A Rapid Overview of St. Louis Fed Economic Information Services

FRED, FRASER, EconLowdown, RePEc, etc.

Christian Zimmermann

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

INCONECSS, Berlin, 6 May 2019


What is the Federal Reserve System?

What is the St. Louis Fed?




The RePEc Family

What is the Federal Reserve System?

  1. Board of Governors
  2. 12 Regional Reserve Banks
  3. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)

  1. Boston
  2. New York
  3. Philadelphia
  4. Cleveland
  5. Richmond
  6. Atlanta
  7. Chicago
  8. St. Louis
  9. Minneapolis
  10. Kansas City
  11. Dallas
  12. San Francisco
Fed History | Why two banks in Missouri?

What is the Federal Reserve System doing for the public?

  1. Monetary policy (FOMC+)
  2. Supervision of financial institutions
  3. Payment system and cash
  4. Economic Research and statistics
  5. Consumer protection (CFPB)
  6. Community development
  7. Economic and financial education
  8. Fiscal agent of the Treasury

Purposes and functions of the Fed | The Fed in plain English

What is the St. Louis Fed?

  1. Eighth district
  2. St. Louis, Missouri. Gateway to the West
  3. World's first academically inclined research division in a central bank
  4. Strong focus of public service, in particular economic information and literacy


  1. Since 1992, precursor in the 1960s
  2. One-stop shop for US macroeconomics data, plus some socio-economic and international data
  3. Easy graphing facility
  4. Excel plug-in
  5. Android and iOS apps
  6. API
  7. User accounts: alerts, dashboard, saved tables and graphs

FRED family


Econ Lowdown


  • Research Papers in Economics
  • Publisher-contributed metadata about publications
  • Pre-prints, articles, books, chapters, software
  • Volunteer driven
  • 2000 publishers, close to 3 million records, over 100 million downloads
  • Instructions for publishers

RePEc services

Display the metadata for users. Some hosted by St. Louis Fed (*).

  • EconPapers, IDEAS* browse/search
  • NEP Email/RSS/Twitter alerts by field
  • SocioNet Russian site
  • MyIDEAS* Follow stuff, build bibliography, email digests
  • More: EconBiz, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, ResearchGate, Econlit, EBSCO/ProQuest, Inomics, OpenAIRE, Altmetric, etc.

RePEc enhancements

Crowd-sourced additions

More uses of RePEc metadata
