If you do not understand the error message, this page can help.
Check at the RePEc checker, click on your archive code, then mirroring logs. If there is a error message, his means that RePEc services are unable to access your data. If you do not understand the message, this page can help.
The files are on your server, but RePEc does not have the priviledges to access them. Any files or directories in a RePEc archive need to be "world readable". If you do not understand what this means, consult your web administrator.
RePEc looked for your archive and could not find it. Please put it back. It could also be that you are running a Microsoft IIE server that by default does not server files with the extension .rdf. See instructions on how to proceed here.
You can either have directory browsing turned on, or, if you do not have such priviledges, you can simulate directory browsing. For this, see the details from the step-by-step instructions.
No. If you only maintain working paper series, you can join the RePEc Input Service.
Most RePEc services update every night.
No, even if you give us the password. Our scripts are not designed to handle password protected servers

Comments and additions about your own experience are welcome. Send them to Christian Zimmermann.
IDEAS is a RePEc service. RePEc uses bibliographic data supplied by the respective publishers.