Christian Zimmermann

The lighter side of the Internet


Some of the questions I get in my email.
Who I am not.
The countries I visited (45)
The US states I visited (44+1)
Canadian provinces I visited (8)
European countries I visited (31)
US counties I visited, and Canadians, too.
Airlines trips taken (unique routes)
Credit card sollicitations accumulated over a year
2006 NFL ranking with soccer style scoring
My first computer, the SHARP MZ 80B


Music: Jean-Michel Jarre. Andreas Vollenweider. Yello. Philip Glass. Agricantus.

Films: Koyaanisqatsi. Powaqqatsi. Das Boot. Fitzcarraldo. Cyrano de Bergerac.

And finally for the curious: my geek code is GSS d s+: a C++ UL++++ P+++ L+++ E W++ N+ K- w--- V- PE PGP- t R- tv-- b+ DI+ D-- G e++++ h- r+++ y+++

Contact information

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