April 2025, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 571-598 China Lending and the Political Economy of Leader Survival
by Patrick E. Shea & Bernhard Reinsberg & Andreas Kern - 599-626 Understanding the Impact of Military Service on Support for Insurrection in the United States
by Robert A. Pape & Keven G. Ruby & Kyle D. Larson & Kentaro Nakamura - 627-646 The Warm War: The Effect of Ukrainian President’s Communal Personality Traits on Empathy and Pro-Social Behavior towards the Ukrainians
by Meital Balmas & Nitzan Attias & Eran Halperin - 647-672 Can a Sense of Shared War Experience Increase Refugee Acceptance?
by Ji Yeon Hong & Cecilia Hyunjung Mo & Christopher Paik - 673-700 Exports, Employment and Conflict: Evidence From the Second Intifada
by Massimiliano Calì & Sami H. Miaari - 701-730 How Civilian Loyalties Shape Rebel-Led Victimization of Rebel Constituencies
by Ilayda B. Onder - 731-760 From Cooptation to Violence: Managing Competitive Authoritarian Elections
by Ahmed Ezzeldin Mohamed
March 2025, Volume 69, Issue 2-3
- 211-241 “Right-Peopling†the State: Nationalism, Historical Legacies, and Ethnic Cleansing in Europe, 1886-2020
by Carl Müller-Crepon & Guy Schvitz & Lars-Erik Cederman - 242-267 Land Reform Versus Repression in Counterinsurgency: Evidence From El Salvador
by T. David Mason & Jesse Hamner & Amalia Pulido & Mustafa Kirisci & Frank M. Howell - 268-295 Pathways to Cooperation: A Relational Theory of Rebel Alliance Formation
by Sedef A. Topal - 296-320 Diplomatic Statements and the Strategic Use of Terrorism in Civil Wars
by Gabriella Levy & Rebecca Dudley & Chong Chen & David A. Siegel - 321-351 Right-Wing Populist Leaders, Nationalist Rhetoric, and Dispute Initiation in International Politics
by Minnie M. Joo & Brandon Bolte & Nguyen Huynh & Vineeta Yadav & Bumba Mukherjee - 352-380 Us and Them: Foreign Threat and Domestic Polarization
by Joshua A. Schwartz & Dominic Tierney - 381-405 Managing Nationalism: Experiments in China
by Kai Quek & Samuel S. H. Chan - 406-433 Does India Use Development Finance to Compete With China? A Subnational Analysis
by Gerda Asmus-Bluhm & Vera Z. Eichenauer & Andreas Fuchs & Bradley Parks - 434-462 War on Aisle 5: Casualties, National Identity, and Consumer Behavior
by Benjamin Helms & Sonal S. Pandya & Rajkumar Venkatesan - 463-490 Traditional Authorities, Norm Collisions, and Communal Conflict
by Clara Neupert-Wentz - 491-517 A Threat to Cohesion: Intragroup Affective Polarization in the Context of Intractable Intergroup Conflict
by Tal Orian Harel & Nimrod Nir & Daan Vandermeulen & Ifat Maoz & Eran Halperin - 518-539 The Interwar Period International Trade in Arms: A New Dataset
by Marius Mehrl & Paul W. Thurner - 540-567 Measuring Arms: Introducing the Global Military Spending Dataset
by Miriam Barnum & Christopher J. Fariss & Jonathan N. Markowitz & Gaea Morales
January 2025, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 3-16 Cohesion Among Whom? Stayees, Displaced, and Returnees in Conflict Contexts
by Sarah Langlotz & Paul Michel & Philip Verwimp & Patricia Justino & Tilman Brück - 17-45 The Legacies of Armed Conflict: Insights From Stayees and Returning Forced Migrants
by Isabel Ruiz & Carlos Vargas-Silva - 46-73 Social Cohesion, Economic Security, and Forced displacement in the Long-run: Evidence From Rural Colombia
by Juan F. Tellez & Laia Balcells - 74-99 Violent Crime and the Long Shadow of Immigration Enforcement
by Christian Ambrosius - 100-126 Plots, Attacks, and the Measurement of Terrorism
by Thomas Hegghammer & Neil Ketchley - 127-151 Civil-Military Relations and Domestic Terrorism
by Ghashia Kiyani & Jeffrey Pickering & Mohsin Raza & Clayton Webb - 152-177 How Ethnic Discrimination Shapes Political Reintegration After War: Insights From a Conjoint Experiment in Colombia
by Gustav Agneman & Lisa Strömbom - 178-206 How Loyalty Trials Shape Allegiance to Political Order
by Mirko Reul & Ravi Bhavnani
November 2024, Volume 68, Issue 10
- 1911-1912 Bruce Russett Award for Article of the Year in JCR for 2023
by N/A - 1913-1940 Brothers in Arms No Longer: Who Do Regime Change Coup-entry Dictators Purge?
by Edward Goldring & Austin S. Matthews - 1941-1967 The Missing Link: Informal Political Elites and Protest in Areas of Limited Statehood
by Patrick Hunnicutt & Kou Gbaintor-Johnson - 1968-1993 Sacred Time and Religious Violence: Evidence from Hindu-Muslim Riots in India
by Feyaad Allie - 1994-2018 Of One’s Own Making: Leadership Legitimation Strategy and Human Rights
by Stephen Bagwell & Matthew Rains & Meridith LaVelle - 2019-2047 Uncertainty, Information, and Risk in International Technology Races
by Nicholas Emery-Xu & Andrew Park & Robert Trager - 2048-2075 The Enforcement of U.S. Economic Sanctions and Global De-risking Behavior
by Bryan R. Early & Timothy M. Peterson - 2076-2100 Race, Religion, and American Support for Humanitarian Intervention
by Jonathan A. Chu & Carrie A. Lee - 2101-2127 Boys and Their Toys: Status Inconsistency in Non-democratic Regimes and the Import of Major Weapon Systems
by Richard A.I. Johnson & Aaron P. Shreve - 2128-2157 What They Are Fighting For – Introducing the UCDP Conflict Issues Dataset
by Johan Brosché & Ralph Sundberg
October 2024, Volume 68, Issue 9
- 1675-1690 The Social Origins of Rebellion: Toward a New Quantitative Research Agenda
by Ore Koren & Gary Uzonyi - 1691-1716 Backgrounds With Benefits? Rebel Group Origins and Concessions During Civil Wars in Africa
by Jessica Maves Braithwaite & Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham - 1717-1740 The Urban Origins of Rebellion
by Gary Uzonyi & Ore Koren - 1741-1768 Past and Present Group Exclusion and Conflict: Group Marginalization, Opportunity, and Islamic State Foreign Fighter Mobilization
by Jared F. Edgerton - 1769-1797 Armies and Influence: Elite Experience and Public Opinion on Foreign Policy
by Tyler Jost & Joshua D. Kertzer - 1798-1824 U.S. Military Should Not Be in My Backyard: Conjoint Experiments in Japan
by Yusaku Horiuchi & Atsushi Tago - 1825-1855 The Long-Term Economic Legacies of Rebel Rule in Civil War: Micro Evidence From Colombia
by Ana MarÃa Ibáñez & Ana Arjona & Julián Arteaga & Juan C. Cárdenas & Patricia Justino - 1856-1883 International Peacekeeping Encourages Foreign Direct Investment: Subnational Evidence From Liberia’s Extractive Sector
by Patrick Hunnicutt - 1884-1908 Introducing ViNSAR: Dyadic Data on Violent Non-State Actor Rivalry
by Justin Conrad & Kevin T. Greene & Brian J. Phillips
August 2024, Volume 68, Issue 7-8
- 1279-1306 Following Orders or Following the Oath? Assessing Democratic Norm Endorsement Among Service Academy Cadets
by Risa A. Brooks & Michael A. Robinson & Heidi A. Urben - 1307-1331 Provocation, Bargaining, and War
by Hyun-Binn Cho & Kyle Haynes & Brandon K. Yoder - 1332-1357 Less Is More? Shifting Power and Third-Party Military Assistance
by William Spaniel & Burcu Savun - 1358-1386 Bureaucracy at the Border: The Fragmentation of United States Foreign Aid
by Shannon P. Carcelli - 1387-1416 Interstate Resource Conflicts: A Network-Centric Resource Access Security Perspective
by Luka Bareis - 1417-1442 Just Patronage? Familiarity and the Diplomatic Value of Non-Career Ambassadors
by Michael A. Goldfien - 1443-1467 The Ties that Bind: War Histories and Online Social Networks in Postwar Societies
by Christophe Lesschaeve & Josip Glaurdić - 1468-1493 The Impact of War Exposure on Morality: Evidence From the Battle of Mosul
by Jonathan Hall & Eric Skoog & Phaidon Vassiliou - 1494-1521 The Impact of Creativity Training on Inter-Group Conflict-Related Emotions
by Nardine Fahoum & Hadas Pick & Simone Shamay-Tsoory - 1522-1551 Public Preferences for Intergroup Assistance in Conflicts Facing Joint External Threats: Lessons From COVID-19 in Israel
by Liran Harsgor & Alon Yakter - 1552-1579 Civil War Settlements, Perceived Agreement Fairness, and Trust in Political Authorities: Investigating the Influence of Power Sharing on Public Opinion in Divided Societies
by Caroline A. Hartzell & Matthew Hoddie & Douglas Page - 1580-1607 Domestic Political Unrest and Sovereign Bond Ratings in the Developing World
by Glen Biglaiser & Hoon Lee & Ronald J. McGauvran - 1608-1635 Rainy Friday: Religious Participation and Protests
by Kyosuke Kikuta - 1636-1670 Legacies of Survival: Historical Violence and Ethnic Minority Behavior
by Amiad Haran Diman & Dan Miodownik
July 2024, Volume 68, Issue 6
- 1051-1079 The Long Arm and the Iron Fist: Authoritarian Crackdowns and Transnational Repression
by Alexander Dukalskis & Saipira Furstenberg & Sebastian Hellmeier & Redmond Scales - 1080-1108 Broadcasting Out-Group Repression to the In-Group: Evidence From China
by Erin Baggott Carter & Brett L. Carter - 1109-1138 Faith-Based Discrimination and Violent Religious Hostilities: A Global Analysis
by Nilay Saiya & Stuti Manchanda & Rahmat Wadidi - 1139-1167 Turning the Tables: Military Intervention and the Onset of Negotiations in Civil War
by Rebecca Dudley - 1168-1198 Type of Violence and Ingroup Identity: Evidence From the Spanish Civil War
by Sergi MartÃnez - 1199-1225 Does Deplatforming Work?
by Danny Klinenberg - 1226-1251 The Economic Coercion Trilemma
by Michael-David Mangini - 1252-1275 Changes in Perceptions of Border Security Influence Desired Levels of Immigration
by Ryan C. Briggs & Omer Solodoch
May 2024, Volume 68, Issue 5
- 823-848 Do Failed or Weak States Favor Resident Terrorist Groups’ Survival?
by Khusrav Gaibulloev & James A. Piazza & Todd Sandler - 849-874 Deliberate Nuclear First Use in an Era of Asymmetry: A Game Theoretical Approach
by Even Hellan Larsen - 875-902 When Does Security Cooperation Increase Foreign Aid Allocation?
by Qi Zhang - 903-937 Violence and Children’s Education: Evidence From Administrative Data
by Valentina Duque - 938-963 Rebel, Remain, or Resign? Military Elites’ Decision-Making at the Onset of the American Civil War
by Peter B. White - 964-992 Does Police Militarization Increase Repression?
by Martin Stavro & Ryan M. Welch - 993-1016 Secret Police Organizations and State Repression
by Marius Mehrl & Ioannis Choulis - 1017-1045 Achieving Minimum Deterrence: A New Dyadic Dataset on Strategic Nuclear Weapons Delivery Capabilities
by Kyungwon Suh
April 2024, Volume 68, Issue 4
- 591-615 Capture the Fort: Explaining the Timing of Rebel Assaults on Cities During Wartime
by Gary Uzonyi & Bryce W. Reeder - 616-641 Contestation, Governance, and the Production of Violence Against Civilians: Coercive Political Order in Rural Colombia
by Andrés F. Aponte González & Daniel Hirschel-Burns & Andres D. Uribe - 642-672 A Slow-Rolling Disaster: Assessing the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Militant Violence
by Robert A. Pape & Christopher Price - 673-702 Moving Through Conflict: Transit Migration and Rebel Capacity in Mali
by Ole Sevrin Nydal - 703-729 Public Reactions to Secret Negotiations in International Politics
by Rachel Myrick - 730-755 Preventing Coups and Seeking Allies: The Demand and Supply of Alliances for Coup-Proofing Regimes
by Andrew C. McWard & Hohyun Yoon - 756-785 Repression and Dissent: How Tit-for-Tat Leads to Violent and Nonviolent Resistance
by Stephanie Dornschneider-Elkink & Nick Henderson - 786-819 Virtual Immersive Contact: A Field Experiment to Reduce Prejudice and Discrimination in Central African Republic
by Lindsay Branham
March 2024, Volume 68, Issue 2-3
- 195-229 Transatlantic Shakedown: Presidential Shaming and NATO Burden Sharing
by Jordan Becker & Sarah E Kreps & Paul Poast & Rochelle Terman - 230-268 The Shadow of Deterrence: Why Capable Actors Engage in Contests Short of War
by J. Andrés Gannon & Erik Gartzke & Jon R. Lindsay & Peter Schram - 269-293 Natural Experiments of the Rally 'Round the Flag Effects Using Worldwide Surveys
by TaeJun Seo & Yusaku Horiuchi - 294-321 Named and Shamed: International Advocacy and Public Support for Repressive Leaders
by Kelly Morrison - 322-347 Do Proxies Provide Plausible Deniability? Evidence From Experiments on Three Surveys
by Scott Williamson - 348-380 Egoism and Altruism in Intergroup Conflict
by Simon Varaine & Raul Magni-Berton & Ismaël Benslimane & Paolo Crosetto - 381-403 Exploiting Ultimatum Power When Responders Are Better Informed − Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Conflict Resolution
by Werner Güth & Francesca Marazzi & Luca Panaccione - 404-430 Militant Splinter Groups and the Use of Violence
by Kaitlyn Robinson & Iris Malone - 431-455 Rebel Leader Age and the Outcomes of Civil Wars
by Daniel Silverman & Benjamin Acosta & Reyko Huang - 456-483 Armed Conflicts With Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State: The Role of Repression and State Capacity
by Dino Krause - 484-508 Gentrification and Social Unrest: The Blitz, Urban Change and the 2011 London Riots
by Gabriel Leon-Ablan & Juta Kawalerowicz - 509-533 Income and Terrorism: Insights From Subnational Data
by Michael Jetter & Rafat Mahmood & David Stadelmann - 534-561 A Room Full of ‘Views’: Introducing a New Dataset to Explore Compliance with the Decisions of the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies’ Individual Complaints Procedures
by Andreas J. Ullmann & Andreas von Staden - 562-586 The Militarized Interstate Confrontation Dataset, 1816-2014
by Douglas M. Gibler & Steven V. Miller
January 2024, Volume 68, Issue 1
- 3-29 Choosing Where to Fight: Do Social Networks Distinguish American ISIS Foreign Fighters from ISIS-Inspired Terrorists?
by Michael A. Jensen & Neil Ferguson & Sheehan Kane & Gary LaFree - 30-52 Beyond Ransom and Political Concessions? Explaining Changes in Insurgents’ Kidnapping Involvement Versus Event-frequency
by Lu Liu & Manuel Eisner - 53-79 The Determinants of Terrorist Listing
by Chia-yi Lee & Yasutaka Tominaga - 80-107 Fighting in Cyberspace: Internet Access and the Substitutability of Cyber and Military Operations
by Nadiya Kostyuk & Erik Gartzke - 108-137 The Long-run Impact of Childhood Wartime Violence on Preferences for Nuclear Proliferation
by James D. Kim - 138-165 Electoral Integrity, the Concession of Power, and the Disciplining Role of Protests
by Chanelle Duley & Prasanna Gai - 166-192 What is in a Mandate? Introducing the UN Peace Mission Mandates Dataset
by Sara Hellmüller & Xiang-Yun Rosalind Tan & Corinne Bara
November 2023, Volume 67, Issue 10
- 1843-1844 Bruce Russett Award for Article of the Year in JCR for 2022
by N/A - 1845-1872 Arctic Shock: Utilizing Climate Change to Test a Theory of Resource Competition
by Jonathan N. Markowitz - 1873-1903 Responding to Uncertainty: The Importance of Covertness in Support for Retaliation to Cyber and Kinetic Attacks
by Kathryn Hedgecock & Lauren Sukin - 1904-1929 Sanctions-Busting, Material Power, and Institutional Support for Economic Sanctions
by Jin Mun Jeong - 1930-1958 Global Governance From Below: Regional Sanctions as Drivers of UN Sanctions
by Inken von Borzyskowski & Clara Portela - 1959-1992 UN Security Council Elections as an Incentive for Compliance
by Johann Caro-Burnett & Eric Weese - 1993-2027 Contributing to Peace
by Gautam Bose - 2028-2057 Symbolic Conflict Resolution and Ingroup Favoritism
by Sergi MartÃnez & Vicente Valentim & Elias Dinas - 2058-2084 Excessive Force or Armored Restraint? Government Mechanization and Civilian Casualties in Civil Conflict
by Ryan Van Wie & Jacob Walden
October 2023, Volume 67, Issue 9
- 1647-1674 The Double-Edged Sword of Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic Terrorism
by Glen Biglaiser & Lance Y Hunter & Ronald J McGauvran - 1675-1703 Organized Crime and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence From Criminal Groups in Mexico
by Ana Carolina Garriga & Brian J. Phillips - 1704-1730 Social Embeddedness and Protest Avoidance: Evidence from China
by Meixi Zhuang & Zhengxu Wang & Xiaoyuan Li - 1731-1756 Tolerant Solidarity With Violent Protesters: Evidence From a Survey Experiment
by Samson Yuen - 1757-1782 Dis-Embedded Identity of Majority Members: The Case of Catholics in Poland
by Julian Paffrath & Bernd Simon - 1783-1810 Inclusion, Recognition, and Inter-Group Comparisons: The Effects of Power-Sharing Institutions on Grievances
by Andreas Juon - 1811-1837 Recruiting Rebels: Introducing the Rebel Appeals and Incentives Dataset
by Michael J. Soules
August 2023, Volume 67, Issue 7-8
- 1279-1295 Ceasefires in Civil Conflict: A Research Agenda
by Govinda Clayton & Håvard Mokleiv Nygård & Siri Aas Rustad & Håvard Strand - 1296-1324 Costs and Cover: Explaining the Onset of Ceasefires in Civil Conflict
by Govinda Clayton & Håvard Mokleiv Nygård & Siri A. Rustad & Håvard Strand - 1325-1349 Your Reputation Precedes You: Ceasefires and Cooperative Credibility During Civil Conflict
by Corinne Bara & Govinda Clayton - 1350-1375 Local Ceasefires and De-escalation: Evidence From the Syrian Civil War
by Magnus Lundgren & Isak Svensson & Dogukan Cansin Karakus - 1376-1404 Muddying the Waters: The Anatomy of Resistance Campaigns and the Failure of Ceasefires in Civil Wars
by Jessica Maves Braithwaite & Charles Butcher - 1405-1429 Peacekeeping, Mediation, and the Conclusion of Local Ceasefires in Non-State Conflicts
by Allard Duursma - 1430-1451 Introducing the ETH/PRIO Civil Conflict Ceasefire Dataset
by Govinda Clayton & Håvard Mokleiv Nygård & Håvard Strand & Siri A. Rustad & Claudia Wiehler & Tora Sagård & Peder Landsverk & Reidun Ryland & Valerie Sticher & Emma Wink & Corinne Bara - 1452-1481 International Negotiations in the Shadow of Elections
by Justin Melnick & Alastair Smith - 1482-1509 When Do Imposed Sanctions Work? The Role of Target Regime Type
by Omer Zarpli - 1510-1536 Modelling Chinese Youth Support for Military Intervention in the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands: Beyond Nationalism and Militarism
by Graeme AM Davies & Kingsley Edney & Bo Wang - 1537-1563 Elite Cues and Public Attitudes Towards Military Alliances
by Joshua Alley - 1564-1591 Political Imprisonment and Protest Mobilization: Evidence From the GDR
by Christoph V. Steinert & Christoph Dworschak - 1592-1617 When Deterrence Backfires: House Demolitions, Palestinian Radicalization, and Israeli Fatalities
by Michael Freedman & Esteban F. Klor - 1618-1643 Democracy’s Ambivalent Effect on Terrorism
by Ashlyn W. Hand & Nilay Saiya
July 2023, Volume 67, Issue 6
- 1067-1094 Does the Bomb Really Embolden? Revisiting the Statistical Evidence for the Nuclear Emboldenment Thesis
by Kyungwon Suh - 1095-1127 Nonproliferation Information and Attitude Change: Evidence From South Korea
by Sangyong Son & Jong Hee Park - 1128-1154 Triangles, Major Powers, and Rivalry Duration
by Bomi K. Lee - 1155-1182 Rebel Recruitment and Migration: Theory and Evidence From Southern Senegal
by Max Schaub & Daniel Auer - 1183-1217 Can Western Donors Constrain Repressive Governments? Evidence from Debt Relief Negotiations in Africa
by Brett L Carter - 1218-1247 Does Violence Against Journalists Deter Detailed Reporting? Evidence From Mexico
by Cassy Dorff & Colin Henry & Sandra Ley - 1248-1269 The New Terrain of Global Governance: Mapping Membership in Informal International Organizations
by Charles Roger & Sam Rowan - 1270-1270 Correction Notice
by N/A - 1271-1273 Expression of Concern
by N/A
May 2023, Volume 67, Issue 5
- 783-808 Looking Like a Winner: Leader Narcissism and War Duration
by John P. Harden - 809-827 Biophysiological Risk-Factors for Political Violence
by Katherine Sawyer - 828-857 The Meddling American Voter? How Norms, Interests, and Great Power Rivalries Affect U.S. Public Support for Partisan Electoral Interventions Abroad
by Dov H. Levin & Paul Musgrave - 858-892 Stealing an Election: Violence or Fraud?
by Dawn Brancati & Elizabeth M Penn - 893-922 Do Citizens’ Preferences Matter? Shaping Legislator Attitudes Towards Peace Agreements
by Miguel GarcÃa-Sánchez & Aila M Matanock & Natalia Garbiras-DÃaz - 923-950 The Impact of Personal Security Dispositions on Citizen Support for the Pursuit of Gender Equality in US Foreign Policy
by Richard J. Stoll & Richard C. Eichenberg & Mary-Kate Lizotte - 951-978 Targeting and Public Opinion: An Experimental Analysis in Ukraine
by Yonatan Lupu & Geoffrey P. R. Wallace - 979-1006 Lingua Franca as a Hidden Barrier to Conflict Resolution
by Leigh H. Grant & Ifat Maoz & Boaz Keysar - 1007-1031 Targeting Quality or Quantity? The Divergent Effects of Targeting Upper Verses Lower-Tier Leaders of Militant Organizations
by Amira Jadoon & Andrew Mines & Daniel Milton - 1032-1062 Institutional Change as a Response to Unrealized Threats: An Empirical Analysis
by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Alastair Smith - 1063-1063 Publisher’s note
by N/A
April 2023, Volume 67, Issue 4
- 559-586 Who Punishes Leaders for Lying About the Use of Force? Evaluating The Microfoundations of Domestic Deception Costs
by Keren Yarhi-Milo & David T. Ribar - 587-616 Inconstant Care: Public Attitudes Towards Force Protection and Civilian Casualties in the United States, United Kingdom, and Israel
by Janina Dill & Scott D. Sagan & Benjamin Valentino - 617-641 Alliance Reliability and Dispute Escalation
by Jesse C Johnson & Scott Wolford - 642-671 Is Terrorism Really a Weapon of the Weak? Debunking the Conventional Wisdom
by Virginia Page Fortna - 672-700 Incumbent-Aligned Terrorism and Voting Behavior: Evidence from Argentina’s 1973 Elections
by Pearce Edwards & Patrick Pierson - 701-727 Land and State Capacity During Civil Wars: How Land-Based Coalitions Undermine Property Taxation in Colombia
by Camilo Nieto-Matiz - 728-751 Can Rebels Bolster Trust in the Government? Evidence from the Philippines
by Jori Breslawski - 752-779 Introducing the Military Intervention Project: A New Dataset on US Military Interventions, 1776–2019
by Sidita Kushi & Monica Duffy Toft
February 2023, Volume 67, Issue 2-3
- 183-209 From Moscow With a Mushroom Cloud? Russian Public Attitudes to the Use of Nuclear Weapons in a Conflict With NATO
by Michal Smetana & Michal Onderco - 210-234 Titans that Clash and a State that Buffers
by Serhat Doğan & Emin Karagözoğlu & Kerim Keskin & Hüseyin Çağrı Sağlam - 235-265 Democratic Peace and Covert Military Force: An Experimental Test
by Allison Carnegie & Joshua D. Kertzer & Keren Yarhi-Milo - 266-296 The Effects of Economic Sanctions on Foreign Asset Expropriation
by Hoon Lee & David Lektzian & Glen Biglaiser - 297-325 Pressures From Home and Abroad: Economic Sanctions and Target Government Response to Domestic Campaigns
by Ryan Yu-Lin Liou & Amanda Murdie & Dursun Peksen - 326-348 Interstate Conflict Can Reduce Support for Incumbents: Evidence from the Israeli Electorate and the Yom Kippur War
by Anna Getmansky & Chagai M. Weiss - 349-374 Examining UN PKO contributions at multiple levels
by Min Ye & Quan Li - 375-401 Explaining Physical Violence in Parliaments
by Moritz Schmoll & Wang Leung Ting - 402-427 I’ll Be Back? Exiled Leaders and Political Instability
by Daniel Krcmaric & Abel Escribà -Folch - 428-456 Can Religious Reinterpretations Bridge the Secular-Religious Divide? Experimental Evidence from Tunisia
by Sharan Grewal & Matthew D. Cebul - 457-493 Losing Hearts & Minds: Aid and Ideology
by Travers B Child - 494-521 International Third Parties and the Implementation of Comprehensive Peace Agreements After Civil War
by Johannes Karreth & Jason Quinn & Madhav Joshi & Jaroslav Tir - 522-554 Conflict Events Worldwide Since 1468BC: Introducing the Historical Conflict Event Dataset
by Charles Miller & K. Shuvo Bakar
January 2023, Volume 67, Issue 1
- 3-37 Who Gets Smart? Explaining How Precision Bombs Proliferate
by Lauren Kahn & Michael C. Horowitz - 38-65 The Impact of Domestic Surveillance on Political Imprisonment: Evidence from the German Democratic Republic
by Christoph Valentin Steinert - 66-93 State breakdown and Army-Splinter Rebellions
by Theodore McLauchlin - 94-121 The Effect of Curfews on Political Preferences
by Deniz Aksoy & Andrew Menger & Margit Tavits - 122-149 Wielding the Gavel or Balancing the Scales? Domestic Legal Systems and Post-Conflict Justice
by Joseph M. Cox & Rachel D. Van Nostrand - 150-177 Peace Negotiations in Civil Conflicts: A New Dataset
by Barış Arı
November 2022, Volume 66, Issue 10
- 1735-1736 Bruce Russett Award for Article of the Year in JCR for 2021
by N/A - 1737-1765 Wargame of Drones: Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Crisis Escalation
by Erik Lin-Greenberg - 1766-1796 Under the Umbrella: Nuclear Crises, Extended Deterrence, and Public Opinion
by David M. Allison & Stephen Herzog & Jiyoung Ko - 1797-1825 Effects of Defensive and Proactive Measures on Competition Between Terrorist Groups
by Subhayu Bandyopadhyay & Todd Sandler - 1826-1853 Rebels with a Cause: Does Ideology Make Armed Conflicts Longer and Bloodier?
by Matthias Basedau & Mora Deitch & Ariel Zellman - 1854-1880 Birth Legacies and State Failure
by Jeff Carter & Douglas Lemke - 1881-1907 Institutional Design, Information Transmission, and Public Opinion: Making the Case for Trade
by Ryan Brutger & Siyao Li - 1908-1930 The Dual Effect of COVID-19 on Intergroup Conflict in the Korean Peninsula
by Nimrod Nir & Eran Halperin & Juhwa Park
October 2022, Volume 66, Issue 9
- 1547-1561 Citizens in Peace Processes
by Felix Haass & Caroline A. Hartzell & Martin Ottmann - 1562-1588 Wartime Experiences and Popular Support for Peace Agreements: Comparative Evidence from Three Cases
by Karin Dyrstad & Helga M. Binningsbø & Kristin M. Bakke - 1589-1618 Divergent Perceptions of Peace in Post-Conflict Societies: Insights from Sri Lanka
by Sabine C. Carey & Belén González & Christian Gläßel - 1619-1649 Citizens and Peace Mediations in Divided Societies: Identifying Zones of Agreement through a Conjoint Survey Experiment
by Neophytos Loizides & Charis Psaltis & Edward Morgan-Jones & Laura Sudulich & Raluca Popp & Tekin Baykiz - 1650-1675 Due Process and Accountability Under Transitional Justice: Evidence from Mosul, Iraq
by Vera Mironova & Sam Whitt - 1676-1702 A Brutality-Based Approach to Identifying State-Led Atrocities
by David Cingranelli & Skip Mark & James B. Garvey & Jordan Hutt & Yuri Lee - 1703-1730 Violent Political Protest: Introducing a New Uppsala Conflict Data Program Data Set on Organized Violence, 1989-2019
by Isak Svensson & Susanne Schaftenaar & Marie Allansson
August 2022, Volume 66, Issue 7-8
- 1147-1173 Knowing is Half the Battle: How Education Decreases the Fear of Terrorism
by Peter Krause & Daniel Gustafson & Jordan Theriault & Liane Young