RePEc step-by-step tutorial

The series template

Series templates are in simple text files, like all templates. Each series has its own template. All series templates are collected in one file, called aaaseri.rdf, where aaa is the archive handle. Again, replace aaa with the archive code assigned to you. The templates are used by the services to display information about your series. Such a file may look like the following if you have a working paper series

Template-Type: ReDIF-Series 1.0
Name: Working Papers
Provider-Name: Grandiose University, Department of Economics
Provider-Institution: RePEc:edi:degraus
Maintainer-Name: Helena Smith
Type: ReDIF-Paper
Handle: RePEc:aaa:wpaper

All fields above are required except Provider-Institution: and Description:. A few additional details about some of the fields:

This is for the name of the series, not your organization or institution. Thus, it should be something like "Working Papers" or the title of a journal.
Put something that allows users to identify the institution, thus not just "Department of Economics", rather "University of Pomposity, Department of Economics".
This contains your organization's RePEc "institution handle" so we can organize and cross link your output. To find the institution handle, check EDIRC.
This establishes what type of series we have. The available types are: ReDIF-Paper (for working and research papers, pre-prints, post-prints), ReDIF-Article (journal contents), ReDIF-Software (programme codes, software), ReDIF-Book (books), ReDIF-Chapter (book chapters). NB: if you are not the publisher of the journal, books or chapters, and if you are not acting on behalf of the publisher, please index you pre-prints or post-prints as working papers. The principle in RePEc is that only the publisher can index material.
The series handle corresponds to the archive handle, plus exactly six lowercase letters or numbers of your choice, for example RePEc:aaa:wpaper. These letters are important. For each series, you need to create a directory within your archive directory, each having this six character name. In the case of this sample archive, the directory structure is thus:
Note wpaper in the directory layout above and the template example above. Going back to the template, notice that several fields are grouped in clusters that start with the same word, like Maintainer-Name: and Maintainer-Email:. Always keep cluster elements together and always start them with the first keyword specified in our examples. Other fields that you may use:
Order-Email:, Order-Homepage:, Order-Postal:
Put all relevant information so that users can order print copies, if relevant.
Pricing information if there is a charge for print copies or fulltext downloads. Otherwise do not include this field.
If your online material cannot be downloaded freely or requires registration, put details here. Otherwise do not include this field.
Maintainer-Phone:, Maintainer-Fax:
If you think this is useful
Editor-Name:, Editor-Email:
If there is an editor, put details here. This person will get various statistics from RePEc at the given email address.
Detail if there are other means than NEP for users to be notified about new items in this series.
If your series has a ISSN number, this is the place to put it.
Predecessor:, Followup:
If your series or journal is also indexed in RePEc with another name or publisher, put its other handle in either one of those fields.
You are now ready for the item templates. They differ by type, so choose the appropriate one(s) below.

One final note before continuing. You are not constrained to call the directory wpaper. Anything that has six letters or numbers and is consistent with the series and item handles is fine. If you have more series or journals, just add more directories and more series templates in your aaaseri.rdf file. For example, if you have a working paper series (handle RePEc:aaa:wpaper) and a journal (handle RePEc:aaa:journl):

Template-type: ReDIF-Series 1.0
Name: Working Papers
Provider-Name: Grandiose University, Department of Economics
Provider-Institution: RePEc:edi:degraus
Maintainer-Name: Helena Smith
Type: ReDIF-Paper
Handle: RePEc:aaa:wpaper
Template-type: ReDIF-Series 1.0
Name: Annals of Computational Economics
Description: This is the official journal of the Society of Nerd Economists
Provider-Name: Society of Nerd Economists
Provider-Institution: RePEc:edi:sneeeea
Maintainer-Name: Adalbert Geek
Editor-Name: Hildegrund Uebergeek
Type: ReDIF-Article
Handle: RePEc:aaa:journl

and the directory structure:

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