Report NEP-DES-2023-05-22
This is the archive for NEP-DES, a report on new working papers in the area of Economic Design. Alex Teytelboym issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-DES
The following items were announced in this report:
- Jorge Alcalde-Unzu & Marc Vorsatz, 2023. "The structure of strategy-proof rules," Papers 2304.12843,
- Pinaki Mandal, 2023. "Compatibility between stability and strategy-proofness with single-peaked preferences on trees," Papers 2304.11494,
- Ata Atay & Sylvain Funck & Ana Mauleon & Vincent Vannetelbosch, 2023. "Matching markets with farsighted couples," Papers 2304.12276,, revised Apr 2023.
- Orhan Aygün & Günnur Ege Bilgin, 2023. "Placement With Assignment Guarantees and Semi-Flexible Capacities," CRC TR 224 Discussion Paper Series crctr224_2023_417, University of Bonn and University of Mannheim, Germany.
- Ostrovsky, Michael & Skrzypacz, Andy, 2022. "Pure-Strategy Equilibrium in the Generalized First-Price Auction," Research Papers 4043, Stanford University, Graduate School of Business.
- Alfred Galichon & Yu-Wei Hsieh & Maxime Sylvestre, 2023. "Monotone comparative statics for submodular functions, with an application to aggregated deferred acceptance," Papers 2304.12171,, revised Aug 2024.
- Sarah Auster & Nicola Pavoni, 2023. "Optimal Delegation and Information Transmission under Limited Awareness," CRC TR 224 Discussion Paper Series crctr224_2023_256v3, University of Bonn and University of Mannheim, Germany.
- Ziwei Wang & Jiabin Wu, 2023. "Partner Choice and Morality: Preference Evolution under Stable Matching," Papers 2304.11504,, revised Oct 2023.
- Jian Yang, 2023. "Partition-based Stability of Coalitional Games," Papers 2304.10651,