Office hours for this class are Wednesdays 8-12 AM or by appointment.
We will cover a few chapter of the textbook, and rapidly divert from it.In particular, some recent working papers or articles will also be covered. They are mentioned below, whenever possible with a link to an online version. This list may change as we go along...
Narayana Kocherlakota, 1998. "Money is Memory", Journal of Economic Theory.
Walsh, Chapter 1
David Backus & Patrick Kehoe, 1992. "International
Evidence of the Historical Properties of Business Cycles", American
Economic Review
Lawrence Christiano, Martin Eichenbaum, Charles Evans, 1998, "Monetary Policy Shocks:
What Have We Learned and to What End?", NBER working paper.
Riccardo Fiorito and Tryphon Kollintzas, 1994. "Stylized Facts of
Cycles in the G7 from a Real Business Cycles Perspective", European
Economic Review.
Finn E. Kydland & Edward C. Prescott, 1990. "Business
cycles: real facts and a monetary myth", Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis Quarterly Review, (Spr) pp. 3-18.
George McCandless, Jr. & Warren E. Weber, 1995. "Some monetary
facts", Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, (Sum)
pp. 2-11.
Walsh, Chapter 2
James M. Poterba & Julio J. Rotemberg, 1988. "Money in the Utility
Function: An Empirical Implementation", NBER Reprints 1024 (also
Paper 1796 ), National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Robert E. Lucas, Jr., 1994. "On the welfare cost of
Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory 94-07, Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco (not available online, ask me for copy).
Alvin L. Marty, 1999. "The
welfare cost of inflation: a critique of
Bailey and Lucas", Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, (Jan) pp.
Walsh, Section 3.2
Walsh, Sections 3.3, 3.6
Svensson, Lars E O, 1985. "Money and
Asset Prices in a
Cash-in-Advance Economy", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 93 (5)
Lucas, Robert E, Jr & Stokey, Nancy L, 1987. "Money and
in a Cash-in-Advance Economy", Econometrica, Vol. 55 (3) pp. 491-513.
Cooley, Thomas F & Hansen, Gary D, 1989. "The
Inflation Tax in
a Real Business Cycle Model", American Economic Review, Vol. 79 (4)
pp. 733-48.
Cooley, Thomas F & Hansen, Gary D, 1991. "The
Welfare Costs of
Moderate Inflations", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 23
pp. 483-503.
Walsh, Section 3.4.2
Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro & Wright, Randall, 1989. "On Money
as a Medium
of Exchange", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 97 (4) pp. 927-54.
Ritter, Joseph A, 1995. "The
Transition from Barter to Fiat
Money", American Economic Review, Vol. 85 (1) pp. 134-49.
Howitt, Peter, and Robert Clower, 2000. "The
Emergence of Economic Organization",
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 41 (1) pp. 55-84.
Trejos, Alberto & Wright, Randall, 1995. "Search, Bargaining, Money, and Prices", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 103 (1) pp. 118-41.
McCandless, George & Wallace, Neil, 1991. "Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory", Harvard University Press. Chapters 10, 11, 12.
Walsh, Section 5.2.2
Grossman, Sanford & Weiss, Laurence, 1983. "A
Model of the Monetary Transmission Mechanism", American Economic
Vol. 73 (5) pp. 871-80.
Fernando Alvarez, Andrew Atkeson, and Patrick J. Kehoe, 2002. "Money,
Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates with Endogenously Segmented
Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 110 (1) pp. 73-112.
Lawrence J & Eichenbaum, Martin, 1992. "Liquidity
and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism", American Economic Review,
Vol. 82
(2) pp. 346-53.
Moran, Kevin, and Hendry, Scott, 2004. "Limited
Participation and Costly Search in Financial Markets", Bank of Canada,
Filippo Occhino, 2001. "Monetary
Policy Shocks in an Economy with
Segmented Markets", Departmental Working Papers 200108, Rutgers
University, Department of Economics.
Williamson, Stephen, 2002. "Limited
Participation, Private Money, and Credit in a Spatial Model of Money",
University of Iowa, mimeo.
David Andolfatto & Ed Nosal, 2003. "A Theory of Money
and Banking", Economics Working Paper Archive at WUSTL,
Macroeconomics, Number 0310003.
Walsh, Section 5.3.2
Cho, Jang-Ok & Cooley, Thomas F, 1995. "The Business
Cycle with Nominal Contracts", Economic Theory, Vol. 6 (1) pp. 13-33.
V. V. Chari & Patrick J. Kehoe & Ellen R. McGrattan, 2000. "Sticky
Price Models of the Business Cycle: Can the Contract Multiplier Solve the
Persistence Problem?", Econometrica, Vol. 68 (5) pp. 1151-1180.
Walsh, Chapter 7
Bernanke, Ben S & Gertler, Mark, 1995. "Inside the
Black Box:
The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission", Journal of
Perspectives, Vol. 9 (4) pp. 27-48.
Cooley, Thomas & Quadrini, Vincenzo, 1999. "Monetary Policy
and The Financial Decisions of Firms", mimeo, New York University.
Walsh, Chapter 8
Kydland, Finn E & Prescott, Edward C, 1977. "Rules
Rather Than
Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans", Journal of Political
Economy, Vol. 85 (3) pp. 473-91.
Barro, Robert J & Gordon, David B, 1983.
Positive Theory of
Monetary Policy in a Natural Rate Model", Journal of Political
Vol. 91 (4) pp. 589-610.
Taylor, John B., 1993. "Discretion versus Policy Rules in Practice". Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Vol. 39 pp. 195-214.
A word about grades. When I grade, the average is usually around 60%. This allows me to reward better those who do well. Do not be too alarmed when you get a grade that is lower than those you get in other classes. But if it is really low, you should do something about it...