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Top 5% Institutions and Economists in the Field of Banking, as of August 2009

This page shows one of the many rankings computed with RePEc data. They are based on data about authors who have registered with the RePEc Author Service, institutions listed on EDIRC, bibliographic data collected by RePEc, citation analysis performed by CitEc and popularity data compiled by LogEc. To find more rankings, historical data and detailed methodology, click here. Or see the ranking FAQ. For Banking, these are 342 authors affiliated with 590 institutions.
All authors classified in this field.

Top 5% institutions in the field of Banking

The scores of institutions in each field are determined by a weighted sum of all authors affiliated with the respective institutions. The weights are determined, for each author, by the proportion of all working papers announced in NEP that have also been announced in NEP-BAN (Banking).
11.4International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington
22.03Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
33.11World Bank Group, Washington
(4)3.5Research and Statistics Group, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
(4)4.33Economics Research, World Bank Group, Washington
47.08Federal Reserve Board (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System), Washington
(5)9.14Research Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington
59.21Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, San Francisco
69.85Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn
710.58Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
811.28Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge
(9)13.19Economic Research, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, San Francisco
913.24Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen, Universiteit van Tilburg, Tilburg
1016.47Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago
1118.66Wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Fachbereich, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn
1218.97Economics Department, Brown University, Providence
1319.7Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam
1420.71Department of Economics, University of Maryland, College Park
1521.21Centro Studi di Economia e Finanza (CSEF), Napoli
1624.14Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington
(17)25.11Department of Economics, Tepper School of Business Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
1725.11Tepper School of Business Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
1825.18Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia
(19)25.7Applied Economics Workshop, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago
(19)27.22Department of Finance, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington
1927.58Department of Economics, Boston College, Chestnut Hill
2028.28European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main
2129.79Laboratoire de Recherche en Gestion (LARGE), Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg
2229.9Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, Gainesville
(23)30Finance Group, Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam
2330.72Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Atlanta
2431.9Department of Economics, Loughborough University, Loughborough
2532.11Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI), Madrid
2632.6European Business School (ebs), International University Schloß Reichartshausen, Oestrich-Winkel
(27)32.93Economic Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Atlanta
2734.61de Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam
2835.3Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
2937.76CentER for Economic Research, Universiteit van Tilburg, Tilburg

Top 5% authors in the field of Banking

This ranking is based on registered authors only, and only those who are classified within
this field. Authors can register at the RePEc Author Service.
1.1.64Asli Demirguc-Kunt
2.3.51Thorsten Beck
3.4.01Timothy H. Hannan
4.5.98Gerald A. Hanweck Sr.
5.6.65Warren E. Weber
6.6.65Gregory Udell
7.6.73Stijn Claessens
8.7.36Mark Jeffrey Flannery
9.9.21Marco Pagano
10.9.39Luc Laeven
11.11.71Reint Eberhard Gropp
12.12.58Joao Santos
13.14.4Maximilian J.B. Hall
14.14.62Iftekhar Hasan
15.15.82Rafael Repullo
16.17.23Andrew Feltenstein
17.17.53Giovanni Dell'ariccia

The data presented here is experimental. It is based on a limited sample of the research output in Economics and Finance. Only material catalogued in RePEc is considered. For any citation based criterion, only works that could be parsed by the CitEc project are considered. For any ranking of people, only those registered with the RePEc Author Service can be taken into account. And for rankings of institutions, only those listed in EDIRC and claimed as affiliation by the respective, registered authors can be measured. Thus, this list is by no means based on a complete sample. You can help making this more comprehensive by encouraging more publications to be listed (instructions) and more authors to register (form). For more details on the various rankings that are available as well for documentation, follow this link.


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