- 1304 Policy implications of losing credibility: Lessons from Colombia’s post-pandemic inflationary surge
by Anderson Grajales-Olarte & Franz Hamann & Sara Naranjo-Saldarriaga & José Pulido - 1303 Sovereign Risk and Stock Market Response to Natural Disasters in Emerging Economies
by Juan Pablo Bermúdez-Cespedes & Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia & Daniel Parra-Amado - 1302 Formalización y crecimiento de micronegocios en Colombia: relación con el acceso al crédito desde una perspectiva formal/informal, de género y regional
by John Sebastian Tobar-Cruz & Carlos Alberto Ruiz-Martínez - 1301 De la cobertura al desempeño: Explorando las brechas de género en el sistema educativo colombiano
by Ana María Iregui-Bohórquez & María Teresa Ramírez-Giraldo & Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Jorge Leonardo Rodríguez-Arenas - 1300 Pandemia del Covid-19 y salud mental en Colombia: un análisis de riesgos competitivos
by Ana María Iregui-Bohórquez & María Teresa Ramírez-Giraldo & Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Héctor M. Zárate-Solano - 1299 The sensitivity of rice yields to weather variation in Colombia
by Karelys Guzman-Finol & Sandy Dall’erba & Angela C. Lyons & Jorge Eiras-Barca - 1298 Choques climáticos, productividad y desempeño de las firmas de la industria manufacturera en Colombia
by Jefferson Muñoz & Alex Perez & Jaime Carabali - 1297 Labor Demand Responses to Payroll Taxes in an Economy with Wage Rigidity: Evidence from Colombia
by Oscar Becerra & Leonardo Fabio Morales - 1296 Instantaneous Inflation as a Predictor of Inflation
by Wilmer Martínez-Rivera & Edgar Caicedo-García & Juan Bonilla-Pérez - 1295 Output Gap Measurement after COVID for Colombia: Lessons from a Permanent-Transitory Approach
by Daniel Parra-Amado & Camilo Granados
- 1294 Climate Transition Risks and Bank Lending: Evidence from Colombia
by Camilo Bohorquez-Penuela & Joëlle Noailly & Naël Shehadeh - 1293 Water overvaluation in incentivized bargaining games
by Margarita Gáfaro & César Mantilla - 1292 Carbon tax pass-through: Incidence with vertical integration and price regulation
by Wesley Blundell & Juan Sebastián Vélez-Velásquez - 1291 Análisis de la Probabilidad de las Firmas Colombianas para Importar Productos entre 1995 y 2017
by Jorge García-García & Enrique Montes-Uribe & Juan Sebastián Silva-Rodríguez & Héctor Manuel Zárate-Solano - 1290 Breve historia de la evolución del sistema de pagos en Colombia 1923-2023
by Joaquín Bernal-Ramírez & Carlos A. Arango-Arango & Luis Eduardo Castellanos-Rodríguez - 1289 Consumer Prices Trends in Colombia: Detecting Breaks and Forecasting Infation
by Héctor M. Zárate-Solano & Norberto Rodríguez-Niño - 1288 Domestic Effects of the Pandemic-Induced Container Freight Disruption in a Globalized World
by José Pulido - 1287 Collateral, output growth, mortgage spread volatility and subsidies in Colombia
by Martha López & Eduardo Sarmiento Gómez - 1286 Descripción, antecedentes y riesgo fiscal y macroeconómico del Proyecto de Acto Legislativo que modifica el Sistema General de Participaciones (SGP)
by Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro & Jesús Bejarano & Andrés Nicolás Herrera-Rojas & Manuela Quintero-Jácome & David Camilo López-Valenzuela & Jorge Enrique Ramos-Forero & Steven Zapata-Álvarez - 1285 Monetary policy transparency in Colombia
by Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro & José Vicente Romero - 1284 Measuring the Unmeasurable: Unraveling the complexities of real-time output gap estimation
by Karen L. Pulido-Mahecha & Sergio Restrepo-Ángel & Franky Juliano Galeano-Ramírez - 1283 Spatial Spillover Effects in the Labor Market in a Middle-Income Country
by Leonardo Fabio Morales & Mauricio Quiñones & Eleonora Dávalos & Luis Felipe Gaviria - 1282 Geopolitical Risk and Emerging Markets Sovereign Risk Premia
by Fredy Gamboa-Estrada & José Vicente Romero - 1281 Temporary VAT exemption in Colombia: How did household consumption respond?
by Luis E. Arango & Luz A. Flórez & N. Johana Marín & Carlos E. Posada - 1280 A Mixed Duopoly in the Provision of Payment Services
by Carlos A. Arango-Arango & Yanneth Rocío Betancourt-García - 1279 Distribution, Inequality and Poverty in Colombia: An Assessment of the Contribution of the Minimum Wage
by Francisco Lasso-Valderrama & Carmiña O. Vargas - 1278 Macroeconomic Effects of Healthcare Financing in Colombia
by Oscar Iván Avila-Montealegre & Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro & Mario A. Ramos-Veloza - 1277 Firm Support Measures, Credit Payment Behavior, and Credit Risk
by Camilo Gómez & Daniela Rodríguez-Novoa - 1276 Consumer Debt Moratoria
by Bulent Guler & Yasin Kürsat Önder & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas & Jose Villegas - 1275 Consumption of households in Colombia: What do the retail trade indices tell us?
by Luis E. Arango & Luz A. Flórez & N. Johana Marín & Carlos E. Posada - 1274 Some trends and patterns of firm financing in Colombia
by Camilo Gómez & María Fernanda Meneses-González & Andrés Murcia & Carlos Quicazán-Moreno & Angie Rozada & Hernando Vargas-Herrera - 1273 House Prices and International Remittances: Evidence from Colombia
by Sergi Basco & Jair N. Ojeda-Joya - 1272 Empresas Promotoras de Salud en Colombia: Gestión del riesgo en salud, eficiencia técnica y solidez financiera
by Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Diego Vásquez-Escobar & María Isabel Alarcón-Obando & Giselle Tatiana Silva-Samudio - 1271 El sistema de pensiones en Colombia: perspectivas y riesgos fiscales con base en las normas vigentes
by Ospina-Tejeiro Juan J & Ramos-Forero Jorge Enrique & López-Valenzuela David Camilo & Hernández-Turca Yurany & Herrera-Pinto Nicolle Valentina - 1270 Debt taxes during crises, a blessing in disguise?
by Julian A. Parra-Polania & CarmiÒa O. Vargas - 1269 Luck of the Draw: The Causal Effect of Physicians on Birth Outcomes
by Christian Posso & Jorge Tamayo & Arlen Guarin & Estefania Saravia - 1268 Consideraciones sobre la propuesta de reducción en las semanas de cotización para pensionarse en Colombia: qué dicen 12 millones de datos
by Martha López & Eduardo Sarmiento Gómez - 1267 Educación financiera y bienestar financiero: evidencia de Colombia en un entorno de alta inflación
by Diego A. Rodríguez-Pinilla & Luis Eduardo Castellanos-Rodríguez & Andrea López-Rodríguez & Pilar Esguerra-Umaña - 1266 Poder de mercado y eventos climáticos adversos en un mercado de electricidad hidro-dominado
by David Rios & Alex Perez & Jaime Carabali & Luis Meneses
- 1265 The Dynamic Market for Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs
by Juan Esteban Carranza & María Marta Ferreyra & Ana Maria Gazmuri - 1264 Minimum Wage and Macroeconomic Adjustment: Insights from a Small Open, Emerging, Economy with Formal and Informal Labor
by Oscar Iván Ávila-Montealegre & Anderson Grajales-Olarte & Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro & Mario A. Ramos-Veloza - 1263 The Low Frequency Effect of Macroeconomic News on Colombian Government Bond Yields
by Andrey Duván Rincón-Torres & Luisa María de la Hortúa-Pulido & Kimberly Rojas-Silva & Juan Manuel Julio-Román - 1262 Inflation Expectations: Rationality, Disagreement and the Role of the Loss Function in Colombia
by Andrey Duván Rincón-Torres & Andrés Felipe Salas-Avila & Juan Manuel Julio-Román - 1261 El impacto potencial de los movimientos de portafolio de los inversionistas extranjeros sobre la tasa de cambio en Colombia
by Sara Ariza-Murillo & Fredy Gamboa-Estrada & Camilo Andrés Orozco-Vanegas - 1260 ¿Sobre quién recaería la carga de reducir el impuesto sobre la renta de las empresas?
by Hernán Rincón-Castro & Juan Pablo Ángel-Mojica - 1259 Signaling Worker Quality in a Developing Country: Lessons from a Certification Program
by M. Antonella Mancino & Leonardo Fabio Morales & Diego F. Salazar - 1258 Efectos fiscales y macroeconómicos de diferentes riesgos del sistema de salud
by Luis E. Arango & Jesús Alonso Botero-García & Daniela Gallo & Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra - 1257 Inflation Expectations Measurement and its Effect on Inflation Dynamics in Colombia
by Andres Sanchez-Jabba & Erick Villabon-Hinestroz & Bernardo Romero-Torres - 1256 Tweeting Inflation: Real-Time measures of Inflation Perception in Colombia
by Jonathan Alexander Muñoz-Martínez & David Orozco & Mario A. Ramos-Veloza - 1255 A robust model for the term structure of interest rates: some applications in Colombia
by Wilmar Alexander Cabrera-Rodríguez & Daniela Rodríguez-Novoa & Camilo Eduardo Sánchez-Quinto - 1254 Unveiling the critical role of forest areas amidst climate change: The Latin American case
by Juan David Alonso-Sanabria & Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia & Daniel Parra-Amado - 1253 Debt Moratorium: Theory and Evidence
by Yasin Kür¸sat Önder & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas & Jose Villegas - 1252 Connecting the Dots: Renewable Energy, Economic Growth, Reforestation, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Colombia
by Juan David Alonso-Sanabria & Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia & Daniel Parra-Amado - 1251 Forecasting Inflation from Disaggregated Data: The Colombian case
by Wilmer Martínez-Rivera & Eliana R. González-Molano & Edgar Caicedo-García - 1250 Unraveling the Factors Behind Women's Empowerment in the Labor Market in Colombia
by Ana María Iregui-Bohórquez & Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & María Teresa Ramírez-Giraldo & Ana María Tribín-Uribe & Héctor M. Zárate-Solano - 1249 Estimating the Output Gap After COVID: How to Address Unprecedented Macroeconomic Variations
by Camilo Granados & Daniel Parra-Amado - 1248 Eficiencia y solidez financiera de las Instituciones prestadoras de Servicio de Salud (IPS) en Colombia
by Carolina Crispin-Fory & Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Diego Alexander Restrepo-Tobón & Diego Vásquez-Escobar - 1247 Expected Macroeconomic Effects of Issuing a Retail CBDC
by Constanza Martínez-Ventura & Julián A. Parra-Polania & Tatiana Mora-Arbeláez & Angélica Lizarazo-Cuéllar - 1246 The effects of two-way lending between financial conglomerates in bilateral repo markets
by Carlos Cañón & Jorge Florez-Acosta & Karoll Gómez - 1245 Tax policies, informality, and real wage rigidities
by Andres García-Suaza & Fernando Jaramillo & Marlon Salazar - 1244 Capital Controls, Corporate Debt and Real Effects: Evidence from Boom and Crisis Times
by Andrea Fabiani & Martha López & José-Luis Peydró & Paul E. Soto - 1243 Excess Asset Returns Predictability in an Emerging Economy: The Case of Colombia
by Martha López & Eduardo Sarmiento G. - 1242 Dinámica y determinantes del consumo de los hogares en Colombia durante la postpandemia del Covid-19
by DEPE-SGEE & Fernando Arias-Rodríguez & Ignacio Lozano-Espitia & Clark Granger & Diego Vásquez-Escobar & Carmiña O. Vargas & Norberto Rodríguez-Niño & Andrés Sánchez-Jabba - 1241 Colombian inflation forecast using Long Short-Term Memory approach
by Julián Alonso Cárdenas-Cárdenas & Deicy J. Cristiano-Botia & Nicolás Martínez-Cortés - 1240 Exchange rate pass-through in the Colombian car market
by Juan Esteban Carranza & Alejandra Ximena González-Ramírez & Juan Sebastián Vélez-Velásquez & Alex Perez - 1239 Can Central Bank Credibility Improve Monetary Policy? A Meta-Analysis
by Valentina Cepeda & Bibiana Taboada-Arango & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas - 1238 The monetary and macroprudential policy framework in Colombia in the last 30 years: the lessons learnt and the challenges for the future
by Javier G. Gómez-Pineda & Andrés Murcia & Wilmar Alexander Cabrera-Rodríguez & Hernando Vargas-Herrera & Leonardo Villar-Gómez - 1237 Acing the Test: Educational Effects of the SaberEs Test Preparation Program in Colombia
by Christian Posso & Estefanía Saravia & Pablo Uribe - 1236 Reparations as Development? Evidence from Victims of the Colombian Armed Conflict
by Arlen Guarin & Juliana Londoño-Vélez & Christian Posso - 1236 Reparations as Development? Evidence from Victims of the Colombian Armed Conflict
by Arlen Guarin & Juliana Londoño-Vélez & Christian Posso - 1235 Inversión en maquinaria y equipo en Colombia: determinantes de largo plazo y efectos del COVID 19 sobre su evolución
by DEPE-SGEE & Diego Vásquez-Escobar & Clark Granger & Norberto Rodríguez-Niño & Andrés Sánchez-Jabba & Carmiña O. Vargas & Fernando Arias-Rodríguez & Ignacio Lozano-Espitia - 1234 Evolución y carga financiera de las Enfermedades Crónicas no Transmisibles en Colombia: 2010-2021
by Ana María Iregui-Bohórquez & Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Diana Estefanía Pinilla-Alarcón & María Teresa Ramírez-Giraldo - 1233 Financiamiento del Sistema de Salud en Colombia: Fuentes y usos
by Clark Granger & Jorge Enrique Ramos-Forero & Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Giselle Tatiana Silva-Samudio - 1232 The labor market in Colombia: Structural features and the role of wages in the post-pandemic inflationary surge
by José Pulido & Hernando Vargas-Herrera & Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro - 1231 The Global Financial Cycle and Country Risk in Emerging Markets During Stress Episodes: A Copula-CoVaR Approach
by Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia & José Vicente Romero & Mahicol Stiben Ramírez-González - 1230 A trend-cycle decomposition with hysteresis
by Javier G. Gómez-Pineda & Julián Roa-Rozo - 1229 Panorama fiscal de las pensiones en Colombia
by Julián A. Parra-Polanía & Jorge Llano & Santiago León & Iván Leonardo Urrea Rios - 1228 Estimating Vacancy Stocks from Aggregated Data on Hires: A Methodology to Study Frictions in the Labor Market
by Leonardo Fabio Morales & Eleonora Dávalos & Raquel Zapata - 1227 Caracterización de la inversión extranjera directa en Colombia (IED): actividades distintas a minas y petróleo
by Adrián Martínez-Osorio & Enrique Montes-Uribe & Iader Giraldo-Salazar & Juan Camilo Santos-Peña - 1226 The Global Financial Cycle and the Effects of Fed Unconventional Monetary Policies on Foreign Portfolio Flows in Colombia
by Nathali Cardozo-Alvarado & David Castañeda-Arévalo & Fredy Gamboa-Estrada & Javier Miguelez-Márquez - 1225 El ISAE: Un Indicador para Monitorear la Actividad Económica Colombiana en Alta Frecuencia
by Juan Pablo Cote-Barón & Karen L. Pulido-Mahecha & Nicol Valeria Rodríguez-Rodríguez & Carlos D. Rojas-Martínez - 1224 Flujos brutos de capital de portafolio de no residentes y residentes y el rol de la política monetaria
by Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia & Hernán Rincón-Castro & Jorge Hernán Toro-Córdoba - 1223 Do Actions Speak Louder than Words? A Foreign Exchange Intervention Analysis
by Freddy A. Pinzón-Puerto & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas
- 1222 The Effects of Foreign Investor Composition on Colombia’s Sovereign Debt Flows
by Fredy Gamboa-Estrada & Andrés Sánchez-Jabba - 1221 Real Equilibrium Exchange Rate in Colombia: Thousands of VEC Models Approach
by Andrea Salazar-Díaz & Aarón Levi Garavito-Acosta & Sergio Restrepo-Ángel & Leidy Viviana Arcila-Agudelo - 1220 Price Dispersion and Wholesale Costs Shocks in the Colombian Retail Gasoline Markets
by Alex Perez & Juan Sebastián Vélez-Velásquez - 1219 Financial Development and Monetary Policy Transmission
by María Fernanda Meneses-González & Angélica María Lizarazo-Cuellar & Diego Fernando Cuesta-Mora & Daniel Osorio-Rodríguez - 1218 Weather Shocks and Inflation Expectations in Semi-Structural Models
by José Vicente Romero & Sara Naranjo-Saldarriaga - 1217 Detección de Anomalías y Poder de Mercado en el Sector Eléctrico Colombiano
by Alvaro J. Riascos Villegas & Julian Chitiva & Carlos Salazar - 1216 Efectos fiscales del salario mínimo en Colombia
by Luis E. Arango & Jesús A. Botero & Eleonora Dávalos & Daniela Gallo & Estefany Hernández - 1215 El balance macroeconómico colombiano y por sectores institucionales, 1975-2021: ¿Quiénes ahorran y quiénes desahorran y por qué?
by Hernán Rincón-Castro & María Angélica Moreno-Barrera - 1214 The Expected Effects of Climate Change on Colombia’s Current Account
by Camila Agudelo-Rivera & Clark Granger-Castaño & Andrés Sánchez-Jabba - 1213 The Heterogeneous Effect of Minimum Wage on Labor Market Flows in Colombia
by Luz A. Flórez & Didier Hermida & Leonardo Fabio Morales - 1212 Examining Macroprudential Policy through a Microprudential Lens
by Wilmar Cabrera & Santiago Gamba & Camilo Gómez & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas - 1211 The effects of changes in the regulation of the Colombian wholesale electricity market in a structural model of complex auctions
by Jorge Balat & Juan Esteban Carranza & Juan David Martin & Alvaro Riascos - 1210 Sudden Yield Reversals and Financial Intermediation in Emerging Markets
by Miguel Sarmiento - 1209 Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Fast-Tracking Automation in Developing Countries? Evidence from Colombia
by Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & Luz A. Flórez & Didier Hermida & Francisco Lasso-Valderrama & Leonardo Fabio Morales & Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro & José Pulido - 1208 El mercado importador en Colombia y las firmas que importan
by Jorge García-García & Enrique Montes-Uribe & Juan Sebastián Silva-Rodríguez & Héctor M. Zárate-Solano - 1207 SRISK: una medida de riesgo sistémico para la banca colombiana 2005-2021
by Camilo Eduardo Sánchez-Quinto - 1206 Redundancy of Centrality Measures in Financial Market Infrastructures
by Constanza Martínez-Ventura & Ricardo Mariño-Martínez & Javier Miguélez-Márquez - 1205 The Leading Role of Bank Supply Shocks
by Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas - 1204 The effects of Monetary Policy on Capital Flows A Meta-Analysis
by Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas & Lucía Arango-Lozano & Geraldine Castelblanco & Nicolás Fajardo-Baquero & Maria A. Ruiz-Sanchez - 1203 Caracterización del mercado de contado y forward peso-dólar en Colombia: un análisis de la microestructura del mercado durante el periodo 2013 a 2020
by Sara Ariza-Murillo & Ittza Alejandra Barreto-Ramírez & Diego Alejandro Martínez-Cruz & Cristhian Hernando Ruiz-Cardozo - 1202 Aporte de las expectativas de empresarios al pronóstico de las variables macroeconómicas
by María Alejandra Hernández-Montes & Ramón Hernández-Ortega & Jonathan Alexander Muñoz-Martínez - 1201 Latin American Falls, Rebounds and Tail Risks
by Luciano Campos & Danilo Leiva-León & Steven Zapata- Álvarez - 1200 Monetary Policy and Portfolio Flows in an Emerging Market Economy
by Martha López-Piñeros & Norberto Rodríguez-Niño & Miguel Sarmiento - 1199 Modelling CDS Volatility at Different Tenures: An Application for Latin-American Countries
by Fredy Gamboa-Estrada & José Vicente Romero - 1198 Inflación y Covid-19: un ejercicio para Colombia
by Edgar Caicedo-García & Jesús Daniel Sarmiento-Sarmiento & Ramón Hernández-Ortega - 1197 Does monetary policy affect the net interest margin of credit institutions? Evidence from Colombia
by Javier Eliecer Pirateque-Niño & Daniela Rodríguez-Novoa & José Hernán Piñeros-Gordo - 1196 The Relationship between Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Colombia: An Empirical Exploration of the Credit Risk Channel
by Ignacio Lozano-Espitia & Fernando Arias-Rodríguez - 1195 Ofertas Públicas de Adquisición y su efecto sobre las rentabilidades en el mercado accionario: El caso de NUTRESA y SURA en Colombia
by Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia & Camilo Andrés Orozco-Vanegas & Daniel Parra-Amado - 1194 Oral FX Interventions in Emerging Markets: the Colombian case
by Julian A. Parra-Polania & Andrés Sánchez-Jabba & Miguel Sarmiento - 1193 Servicios Financieros Digitales en Colombia: Una caracterización y análisis de riesgos potenciales
by José Bran-Guevara & Luisa Fernanda Hernández-Ávila & Daniela McAllister-Harker - 1192 Person-to-business Instant payments: could they work in Colombia?
by Carlos A. Arango-Arango & Ana Carolina Ramirez-Pineda & Manuela Restrepo-Bernal - 1191 Ingreso relativo, identidad de género y brecha en el trabajo doméstico no remunerado: Evidencia para Colombia
by Andrea Salazar-Díaz - 1190 Relevance of the collateral constraint form in the analysis of financial crisis interventions
by Carmiña O. Vargas & Julian A. Parra-Polania - 1189 Extreme weather events and high Colombian food prices: A non-stationary extreme value approach
by Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia & Camilo Andrés Orozco-Vanegas & Daniel Parra-Amado
- 1188 Un nuevo índice de tasa de cambio real para Colombia: ajuste por competencia en terceros mercados
by Juan Pablo Cote-Barón & Deicy J. Cristiano-Botia & María Alejandra Hernández-Montes - 1187 Transport infrastructure and technical efficiency in a panel of countries: Accounting for endogeneity in a stochastic frontier model
by Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & María Teresa Ramírez-Giraldo - 1186 Déficit gemelos en Colombia: ¿existen? ¿Qué causa qué? ¿Cuál es el grado de impacto?
by Dayra Garrido-Tejada & Sergio Restrepo-Ángel & Hernán Rincón-Castro - 1185 Los determinantes de la liquidez en Colombia: un análisis del mercado de divisas de contado
by David Castañeda-Arévalo & Fredy Gamboa-Estrada - 1184 Unraveling the Exogenous Forces Behind Analysts’ Macroeconomic Forecasts
by Marcela De Castro-Valderrama & Santiago Forero-Alvarado & Nicolás Moreno-Arias & Sara Naranjo-Saldarriaga - 1183 Present-biased Government, Creative Accounting and a Pitfall in Balanced Budget Rules
by Marcela De Castro-Valderrama - 1182 Government Borrowing and Crowding Out
by Yasin Kürşat Önder & Maria Alejandra Ruiz-Sanchez & Sara Restrepo-Tamayo & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas - 1181 The internationalization of domestic banks and the credit channel of monetary policy
by Paola Morales & Daniel Osorio-Rodríguez & Juan S. Lemus-Esquivel & Miguel Sarmiento - 1180 Pagos electrónicos y uso del efectivo en los comercios colombianos 2020
by Carlos A. Arango-Arango & Yanneth Rocío Betancourt-García & Manuela Restrepo-Bernal & Germán Zuluaga-Giraldo - 1179 Efecto de la pandemia sobre el sistema educativo: El caso de Colombia
by Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Jorge Enrique Ramos-Forero & Jorge Leonardo Rodríguez Arenas & Héctor M. Zárate-Solano - 1178 Characterizing and Communicating the Balance of Risks of Macroeconomic Forecasts: A Predictive Density Approach for Colombia
by Juan C. Méndez-Vizcaíno & Alexander Guarin & César Anzola-Bravo & Anderson Grajales-Olarte - 1177 Traspaso de la tasa de cambio a la inflación básica en Colombia: un análisis de parámetros cambiantes en el tiempo
by Hernán Rincón-Castro & Pedro Rubiano-López & Lisseth Yaya-Garzón & Héctor M. Zárate-Solano - 1176 An Application of the Tourist Test to Colombian Merchants
by Carlos Alberto Arango-Arango & Yanneth Rocío Betancourt-García & Manuela Restrepo-Bernal - 1175 A Global Shock with Idiosyncratic Pains: State-Dependent Debt Limits for LATAM during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Juan C. Méndez-Vizcaíno & Nicolás Moreno-Arias - 1174 Online Vacancies and its Role in Labor Market Performance
by Leonardo Fabio Morales & Carlos Ospino & Nicole Amaral - 1173 Pensiones y reforma pensional: efectos macroeconómicos del envejecimiento en Colombia
by Fernando Arias-Rodríguez & Julián A. Parra-Polanía - 1172 Alivios de precios en la pandemia del Covid-19: ejercicio sobre el impacto en la inflación de Colombia
by Edgar Caicedo-García & Ramón Hernández-Ortega & Nicolás Martínez-Cortés - 1171 The Interdependence of FX and Treasury Bonds Markets: The Case of Colombia
by Andrey Duván Rincón-Torres & Kimberly Rojas-Silva & Juan Manuel Julio-Román - 1170 Long Term Effects of Cash Transfer Programs in Colombia
by Orazio Attanasio & Lina Cardona-Sosa & Carlos Medina & Costas Meghir & Christian Posso - 1169 Geographic Isolation and Learning in Rural Schools
by Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & Erika Londoño-Ortega - 1168 Nowcasting Colombian Economic Activity: DFM and Factor-MIDAS approaches
by Franky Juliano Galeano-Ramírez & Nicolás Martínez-Cortés & Carlos D. Rojas-Martínez - 1167 Indicador Combinado de Liquidez para la Deuda Pública Local Colombiana
by Diego Alejandro Martínez-Cruz - 1166 Heterogeneidad en el uso de las fuentes de liquidez intradía en el sistema de pagos de alto valor
by Fabio Ortega-Castro & Freddy Cepeda-López & Constanza Martínez-Ventura - 1165 Efecto del riesgo de tipo de cambio en la rentabilidad de los bonos soberanos en Colombia
by Andrea Carolina Vargas-Páez & Carlos David Ardila-Dueñas - 1164 Heterogeneous effects of agricultural technical assistance in Colombia
by Nicolás Arturo Torres Franco & Eleonora Dávalos & Leonardo Fabio Morales - 1163 Estimating the reservation wage across city groups in Colombia: A stochastic frontier approach
by Luz A. Florez & Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Carlos Esteban Posada - 1162 Capital Controls, Domestic Macroprudential Policy and the Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy
by Andrea Fabiani & Martha López & José-Luis Peydró & Paul E. Soto - 1161 ¿Cuánto tributan efectivamente el consumo, el trabajo y el capital en Colombia? Cálculos con las Cuentas Nacionales base 2015
by Hernán Rincón-Castro - 1160 Humans Against Virus or Humans Against Humans: A Game Theory Approach to the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Santiago Forero-Alvarado & Nicolás Moreno-Arias & Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro - 1159 Forward Looking Loan Provisions: Credit Supply and Risk-Taking
by Bernardo Morais & Gaizka Ormazabal & José-Luis Peydró & Mónica Roa & Miguel Sarmiento - 1158 Common and idiosyncratic movements in Latin-American Exchange Rates
by Fredy Gamboa-Estrada & Jose Vicente Romero - 1157 The dawn of a mobile payment scheme: The case of Movii
by Carlos León - 1156 Pricing the exotic: Path-dependent American options with stochastic barriers
by Alejandro Rojas-Bernal & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas - 1155 Raising College Access and Completion: How Much Can Free College Help?
by Maria Marta Ferreyra & Carlos Garriga & Juan D. Martin-Ocampo & Angélica María Sánchez Díaz - 1154 What can credit vintages tell us about non-performing loans?
by Santiago Gamba-Santamaria & Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia & Camilo Orozco-Vanegas - 1153 Monetary Policy Response to a Migration Shock: An Analysis for a Small Open Economy
by Franz Hamann & Cesar Anzola & Oscar Avila-Montealegre & Juan Carlos Castro-Fernandez & Anderson Grajales-Olarte & Alexander Guarín & Juan C Mendez-Vizcaino & Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro & Mario A. Ramos-Veloza - 1152 Labor Market Indicator for Colombia (LMI)
by Deicy J. Cristiano-Botia & Manuel Dario Hernandez-Bejarano & Mario A. Ramos-Veloza - 1151 Interbank relationship lending revisited: Are the funds available at a similar price?
by Carlos León & Javier Miguélez - 1150 Heterogeneity in the Returns to Tertiary Education for the Disadvantage Youth: Quality vs. Quantity Analysis
by Leonardo Fabio Morales & Christian Posso & Luz A. Flórez
- 1149 Common Trade Exposure and Business Cycle Comovement
by Oscar Avila-Montealegre & Carter Mix - 1148 Banning Price Discrimination under Imperfect Competition: Evidence from Colombia's Broadband
by Juan Sebastian Vélez-Velásquez - 1147 The COVID epidemic and the economic activity with acquired immunity
by Juan Esteban Carranza & Juan David Martin & Álvaro José Riascos - 1146 Quién es quién en la red de coautoría en Colombia
by Carlos León & Angélica Bahos-Olivera - 1145 La Inversión en Infraestructura de Transporte
by Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Jorge Hernán Toro-Córdoba & Héctor M. Zárate-Solano - 1144 Rising Staple Prices and Food Insecurity: The Case of the Mexican Tortilla
by Camilo Bohorquez-Penuela & Mariana Urbina-Ramirez - 1143 Costos del comercio en el procesamiento de los pagos en Colombia
by Carlos A. Arango-Arango & Yanneth Rocío Betancourt-García - 1142 La Magnitud y Duración del Efecto de la Intervención por Subastas sobre el Mercado Cambiario: El caso Colombiano
by Valeria Bejarano-Salcedo & William Iván Moreno-Jimenez & Juan Manuel Julio-Román - 1141 Uncovering Time-Specific Heterogeneity in Regression Discontinuity Designs
by Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas & Yasin Kursat Onder - 1140 (She)cession: The Colombian female staircase fall
by Karen García-Rojas & Paula Herrera-Idárraga & Leonardo Fabio Morales & Natalia Ramírez-Bustamante & Ana María Tribín-Uribe - 1139 Porqué Colombia no exporta más
by Jorge García-García & David C. López-Valenzuela & Enrique Montes-Uribe - 1138 Asymmetric Interest Rate Transmission in an Inflation Targeting Framework: The Case of Colombia
by Arturo J. Galindo & Roberto Steiner - 1137 Effects of Banco de la Republica’s Communication on the Yield Curve
by Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia & Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro & Julian A. Parra-Polania - 1137 Effects of Banco de la Republica’s Communication on the Yield Curve
by Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia & Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro & Julian A. Parra-Polania - 1136 El Presupuesto General de la Nación: Una aproximación a las partidas de transferencias e inversión
by Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Jorge Enrique Ramos-Forero & Camilo Gómez - 1135 Misallocation of the Immigrant Workforce: Aggregate Productivity Effects for the Host Country
by José Pulido & Alejandra Varón - 1134 Securities cross-holding in the Colombian financial system: A topological approach
by Carlos León & Javier Miguélez - 1133 The effect of a bank liquidity shock on the performance of firms
by Juan Esteban Carranza & Stefany Moreno-Burbano - 1132 The Effectiveness of FX Interventions: A Meta-Analysis
by LucÃa Arango-Lozano & Lukas Menkhoff & Daniela RodrÃguez-Novoa & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas - 1132 The Effectiveness of FX Interventions: A Meta-Analysis
by Lucía Arango-Lozano & Lukas Menkhoff & Daniela Rodríguez-Novoa & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas - 1131 The path to gender equality in Colombia: Are we there yet?
by Ana María Iregui-Bohórquez & Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & María Teresa Ramírez-Giraldo & Ana María Tribín-Uribe - 1130 Pattern recognition of financial institutions’ payment behavior
by Carlos León & Paolo Barucca & Oscar Acero & Gerardo Gage & Fabio Ortega - 1129 Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Colombian Labor Market: Disentangling the Effect of Sector-Specific Mobility Restrictions
by Leonardo Fabio Morales & Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & Jose Pulido & Luz A. Flórez & Didier Hermida & Karen L. Pulido-Mahecha & Francisco Lasso-Valderrama - 1128 Abastecimiento y costos de transacción en los mercados de alimentos de las principales ciudades de Colombia
by Margarita Gáfaro & Jair N. Ojeda-Joya & Andrea Paola Poveda-Olarte - 1127 Climate change: policies to manage its macroeconomic and financial effects
by Joaquín Bernal-Ramírez & José Antonio Ocampo - 1126 Una aproximación a los determinantes de acumulación de reservas internacionales en economías emergentes
by Cristian Camilo Porras-Alarcón - 1125 The Colombian peso depreciation of 2014-2015 and the adjustment of trade in the manufacturing sector
by Juan Esteban Carranza & Camila Casas & Alejandra Ximena González-Ramírez - 1124 Hidden benefits of peace: The case of sexual violence
by Ana Maria Diaz & Luz Magdalena Salas & Ana María Tribín-Uribe - 1123 The depth, length and shape of the covid-19 recession conveyed in 2020 growth forecasts
by Javier G. Gómez-Pineda - 1122 Nueva Clasificación del BANREP de la Canasta del IPC y revisión de las medidas de Inflación Básica en Colombia
by Eliana R. González-Molano & Ramón Hernández-Ortega & Edgar Caicedo-García & Nicolás Martínez-Cortés & Jose Vicente Romero & Anderson Grajales-Olarte - 1121 Immigration and Violent Crime: Evidence from the Colombia-Venezuela Border
by Brian Knight & Ana María Tribín-Uribe - 1120 LA DINÁMICA DEL MERCADO LABORAL COLOMBIANO: Cuál es el rol de los flujos de trabajadores?
by Francisco Lasso-Valderrama - 1119 The Labor Market of Immigrants and Non-Immigrants Evidence from the Venezuelan Refugee Crisis
by Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía & Leonardo Fabio Morales & Didier Hermida-Giraldo & Luz A. Flórez - 1118 Interbank relationship lending in Colombia
by Carlos León & Javier Miguélez - 1117 How do the Tax Burden and the Fiscal Space in Latin America look like? Evidence through Laffer Curves
by Ignacio Lozano-Espitia & Fernando Arias-RodrÃguez - 1116 Corporate taxes and firms' performance: A meta-frontier approach
by Ana María Iregui-Bohórquez & Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Antonio José Orozco-Gallo - 1115 Effects of foreign participation in the colombian local public debt market on domestic financial conditions
by Jose Vicente Romero & Hernando Vargas-Herrera & Pamela Cardozo & Andrés Murcia - 1114 Multiplicadores de los impuestos y del gasto público en Colombia: aproximaciones SVAR y proyecciones locales
by Sergio Restrepo-Ángel & Hernán Rincón-Castro & Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro - 1113 Post-graduation from the original sin problem The effects of investor participation on sovereign debt markets
by José Antonio Ocampo & Germán D. Orbegozo & Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas & Nicolás Fajardo-Baquero & Oscar Botero-Ramírez & Camilo OrozcoVanegas - 1112 A Comprehensive History of Regression Discontinuity Designs: An Empirical Survey of the last 60 Years
by Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas & Freddy A. Pinzón-Puerto & María Alejandra Ruiz-Sánchez - 1111 The Dominant Currency Financing Channel of External Adjustment
by Camila Casas & Sergii Meleshchuk & Yannick Timmer - 1110 Does Geographical Complexity of Colombian Financial Conglomerates Increase Banks' Risk? The Role of Diversification, Regulatory Arbitrage and Funding Costs
by Pamela Cardozo & Paola Morales-Acevedo & Andrés Murcia & Beatriz Pacheco - 1109 Estimación de la variación del precio de los alimentos con modelos de frecuencias mixtas
by Julián Alonso Cárdenas-Cárdenas & Edgar Caicedo-García & Eliana R. González Molano