Report NEP-DGE-2018-09-17
This is the archive for NEP-DGE, a report on new working papers in the area of Dynamic General Equilibrium. Christian Zimmermann issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-DGE
The following items were announced in this report:
- Brant Abbott & Giovanni Gallipoli & Costas Meghir & Giovanni L. Violante, 2018. "Education policy and intergenerational transfers in equilibrium," IFS Working Papers W18/16, Institute for Fiscal Studies.
- Christie Smith & Christoph Thoenissen, 2018. "Migration and Business Cycle Dynamics," Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series DP2018/07, Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
- Nobuhiro Kiyotaki & Shengxing Zhang, 2018. "Intangibles, Inequality and Stagnation," 2018 Meeting Papers 110, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Didem Tuzemen & Willem Van Zandweghe, 2018. "The Cyclical Behavior of Labor Force Participation," Research Working Paper RWP 18-8, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
- Nils Mattis Gornemann, 2018. "HANK meets Ramsey: Optimal Coordination of Monetary and Labor Market Policies," 2018 Meeting Papers 1252, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Jingting Fan & Wenlan Luo, 2018. "Financing Multinationals," 2018 Meeting Papers 1277, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Adrien Auclert & Kurt Mitman, 2018. "Bankruptcy and Aggregate Demand," 2018 Meeting Papers 1085, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Larry Karp & Armon Rezai, 2018. "Asset Prices and Climate Policy," 2018 Meeting Papers 595, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Marco Brianti & Tzuo Hann Law, 2018. "Financial Frictions and Un(der)employment Insurance," 2018 Meeting Papers 1303, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Dr. Stephan Imhof & Cyril Monnet & Shengxing Zhang, 2018. "The Risk-Taking Channel of Liquidity Regulations and Monetary Policy," Working Papers 2018-13, Swiss National Bank.
- Hidehiko Matsumoto, 2018. "Reserve Accumulation, Foreign Direct Investment, and Economic Growth," 2018 Meeting Papers 237, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Mark Gertler & Andrea Prestipino & Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, 2018. "A Macroeconomic Model with Financial Panics," 2018 Meeting Papers 113, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Edouard Challe, 2018. "Uninsured Unemployment Risk and Optimal Monetary Policy," 2018 Meeting Papers 9, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Ryan Chahrour & Robert Ulbricht, 2018. "Information-driven Business Cycles: A Primal Approach," 2018 Meeting Papers 240, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Joseph Steinberg, 2018. "The Macroeconomic Impact of NAFTA Termination," 2018 Meeting Papers 753, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Ariel Mecikovsky & Felix Wellschmied, 2018. "Wage Risk, Employment Risk, and the Rise in Wage Inequality," 2018 Meeting Papers 52, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Merlin, Giovanni Tondin, 2018. "Entrepreneurship, financial frictions and the welfare gains of business cycles," Textos para discussão 484, FGV EESP - Escola de Economia de São Paulo, Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil).
- Rohan Kekre & Moritz Lenel, 2018. "Macroeconomic policy and the price of risk," 2018 Meeting Papers 617, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Vladimir Asriyan, 2018. "Balance sheet recessions with information and trading frictions," 2018 Meeting Papers 205, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Mike Waugh, 2018. "Redistributing the Gains From Trade Through Progressive Taxation," 2018 Meeting Papers 1210, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- anmol bhandari & Ellen McGrattan, 2018. "Sweat Equity in U.S. Private Business," 2018 Meeting Papers 415, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- George-Marios Angeletos & Chen Lian, 2018. "On the Propagation of Demand Shocks," 2018 Meeting Papers 372, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Cristina Lafuente, 2018. "Search capital and Unemployment Duration," 2018 Meeting Papers 427, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Massimo Giovannini & Stefan Hohberger & Robert Kollmann & Lucas Vogel & Marco Ratto & Werner Roeger, 2018. "Euro Area and U.S. External Adjustment: The Role of Commodity Prices and Emerging Market Shocks," Working Papers ECARES 2018-21, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
- Juan Carlos Conesa & Begona Dominguez, 2018. "Capital Taxes and Redistribution: The Role of Management Time and Tax Deductible Investment," Department of Economics Working Papers 18-10, Stony Brook University, Department of Economics.
- Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe, Martin Uribe, 2018. "Multiple Equilibria in Open Economy Models with Collateral Constraints: Overborrowing Revisited," NCID Working Papers 03/2018, Navarra Center for International Development, University of Navarra.
- Rick Van der Ploeg & Ton S. Van den Bremer, 2018. "The Risk-Adjusted Carbon Price," OxCarre Working Papers 203, Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford.
- Alisdair McKay & Ricardo Reis, 2018. "Countercyclical fiscal policy in a low r∗ world," 2018 Meeting Papers 621, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Xu Zhang, 2018. "Evaluating the Effects of Forward Guidance and Large-scale Asset Purchases," 2018 Meeting Papers 894, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- M.Emranul Haque & Paul Middleditch & Shuonan Zhang, 2018. "Financial development and innovation: A DSGE comparison of Chinese and US business cycles," Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series 244, Economics, The University of Manchester.
- Michelle Petersen Rendall & Andrew Rendall, 2018. "Math Matters: Education Choices and Wage Inequality," 2018 Meeting Papers 654, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- George Bratsiotis, 2018. "Credit Risk, Excess Reserves and Monetary Policy: The Deposits Channel," Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series 243, Economics, The University of Manchester.
- Eduardo Davila & Thomas Philippon, 2018. "Incompleteness Shocks," 2018 Meeting Papers 109, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Felix Feng, 2018. "Dynamic Compensation under Uncertainty Shocks and Limited Commitment," 2018 Meeting Papers 159, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Pavel Krivenko, 2018. "Unemployment and the US housing market during the Great Recession," 2018 Meeting Papers 579, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Jan Werner, 2018. "Speculative Bubbles, Heterogeneopus Beliefs, and Learning," 2018 Meeting Papers 1216, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Masolo, Riccardo & Winant, Pablo, 2018. "The stochastic lower bound," Bank of England working papers 754, Bank of England.
- Juliana Salomao & Liliana Varela, 2018. "Exchange Rate Exposure and Firm Dynamics," 2018 Meeting Papers 523, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Javier Turen, 2018. "Rational Inattention-driven dispersion over the business cycle," 2018 Meeting Papers 796, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- David Perez-Reyna & Filippo Rebessi, 2018. "Devaluations and Growth: The Role of Financial Development," 2018 Meeting Papers 1118, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- David Berger & Alessandro Dovis & Luigi Bocola, 2018. "Accounting for Heterogeneity," 2018 Meeting Papers 588, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Belot, Michele & Kircher, Philipp & Muller, Paul, 2018. "How wage announcements affect job search - a field experiment," Working Papers in Economics 739, University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics.
- Deeksha Gupta, 2018. "Too Much Skin-in-the-Game? The Effect of Mortgage Market Concentration on Credit and House Prices," 2018 Meeting Papers 512, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Merlin, Giovanni Tondin, 2018. "Credit subsidies: bad idea or misuse?," Textos para discussão 483, FGV EESP - Escola de Economia de São Paulo, Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil).
- Klaus Adam & Henning Weber, 2018. "Optimal Trend Inflation," 2018 Meeting Papers 782, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Vito Gala & Hongxun Ruan & Joao Gomes, 2018. "The Decline in Corporate Investment," 2018 Meeting Papers 269, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Richard Rogerson & Johanna Wallenius, 2018. "Household Time Use Among Older Couples: Evidence and Implications for Labor Supply," 2018 Meeting Papers 90, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Philippe Bacchetta & Eric van Wincoop, 2018. "Puzzling Exchange Rate Dynamics and Delayed Portfolio Adjustment," 2018 Meeting Papers 675, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Sara Moreira, 2018. "The Role of Sectoral Composition in the Evolution of the Skill Wage Premium," 2018 Meeting Papers 850, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Joao Ramos & Tomasz Sadzik, 2018. "Partnership with Persistence," 2018 Meeting Papers 1264, Society for Economic Dynamics.
- Marco Bassetto & Wei Cui, 2018. "The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level in an Environment of Low Interest Rates," 2018 Meeting Papers 574, Society for Economic Dynamics.