Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- hal-04983540 Graphenbasierte Sentimentanalyse: Ein auf künstlicher Intelligenz basierender Ansatz zur Abbildung von Kundenfeedback im Einzelhandel
[Graph-Based Sentiment Analysis: An Artificial Intelligence-Driven Approach to Mapping Customer Feedback in Retail]
by Jérôme Baray - hal-04982932 Panser et repenser le lien social dans les équipes dispersées par le télétravail dans un contexte de crise. Le cas des équipes hybrides françaises
by Adeline Mbey Sendegue - hal-04982905 The perils of a coherent narrative
by Alessandro Ispano - hal-04982605 Background risk and risk-tolerance
by Marc Willinger - hal-04982540 Congenital anosmia and subjective tactile function: A pilot study
by Supreet Saluja & Anna Laura Tóth & Moa G Peter & Robin Fondberg & Arnaud Tognetti & Johan N Lundström - hal-04982503 What you don't know, can't hurt you: Avoiding donation requests for environmental causes
by Valeria Fanghella & Lisette Ibanez & John Thøgersen - hal-04982494 The Critical Mistake of New Keynesian Economics, Demonstrated in a Revised Model of Blanchard and Kiyotaki
[Le naufrage du néo-keynésianisme démontré dans un modèle revisité de Blanchard et Kyotaki]
by Nicolas Jean-François Piluso - hal-04982428 Examining the relationship between income and both mental and physical health among adults in the UK: Analysis of 12 waves (2009–2022) of Understanding Society
by Howard Robert Reed & Daniel Nettle & Fiorella Parra-Mujica & Graham Stark & Richard Wilkinson & Matthew Thomas Johnson & Elliott Aidan Johnson - hal-04982376 Why do customers engage and interact in metaverse tourism? An SOR perspective
by Raouf Ahmad Rather & Mustafeed Zaman & Tareq Rasul & Muhammad Zahid Nawaz & Naeem Akhtar - hal-04982322 Compréhension du marketing mix social pour engager les usagers du littoral dans les comportements pro-environnementaux : une analyse par le marketing-as-practice
by Magali Trelohan - hal-04982291 A multiple-criteria decision-making-quality function deployment approach for third-party logistics selection: application in road freight transport
by Youssef Tliche & Abdelkader Sbihi & Jomana Leroux & Atour Taghipour - hal-04982250 The Industry Specific Effect of Ethical Organisational Culture on Job Response and Job Commitment: A Case of Czech Firms
by Ladislav Tyll & Mohit Srivastava & Natálie Bruder Badie - hal-04982204 The effect of female management on company environment and consequential sustainable growth within the Central and Eastern European region
by Natálie Bruder Badie & Ladislav Tyll & Mohit Srivastava & Lizaveta Bykava - hal-04982153 The Impact of Climate Change on the Income of Wine Producers in the Bordeaux Region
by Geoffroy Enjolras & Jean-Laurent Viviani - hal-04982151 Evolving financial auditing standards: overcoming unforeseen challenges in a dynamic global economy
by Assyad Al Wreiket & Adel Almasarwah & Shakil Rahman & Arturo Capasso & Charbel Salloum - hal-04981604 Innovative resource management for strategic entrepreneurship and competitive advantage
by Iman Samir Youssef & Charbel Salloum & Hajer Jarrar & Renato Pereira & Yan Yewei - hal-04981598 Embracing causal complexity: An analytical framework based on Aristotle’s conceptualization of causes and causalities
by Helene Delacour & Andrea Zaara - hal-04981595 Collaborative CSR strategies for very small business enterprises
by Hajer Jarrar & Charbel Salloum & Marion Polge & Isabelle Calmé & Matteo Rossi - hal-04981577 Impact of innovation on productivity growth of SMEs in a factor-driven economy
by Charbel Salloum & Nikita Baklanov & Kent Wickstrøm Jensen & Jan Vang Brambini Pedersen & Matteo Rossi - hal-04981562 Unlocking financial peaks: board and audit roles in the GCC
by Hajer Jarrar & Charbel Salloum & Adel Alam & Mohamad Baker Hamieh - hal-04981548 Fair leadership and job satisfaction: insights from SMEs
by Nadine Hojaili & Charbel Salloum & Hajer Jarrar & Marc Valax - hal-04981530 Untangling the puzzle: how central bank interventions drive currency hyperinflation and hamper SMEs
by Alaa Hamieh & Jean-François Verdié & Charbel Salloum & Maher Al Sayah - hal-04981511 Effective Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Japanese Organisations
by Hajer Jarrar & Charbel Salloum & Natsuko Tokaji & Jean-François Verdié - hal-04981477 From boardroom to factory: how CEO commitment and CSR shape SMEs eco-performance
by Miriam Aziz & Hajer Jarrar & Charbel Salloum & Syed Haider Ali Shah & Jean-François Verdié - hal-04981452 Examining Financial Ratios for Non-Financial Firms to Survive Currency Devaluation
by Mohamed Abonazel & Charbel Salloum & Iman Youssef - halshs-04981444 Climate change and the global distribution of wealth
by Lucas Chancel & Cornelia Mohren & Philipp Bothe & Gregor Semieniuk - hal-04981327 ESG practices and earnings manipulation activities in banks: evidence from international ESG data
by Anis Jarboui & Jamel Chouaibi & Zied Akrout & Salim Chouaibi & Khaireddine Mouakhar - hal-04981300 Beyond aesthetics: investigating the interplay between office design, employer brand and employee intention to leave
by Gisele de Campos Ribeiro & Delphine Minchella - hal-04981283 L'innovation financière en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes: Pragmatisme et progrès
by Jon Frost & Jean-Charles Rochet & Alexandre Tombini & Marianne Verdier - hal-04981251 Prosocial religions as folk-technologies of mutual policing
by Léo Fitouchi & Manvir Singh & Jean-Baptiste André & Nicolas Baumard - hal-04981220 The interplay of green capabilities, organizational culture and green marketing strategy to explain green competitive advantage
by Arej Alhemimah & Murad Ali & Saeed Badghish & Hengky Latan & Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour - hal-04981203 Catalyzing Sustainable Innovation: A Longitudinal Exploration of a Digital Business Ecosystem for Low-Carbon Behaviors
by Solène Juteau - hal-04981161 Qualitative research and analytical wargaming
by Juliette Frédy & Philippe Lépinard - hal-04980957 « Maman m’a légué son sac Hermès » : Transmission intergénérationnelle de marques de luxe
by Morgane Noirot & Aurélie Kessous - hal-04980950 Like Mother Like Daughter: Intergenerational Transmission of Luxury Brands
by Morgane Noirot & Aurélie Kessous - hal-04980788 Firms' operating leverage and external shocks: does economic policy uncertainty matter
by Taher Hamza & Zeineb Barka - hal-04980715 Ultimate controlling shareholder, product market competition, and firm productivity: the mediating effect of R&D
by Hamza Nizar & Taher Hamza - hal-04980660 Participation of rural women in entrepreneurship: a systematic review
by Rachana Vishwakarma & Igor Laine & Virginie Hachard & Jatin Kumar Jaiswal & Pragati Kumari N.A. & Brajesh Kumar - hal-04980643 Empathy and passion: keys to social entrepreneurship
by Hajer Jarrar & Alain Fayolle & Virginie Hachard & Ines Ben Chikha & Anis Jarboui - hal-04980629 Coopetition in supply chain management: patterns, typology and propositions
by Maicom Sergio Brandao & Moacir Godinho Filho & Gilberto Miller Devós Ganga & Jorge Renato Verschoore - hal-04980594 Être cadre et se syndiquer ?
by Marion Beauvalet - hal-04980561 La série de science-fiction au service de l’organisation. Le cas du programme Red Team Défense du ministère des Armées français
by Marie Roussie & Sonia Adam-Ledunois - hal-04980523 Dynamic orchestration: the evolutionary practices of large firms in entrepreneurial ecosystems
by Olivier Lamotte & Shuxia Hou & Muriel Durand - hal-04980433 Explaining the nature of policy responses during the pandemic outbreak: the role of geographical characteristics
by Sébastien Bourdin & Mihail Eva & Corneliu Iatu & Bogdan Ibănescu & Ludovic Jeanne & Fabien Nadou - hal-04980385 Do commitment and enforcement of fiscal rules enhance fiscal stability? Evidence from European Union countries
by Antonia López-Villavicencio & Jocelyne Zoumenou - hal-04980375 On the Impact of Fiscal Policy on Inflation: The Case of Fiscal Rules
by Jocelyne Marion Zoumenou - hal-04980350 What's next? (Un)learning nothingness and non-events in management education
by François-Xavier de Vaujany - hal-04980346 CASCADE – Framework for the Early-Phase Development of Blockchain-Based Applications
by Sarah Bouraga - hal-04980161 Tokenisation approaches on blockchain: state-of-the-art and classification framework
by Sarah Bouraga - hal-04980150 Are environmentally friendly firms more vulnerable to the Russia-Ukraine crisis?
by Wajih Abbassi & Sabri Boubaker & Riadh Manita & Dharen Kumar Pandey - hal-04980130 Management controllers: Roles, capacities, and individual performance at work-An exploratory study of mobilized capacities
[Contrôleurs de gestion et performance individuelle au travail : Une étude exploratoire des capacités mobilisées]
by Zouhour Ben Hamadi & Moujib Bahri & Philippe Chapellier & Nazik Fadil - hal-04980117 Dissecting the dichotomy: unveiling the preference for Turkish products by Tunisian consumers
by Dorsaf Fehri & Samy Belaid & Sedki Karoui & Romdhane Khemakhem - hal-04980107 The role of information attainment on Front-of-Package labels and individual empowerment impacting boycott behavior
by Caroline Gauthier & Frédéric Bally & Patricia Baudier - hal-04979998 Unity in Diversity: Revolutionising SMEs Through Inclusive Corporate Boards
by Charbel Salloum & Hajer Jarrar & Laura Salloum & Jean François Verdie - hal-04979995 The Dynamics between Counterfeit Anti-Measures and Elements of Resilience: an Empirical Study
by Moacir Godinho Filho & Igor Gallo & Andrea Silva & Flavia Lima - hal-04979988 Seeking alternative financing sources for African SMEs/micro-enterprises: the case of crowdfunding
by Mahamoudou Nacanabo & Nazik Fadil & Thierno Madiou Bah & Malick Kana & Amandine Laré - hal-04979402 Sufficiency as a guiding principle for culture change towards sustainability
by Benjamin Combes - hal-04979285 Smart contract anomaly detection: The Contrastive Learning Paradigm
by Oumaima Fadi & Adil Bahaj & Karim Zkik & Abdellatif El Ghazi & Mounir Ghogho & Mohammed Boulmalf - hal-04979275 Does asymmetric cost behavior differ between categories and country groups A cross-countries comparative analysis
by Isabelle Lacombe & Chahroun Rania & Anis Jarboui & Akrout Zied - hal-04979128 Does equity crowdfunding benefit ventures located in high unemployment regions?
by A. Lazos - hal-04979090 The Interplay of Discretion and Complexity in Public Contracting and Renegotiations
by Fernando Deodato Domingos & Carolyn Heinrich & Stéphane S. Saussier & Mehdi Shiva - hal-04978747 Biodiversity monitoring efforts: a contribution of social sciences, public and environmental economics through measuring the "Biodiversity footprint“ ?
by Richard Le Goff - hal-04978258 Employee involvement practices in lean manufacturing: a multi-method approach
by Nayara Cardoso de Medeiros & Moacir Godinho Filho & Mario Henrique Bueno Moreira Callefi & Gilberto Miller Devós Ganga - hal-04978193 Enhancing the POLCA Production Control System by Indirect Load
by Nuno Fernandes & Moacir Godinho Filho & Matthias Thurer & Fernando Gómez - hal-04978175 Effect of managers ethical behaviour and organisational ethics on performance: a case of banking industry of Bangladesh
by Mohit Srivastava & Nowrin Dewan Asphia - hal-04978061 Accompagnement du changement au sein de la ville de Paris : étude de l’influence d’innovations managériales sur la performance des managers et des agents et leur Qualité de Vie au Travail
by Nathan Festini & Christine Jeoffrion - hal-04978046 Pourquoi et comment construire l’action publique par la recherche ?
by Nathan Festini & Emmanuelle Faure & Christine Jeoffrion - halshs-04977973 Les inégalités d’intégration au sein de l’espace économique méditerranéen au tournant du xxie siècle
by Didier Lebert - halshs-04977968 Les spécialisations industrielles des PECO membres de l’Union européenne sur la période 1992-2018 : Une lecture structurale
by Raffaele Anedda & Didier Lebert - hal-04977964 Sophie Boutillier, Blandine Laperche, Son Thi Kim Le, Ports industriels en transition : de l’économie circulaire à la décarbonation , L’Esprit économique, Série Clichés, Paris, L’Harmattan, Paris, 251 p
by Sébastien Bourdin - hal-04977956 La résilience organisationnelle face à l’intelligence artificielle : Examen critique du concept de human in the loop en action
by Louis Vuarin & Véronique Steyer - hal-04977822 Building an agreement in a farming cooperative governance: A Sociology of conventions approach
by Svetlana Serdyukov & François Grima - hal-04977635 Uncovering asset market participation from household consumption and income
by Veronika Czellar & René Garcia & François Le Grand - hal-04977316 Incorporating Purpose
by Blanche Segrestin & Kevin Levillain & Armand Hatchuel - hal-04977263 Are CSR-compliant firms more resilient during health crises?
by Dharen Kumar Pandey & Riadh Manita & Vineeta Kumari & Sabri Boubaker - hal-04977169 Thomas Aquinas on Risk in Economic Activity
by Pierre Januard - hal-04976947 Impact of public policies on the dynamics of energy retrofit and fuel poverty in mainland France
by Corinne Chaton - halshs-04976868 Parental Income and Higher Education: Evidence From France
by Cécile Bonneau & Sébastien Grobon - hal-04976257 Does log export ban policy a good strategy to fight deforestation? Lessons from developing countries
by Mouhamed Zerbo - hal-04975788 Le bilan carbone : outil de conformité, de connaissance ou de passage à l’action ? Une étude exploratoire dans les établissements de santé
by Marie-Pierre Vaslet & Laurie Marrauld & Estelle Baurès - hal-04975661 Socio-economic inequalities in access to COVID-19 tests in France in 2020: evidence from the EPICOV socio-epidemiological cohort
by Pierre-Yves Geoffard & Florence Jusot & Antoine Sireyjol & Josiane Warszawski & Nathalie Bajos - hal-04975198 Multi-scale Analysis of Water Sharing Based on Bio-economic Modeling
[Analyse multi-échelle du partage de l'eau basée sur la modélisation bio-économique]
by Julie Reineix & Pierre-Alain Jayet - hal-04975147 Accelerating the Energy Transition with Social Enterprises: An Engaged Economist's Perspective
by Minh Ha-Duong - hal-04975044 Gendarme, policier, agent pénitentiaire, vigile : les forces de sécurité en compétition pour (bien) recruter
by Joan Le Goff & Faouzi Bensebaa - hal-04974993 What Drives Generation Z’s Appetite for Crypto Investment? The Role of Financial Literacy, Gender, and Channels of Influence
by Enareta Kurtbegu & Caroline Marie-Jeanne & Bruno Séjourné - hal-04974958 Criminalité organisée : identifier les ressorts du soutien logistique pour mieux la combattre
by Gilles Paché - hal-04974600 Les métropoles françaises pratiquent-elles une gouvernance de Smart City ? Une évaluation par leur Système d’Information Financier Extra-Organisationnel (SIFEO)
by Serge Rouot & Muriel Michel-Clupot - halshs-04974391 Information Disclosure in Preemption Races: Blessing or (Winner's) Curse?
by Catherine Bobtcheff & Raphaël Lévy & Thomas Mariotti - hal-04974383 Decision-making autonomy of subsidiary managers: Major challenges for hypo-group leaders
[Autonomie décisionnelle des responsables des filiales : enjeux majeurs pour les dirigeants des hypo-groupes]
by Hamza Taghzouti & Aziz Babounia & Otmane Bennani - hal-04974380 Collective Action, Ecological Finance and Societal Change
by Faruk Ülgen - hal-04974360 Eco-transition versus Markets: The Tragedy of the Viability and Institutions
by Faruk Ülgen - hal-04973155 Unveiling High Commitment Management Effect on Entrepreneurial Performance a Growth Catalyst in Regional Development Project Companies in Karbala
by Joumana Younis - hal-04973152 The Influence of Job Alienation on Financial Performance, the Mediating Effect of Governance: A Study on the Lebanese Banking Sector
by Joumana Younis - hal-04973077 Tendances actuelles et perspectives d'évolution du secteur de la microfinance au Maroc
by Abdelmalek Bekkaoui & Taha Yahyaoui - hal-04972487 Human Capital, Innovation, Governance and Economic Growth in Resource-Rich and Resource-Poor MENA Countries: New Evidence from the CS-ARDL Approach
by Mounir Dahmani & Mohamed Mabrouki - hal-04972440 Exploration des représentations de la pratique du compostage : une analyse par les théories de la distance psychologique et de la valeur
by Nawel Ayadi & Christine Gonzalez & Alexandre Lapeyre - hal-04972405 Pratiques de Communication Persuasive et Adoption des Technologies E-Santé : Une étude exploratoire
by Nora Bezaz & Ameni Ben Jebril - hal-04972221 Introduction. Management en séries, du scrip à la prod'
by Romain Pierronnet - hal-04972108 Renouveler les liens économiques entre l'Afrique et les États-Unis : une quête pour plus de commerce et d'investissement
by Policarpo Gomes Caomique & Fatimata Belem & Jules Sampawende Tapsoba - hal-04972089 L'incertitude est importante pour le commerce : découverte des effets hétérogènes
by Ibrahim Nana & Rasmané Ouedraogo & Jules Sampawende Tapsoba - hal-04971900 How do companies use digital technologies to do their net-zero transition?
by Adélie Ranville & Anne-Lorène Vernay & Corine Genet & Clemens Dieler & Jonatan Pinkse - hal-04971184 Quand la fiction interroge la motivation au travail des Z. Le cas The office
by Erwan Boutigny & Sophie Renault - hal-04970632 Advertising in business markets – The obscured bottom-line effect and need for appropriate analytics
by Peter Guenther & Miriam Guenther & Mahabubur Rahman & Mariia Koval & Viacheslav Iurkov - hal-04969815 Evolution and Future of the Competitive Advantages of Wine-Producing Countries
by Alex Bao & Jean-Marie Cardebat & Marie Chauvin - hal-04969729 Comment Donald Trump instrumentalise-t-il l'économie américaine pour influencer les relations internationales ?
by Matthias Martin & Samuel Ferey & Mathilde Frappier - hal-04969713 Structure and determinants of the cost of setting up a farm: The case of young farmers in Central France
by Philippe Jeanneaux & Eliot Wendling & Yann Desjeux & Geoffroy Enjolras & Laure Latruffe - hal-04969613 Knowledge production in technological innovation system: A comprehensive evaluation using a multi-criteria framework based on patent data—a case study on hydrogen storage
by Marina Flamand & Vincent Frigant & Stéphane Miollan - hal-04969534 Verrous et leviers institutionnels de réduction de pesticides dans l'agriculture tropicale. Un éclairage par l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre
by Ludovic Temple & Nathalie Jas & Hadrien Di Roberto & Thierry Brunelle & Gérard de La Paix Bayiha - hal-04969337 A Great Place to Work, Also for Senior Women: The Label Impact on Their Perception of Inclusion and Fairness
by Thibault Perrin & Angelique Vuilmet - hal-04969062 Tranformer le management : La démarche Grand 8
by Thierry Nadisic & Thomas Misslin & Claire Moreau & Gilles Basset - hal-04969060 Collective Leadership as 'Plumbing and Poetry' : Navigating Paradoxical Tensions Through Community Identity Work
by Eero Vaara & Renate E. Meyer & Silviya Svejenova & Markus A. Höllerer & Bernard Forgues - hal-04969046 Intelligence artificielle et santé connectée la pharmacie à l'ère du digital
by Francis Megerlin - hal-04969000 Navigating the frontier of finance: a scoping review of generative AI applications and implications
by Ahmad Haidar & Ahmad Abbass - hal-04968925 Enhancing Public Acceptability of Low Emission Zones: The Role of Accompanying Measures
by Rim Rejeb & Hélène Bouscasse & Sandrine Mathy & Carole Treibich - hal-04968916 Can donors prevent aid misallocations? Evidence from Chinese and World Bank aid
by Pierre André & Paul Maarek & Fatoumata Tapo - hal-04968743 Corporate governance and financial reporting quality in Morocco: An empirical analysis of conditional conservatism
[Gouvernance d'entreprise et qualité du reporting financier au Maroc : une analyse empirique du conservatisme conditionnel]
by Othman Gaga & Said Karam & Nasredine Fathelkhir - hal-04968612 Cryptocurrency bubbles, information asymmetry and noise trading
by Élise Alfieri & Radu Burlacu & Geoffroy Enjolras - hal-04967685 The impact of Artificial Intelligence on Customer Loyalty in Moroccan companies
by Nihal Chouiekh & Mohammed Belbachir - hal-04967613 Logiques d’évaluation des projets d’innovation sociale : le cas d’un contrat à impact social
by Adrien Baudet & Mathias Guérineau & Julien Kleszczowski - hal-04967062 To be and not to be: The middle management paradox and resistance escalation process during transitions to self-managing organizations
by Emilie Bourlier-Bargues & Bertrand Valiorgue & Gazi Islam - hal-04966902 On the ratchet effect with product market competition
by Michele Bisceglia & Salvatore Piccolo - hal-04966399 Accompagner l'innovation sociale : le grand écart entre théorie et pratique ? Retour sur un dispositif pédagogique co-construit avec Alter'incub
by Léopold Arberet & Camille Dière & Séverine Saleilles - hal-04965947 Training for transforming: design theory-based training for managing the unknown
by Antoine Bordas & Agathe Gilain & Pascal Le Masson & Maxime Thomas & Chipten Valibhay & Benoit Weil - halshs-04965913 Brunei Darussalam’s Economic Transition in a Shifting Global Asia
[La transition économique du Brunei Darussalam dans une Asie mondiale en pleine mutation]
by Ahmed Khalid & Bruno Jetin - halshs-04965841 Conclusion: Moving Forward
[Conclusion : Aller de l’avant]
by Ahmed M Khalid & Bruno Jetin - halshs-04965807 Introduction: Brunei Darussalam’s Economy—Transition towards Development
[Introduction : L’économie du Brunei Darussalam – Transition vers le développement]
by Bruno Jetin & Ahmed Khalid - hal-04965786 Editorial: Strategies of digitalization and sustainability in agrifood value chains
by Isabelle Piot-Lepetit - halshs-04965740 Demographic Trends, Employment and Diversification in Brunei Darussalam: An International Perspective
[Tendances démographiques, emploi et diversification au Brunei Darussalam : une perspective internationale]
by Bruno Jetin - hal-04965448 Training as an affordable and powerful lever to stimulate the evolution dynamics of a newly designed technology platform at the frontier between academia and industry
[La formation en tant que levier peu coûteux et très efficace pour stimuler la dynamique d'évolution d'une plateforme émergente à la frontière entre science et industrie]
by Agathe Gilain & Patrice Aknin & Claudiu Balan & Pascal Le Masson & Benoit Weil - hal-04965285 SDG-nexus and spillovers at the heart of Agenda 2030
by Jorge Gómez-Paredes & Arunima Malik & Guillaume Lafortune - hal-04965129 Empowerment des collectifs de résidents et comportement éco-responsable, vues à travers le prisme de la sociologie de la traduction : une revue de littérature et des perspectives de recherche
by Charlotte Le Botlan-Marcato & Koffi Selom Agbokanzo & Cécile Clergeau - hal-04965128 A hybrid literature review on chatgpt and tourism: a manual and systematic approach enhanced by Artirev software
[Une revue de la littérature hybride sur le Chatgpt et le tourisme : une approche manuelle et systématique améliorée par le logiciel Artirev]
by Mirna Bassily & Koffi Selom Agbokanzo & Nada Kanita & Hassan Khalil - hal-04964899 A Rejection-Based Model of Partial Service Termination and its Impact on Unprofitable Customers
by Mathieu Béal & Charlotte Lécuyer & Caroline Bayart & Denis Clot - hal-04964898 Source Theory : A Tractable and Positive Ambiguity Theory
by Aurélien Baillon & Han Bleichrodt & Chen Li & Peter P. Wakker - hal-04964897 Ability emotional intelligence profiles and real-life outcomes : a latent profile analysis of a large adult sample
by Christophe Haag & Lisa Bellinghausen & Clément Poirier - hal-04964896 Lay Theories of Expertise : A Mixed-Methods Exploration
by Lauren A. Keating & Benjamin W. Walker - hal-04964785 Digital Futures: Definition (What), Importance (Why) and Methods (How)
by D. Schlagwein & W. Currie & J. M. Leimeister & L. Willcocks - hal-04964310 What drive customers' behavior in drive-through: the mediating role of trust
by Célestin Elock Son & Georges Bidi & Salomée Ruel - hal-04964117 Sustainable Finance
by Kiril Simeonovski & Igor Sazdovski & Filip Fidanoski - hal-04964047 Pour une meilleure prise en compte de l’influence de l’image de la destination touristique sur les intentions comportementales des résidents
by Koffi Selom Agbokanzo & Pierre-Charles Soulié & Joseph Kaswengi & Stéphane Bourliataux-Lajoinie - halshs-04963855 Vers une approche générale des obligations concurrentielles des contrôleurs d'accès. Quels enseignements tirer de l'arrêt International Skating Union?
by Frédéric Marty - hal-04963812 Analysis of sustainable food supply chains based on social coexistence: An exploratory study of agricultural cooperatives in Asia and Europe
by Haruhiko Iba & Louis-Antoine Saïsset & Apichaya Lilavanichaku - hal-04963353 Comparing AI coaching and sales manager coaching: A construal-level approach
by Eric Casenave & Laurianne Schmitt - hal-04963316 Predicting the global economic costs of biological invasions by tetrapods
by Thomas W. Bodey & Ross N. Cuthbert & Christophe Diagne & Clara Marino & Anna Turbelin & Elena Angulo & Jean Fantle-Lepczyk & Daniel Pincheira-Donoso & Franck Courchamp & Emma J. Hudgins - hal-04963100 A theory of FLOSS projects and Open Source business models dynamics
by Nicolas Jullien & Robert Viseur & Jean-Benoît Zimmermann - hal-04963043 Co-benefits of nature-based solutions exceed the costs of implementation
by Alberto González-García & Ignacio Palomo & Anna Codemo & Mirco Rodeghiero & Titouan Dubo & Améline Vallet & Sandra Lavorel - hal-04962731 Professional advancement of women to leadership roles in Moroccan sports federations
[L’avancement professionnel des femmes vers des postes de direction dans les fédérations sportives marocaines]
by Chaymaa Lotfy & Yasmina Bennis Bennani & Annie Cornet - hal-04962162 Incidence de la dette publique et de l'aide au développement sur la croissance économique en République Démocratique du Congo
by Herman Boleilanga Koko & Elie BOLA BOONGO & Héritier Bekoka Wanga - hal-04961867 Sticky information and price controls: Evidence from a natural experiment
by Doron Sayag & Avichai Snir & Daniel Levy - hal-04961832 Does Carpooling Reduce Carbon Emissions? The Effect of Environmental Policies in France
by Isac Olave-Cruz & Maïté Stéphan & Alexandre Volle & Dianzhuo Zhu - hal-04961624 Episode 1 - La série L’Opéra : une chorégraphie organisationnelle sous tensions
by Véronique Attias-Delattre & Mathias Szpirglas - halshs-04960843 Mind the gap: the interplay between genes and neighbourhood context on educational achievement
by Laura Silva & Felix C. Tropf & Tobias Wolfram - halshs-04960816 Segregation patterns over 100 years in Dudelange
by Laura Silva & Franco Bonomi Bezzo & Antoine Paccoud & Sonia Schifano - halshs-04960792 Sommet sur l’IA : « Contrôler les infrastructures numériques, c’est contrôler le monde »
by Benjamin Bürbaumer - halshs-04960788 Then and now: how neighbourhoods shape egalitarian preferences
by Laura Silva & Franco Bonomi Bezzo & Anne-Marie Jeannet - hal-04960759 Neighbourhood Effects Across Generations and the Reproduction of Inequality
by Laura Silva - halshs-04960740 Small amendment arguments: how they work and what they do and do not show
by Martin van Hees & Akshath Jitendranath & Roland Iwan Luttens - hal-04960653 And now, the Season Finale... Before the Cliffhanger - Méditations picsouliennes sur le management et les séries
by Florent Giordano - hal-04960650 Épisode 9 : Faut-il brûler les ouvrages qui prétendent tirer des leçons de management des séries TV ? Spoiler : certains oui !
by Romain Pierronnet & Florent Giordano & Mathias Szpirglas & Claire Edey Gamassou - hal-04960640 Management en Séries - Saison 1
by Florent Giordano & Romain Pierronnet & Mathias Szpirglas & Claire Edey Gamassou - hal-04960480 Enhancing human capital in children: a case study on scaling
by Francesco Agostinelli & Ciro Avitabile & Matteo Bobba - hal-04960317 You said "value" ! But what value are we talking about ?
[Vous avez dit « valeur » ! Mais de quelle valeur parle-t-on ?]
by Jean Frayssinhes - hal-04959970 What determines the use of private and shared bicycles? Evidence from the University of Lyon (France)
by Nathalie Havet & Louafi Bouzouina - hal-04959275 Rester dans la course : développer l’employabilité durable grâce au job crafting
by Sara Dotto & Florent Noël - hal-04958818 Improvisation par le bricolage et le shadow IT pour faire face à la rigidité des outils de gestion : Cas des progiciels dans les grandes entreprises à Madagascar
by Dietrich Arthur Randrianantenaina - hal-04958535 La finance à impact. Éclairage sur les pratiques d’une société française de gestion d’actifs solidaires
by Philippe Devin - hal-04958275 Le petit RSE 2025
by Laurence Beierlein - hal-04958170 Étude sur les conditions favorables au télétravail des cadres de santé. Partie 2 : Management en subsidiarité et qualité désempêchée
by Christelle Routelous & Stéphane Cibert & Nico Decock & Thérès Jud & Cécile Olivère & Stéphanie Perreto - hal-04958165 Étude sur les conditions favorables au télétravail des cadres de santé. Partie 1 : La régulation institutionnelle des conditions du télétravail
by Christelle Routelous & Stéphane Cibert & Nico Decock & Thérès Jud & Cécile Olivère & Stéphanie Perreto - hal-04957879 Conflicting consumer beliefs influencing eco-innovation adoption: Motives and barriers for accepting the laser marking of organic products
by J. Pfiffelmann & O. Untilov & J. Thogersen & R. Franck - hal-04957826 Allocating the common costs of a public service operator: An axiomatic approach
by David Lowing & Léa Munich & Kevin Techer - hal-04957505 Economic inefficiencies in private management of epidemics spreading between farms
by Gaël Thébaud & César Martinez & Mabell Tidball & Pierre Courtois - hal-04957036 Underemployment of college graduates: is doing anything better than doing nothing?
by Michel Armel Ndayikeza - hal-04956625 Innovative Financing Solutions: A Transformative Driver for Financial Performance of Businesses in Morocco
[Les Nouvelles Voies de Financement Novatrices: Vecteur de Changement Transformateur vers la Performance Financière des Entreprises au Maroc]
by Nohayla Badrane & Zineb Bamousse - hal-04956178 Fundamental Pricing of Utility Tokens
by Julien Prat & Vincent Danos & Stefania Marcassa - hal-04955080 Sustainability indicators in high entropy alloy design: an economic, environmental, and societal database
by Stéphane Gorsse & Théo Langlois & An-Chou Yeh & Matthew R Barnett - hal-04954871 The end of dilemmas : joint U-I labs as a collective way to create open innovation in science
by Elise Ratier & Quentin Plantec & Pascal Le Masson & Benoit Weil - hal-04954776 Is monetary policy transmission green?
by Inessa Benchora & Aurélien Leroy & Louis Raffestin - halshs-04954740 Do Skilled Migrants Compete with Native Workers?
by Sara Signorelli - halshs-04954719 Media Coverage of Immigration and the Polarization of Attitudes
by Sarah Schneider-Strawczynski & Jérôme Valette - halshs-04954690 How Do Immigrants Promote Exports?
by Gianluca Orefice & Hillel Rapoport & Gianluca Santoni - halshs-04954659 Free Trade Agreements and the movement of business people
by Thierry Mayer & Hillel Rapoport & Camilo Umana-Dajud - halshs-04954623 Macroeconomic Instability, Migration, and the Option Value of Education
by Eliakim Katz & Hillel Rapoport - hal-04954621 Financing the future: sustainable economic and environmental transition through sustainable regulation
by Faruk Ülgen - halshs-04954352 Leaving terrorism behind? The role of terrorist attacks in shaping migration intentions around the world
by Killian Foubert & Ilse Ruyssen - halshs-04954339 “Welcome to France.” Can mandatory integration contracts foster immigrant integration?
by Mathilde Emeriau & Jens Hainmueller & Dominik Hangartner & David D. Laitin - hal-04954013 Prison Conditions in France: Prisons Features and Convictions by French and European Justice
[Conditions de détention en France : caractéristiques des prisons et condamnations par la justice française et européenne]
by Nolwenn Loisel & Benjamin Monnery - hal-04953991 Analyse des mécanismes de financement des entreprises : Cas des entreprises opérant dans le secteur de la défense Analysis of Financing Mechanisms for Enterprises: Case of Companies Operating in the Defense Sector
by Taoufik Anni & Botaina Mjidila - hal-04953927 Modeling and Technical-Economic Analysis of a Hydrogen Transport Network for France
[Modélisation et analyse technico-économique d'un réseau de transport d'hydrogène pour la France]
by Daniel de Wolf & Christophe Magidson & Jules Sigot - hal-04953924 The Impact Of Content Marketing Strategy On Sales: Case Study On The Launch Of An Oriental Restaurant In Algeria
by Fadia Chahinez Bezzaoucha & Danielle Lecointre-Erickson - hal-04953672 Getting Phygital: Exploring The Perception Of Phygital Shopping Experiences In France Through Online Reviews
by Danielle Lecointre-Erickson & Safaa Adil & M. Laeeq Khan & Koffi Selom Agbokanzo & Mirna Bassily & Sourou Meatchi - hal-04953563 Efficiency vs. distributional concerns in regulatory sandboxes
by Claude Crampes & Antonio Estache - hal-04953438 Bruno BOIDIN (sous la direction de) Insoutenabilités : une perspective en économie politique Lille, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Collection « Capitalismes - éthique - institutions », 2024, 296 pages
by Leo Delpy - hal-04952754 Reading Edith Penrose through the eyes of a labour economist
by Franck Bailly & Benjamin Dubrion - hal-04952622 Towards a clarification of soft-sell and hard-sell advertising approaches: study of French consumer perceptions
by Habiba Elbardai - hal-04951615 The Aspiration to Stay: A Global Analysis
by Alix Debray & Ilse Ruyssen & Kerilyn Schewel - hal-04951490 New York, Abu Dhabi, London or Stay at Home? Using a Cross-Nested Logit Model to Identify Complex Substitution Patterns in Migration
by Michel Beine & Michel Bierlaire & Frédéric Docquier - hal-04951443 Second-generation immigrants and native attitudes toward immigrants in Europe
by Oscar Barrera-Rodríguez & Isabelle Bensidoun & Anthony Edo