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Top 10% Institutions and Economists in the Field of Cultural Economics, as of March 2011

This page shows one of the many rankings computed with RePEc data. They are based on data about authors who have registered with the RePEc Author Service, institutions listed on EDIRC, bibliographic data collected by RePEc, citation analysis performed by CitEc and popularity data compiled by LogEc. To find more rankings, historical data and detailed methodology, click here. Or see the ranking FAQ. For Cultural Economics, these are 202 authors affiliated with 580 institutions.
All authors classified in this field.

Top 10% institutions in the field of Cultural Economics

The scores of institutions in each field are determined by a weighted sum of all authors affiliated with the respective institutions. The weights are determined, for each author, by the proportion of all working papers announced in NEP that have also been announced in NEP-CUL (Cultural Economics).
11.6Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakutät, Universität Zürich, Zürich
(2)2.72Institut für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (IEW), Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakutät, Universität Zürich, Zürich
23.48Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
34.14Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen, Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam
(3)4.14Econometrisch Instituut, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen, Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam
(4)5.05Afdeling Ruimtelijke Economie, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
46.05Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn
57.83Institutet för Näringslivsforskning (IFN), Stockholm
69.74Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts (CREMA), Basel/Zürich
79.78Department of Economics, Stanford University, Palo Alto
810.81Wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Fachbereich, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn
912.66School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, Maastricht
1013.28Department of Economics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
1114.37Department of Economics, Oxford University, Oxford
1214.67Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
1315.37Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago
1416.15Facoltà di Economia, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", Roma
1517.31Department of Economics, Princeton University, Princeton
(16)17.97Vakgroep Algemene Economie, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, Maastricht
1618.52Department of Economics, New York University, New York City
(17)18.91Dipartimento di Economia e Istituzioni, Facoltà di Economia, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", Roma
1719.76Faculté des Sciences Économiques et du Droit, Université du Maine, Le Mans
(17)19.76Groupe d'Analyse des Itinéraires et Niveaux Salariaux (GAINS), Faculté des Sciences Économiques et du Droit, Université du Maine, Le Mans
1820.91ECORE, Louvain-la-Neuve/Bruxelles
1925.12Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles
2025.32Division of Economic and Financial Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney
(20)25.32Department of Economics, Division of Economic and Financial Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney
2125.79Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH), Bergen
2227.32Tinbergen Instituut, Amsterdam
(23)27.6Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE), ECORE, Louvain-la-Neuve
(23)28.04Strategy and Business Economics Division, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
2328.04Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
(24)32.36European Centre for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics (ECARES), Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles
2433.5Department of Economics, International Business School, Brandeis University, Waltham
2534.19School of Management, Yale University, New Haven
2634.32Nationalekonomiska institutionen, Stockholms Universitet, Stockholm
(27)35.62Applied Economics Workshop, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago
2737.4Anderson Graduate School of Management, University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles
2837.44Economics Department, Brown University, Providence
2937.83Department of Economics, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
3039.94School of Public Affairs, University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles
3141.69Rimini Center for Economic Analysis (RCEA), Rimini
3242.56Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia
3345.34Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London
(34)45.61Institutt for samfunnsøkonomi, Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH), Bergen
3446.28Walter A. Haas School of Business, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
(35)46.46Industrial Relations Section, Department of Economics, Princeton University, Princeton
(35)46.47Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico, Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia
3548.44Inter-American Development Bank, Washington
3648.55Department of Economics, University College London (UCL), London
3749.99Department of Economics, University of Calgary, Calgary
3850.02School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman
(39)56.08Maastricht research school of Economics of TEchnology and ORganizations (METEOR), School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, Maastricht
3956.56Paris School of Economics, Paris
(40)56.59Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource-Rich Economies (OxCarre), Department of Economics, Oxford University, Oxford
4058.82London School of Economics (LSE), London
4162.69Department of Economics, Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY), New York City
4265.11Økonomisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo
4366Department of Economics, Sciences Po, Paris
4466.32Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), Toulouse
(45)68.28Department of Finance, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston
4568.28Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston
4668.81School of Economics, University of Queensland, Brisbane
4769.1National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Cambridge
4870.93Department of Economics, University of California-San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla
4971.85Dipartimento di Politiche Pubbliche e Scelte Collettive (POLIS), Università del Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro", Alessandria
5074.86Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California-San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla
(51)75.98Economics Department, Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, Gainesville
5175.98Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, Gainesville
(52)76.82Institut für Banking und Finance (Institut für Schweizerisches Bankwesen), Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakutät, Universität Zürich, Zürich
5277CentER for Economic Research, Universiteit van Tilburg, Tilburg
(53)77.33Départment d'économétrie et d'économie politique (DEEP), École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), Université de Lausanne, Lausanne
5377.33École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), Université de Lausanne, Lausanne
5478.18Department of Economics, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
(55)80.53Centre de Recherche en Économie et Statistique (CREST), Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (INSEE), Government of France, Paris
5580.53Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (INSEE), Government of France, Paris
5681.15Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Bologna
(57)81.26C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, Department of Economics, New York University, New York City
(57)83.65Risk and Sustainable Management Group (RSMG), School of Economics, University of Queensland, Brisbane
5784.54Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland, College Park
5887.7Economics Department, University of Missouri, Columbia

Top 10% authors in the field of Cultural Economics

This ranking is based on registered authors only, and only those who are classified within
this field. Authors can register at the RePEc Author Service.
1.1Bruno S. Frey
2.3.38William R. Johnson
3.3.41Avner Greif
4.4.82Alan Beggs
5.5.33David Throsby
6.5.79Victor A. Ginsburgh
7.7.55Kathryn Graddy
8.7.71Allen J. Scott
9.7.88Jean Gabszewicz
10.9.04Matthew Aaron Gentzkow
11.10.95Lars Sørgard
12.12.81W. D. Walls
13.14.7Lisa George
14.16.93Jill J. McCluskey
15.17.41Roberto Zanola
16.17.5Miguel González-Maestre
17.17.68Hans Jarle Kind
18.18.05Francisco Alcalá
19.18.88Alan Collins
20.19.88Nathalie Sonnac

The data presented here is experimental. It is based on a limited sample of the research output in Economics and Finance. Only material catalogued in RePEc is considered. For any citation based criterion, only works that could be parsed by the CitEc project are considered. For any ranking of people, only those registered with the RePEc Author Service can be taken into account. And for rankings of institutions, only those listed in EDIRC and claimed as affiliation by the respective, registered authors can be measured. Thus, this list is by no means based on a complete sample. You can help making this more comprehensive by encouraging more publications to be listed (instructions) and more authors to register (form). For more details on the various rankings that are available as well for documentation, follow this link.


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