Christian Zimmermann's Data

In this page, you find the programs used for filtering the data.

These are DOS executables working with files exported from MicroTSP and EViews. They may not work on some computers, for example if a math co-processor is not present. The format of the exported files is explained below, in case you are exporting from other software.

For MicroTSP, export the data by typing write(s) <filename>.dat <series names>, then exit to DOS and type ft <filename> and answer the prompts. Back to MicroTSP, type read(s) <filename>.out <series names> to retrieve the cyclical components. The statistics are contained in a file called <filename>.cyc. The format of the .dat file is with all series in one column, series by series. A corresponding .h file contains the file names, in one column, series by series, maximum eight characters. To run the filter, you need the program [103kB] and the batch file.

For EViews, export the data by typing write(s) <filename>.dat <series names>, then exit to DOS and type fe <filename> and answer the prompts. Back to EViews, type read(s) <filename>.out <series names> to retrieve the cyclical components. The statistics are contained in a file called <filename>.cyc. The format of the .dat file is with all series in one column, series by series, each series preceded by its name, with a maximum of eight characters. To run the filter, you need the program [103kB] and the batch file.

Note that Eviews 2.0 and higher has the HP-filter. No need for these programs!


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