RePEc step-by-step tutorial

The book template

Book templates are in simple text files, like all templates, that have a .rdf extension. The rest of the file name doesn't matter. These files needs to be in the series' six letter directory. You can put all templates in one files, or one per file, or group them in files in various ways. Do whatever best suits your needs.

NB: The principle in RePEc is that only the publisher can index material, or someone acting on its behalf. If you want to index books published by members of your organization, use the paper template.

Let us have a look at a typical template:
Template-Type: ReDIF-Book 1.0
Editor-Name: Charlie Doe
Editor-Name: Engelbert Falafel
Editor-Workplace-Name: Some Other University
Title: Forecasting in Agricultural Economies
Provider-Name: Gallant Press, New York
Abstract:  This book surveys agricultural
output forecasting techniques ...
Classification-JEL: R00, Z0
Keywords: Forecasting, agricultural economics
HasChapter: RePEc:aaa:ecchap:23-01
HasChapter: RePEc:aaa:ecchap:23-02
HasChapter: RePEc:aaa:ecchap:23-03
HasChapter: RePEc:aaa:ecchap:23-04
HasChapter: RePEc:aaa:ecchap:23-05
Volume: 1
Edition: 1
Year: 1999
Month: February
File-Format: Application/pdf
File-Format: text/html
Handle: RePEc:aaa:ecbook:23

Mandatory are: Template-Type:, Title: Provider-Name: and Handle:. Among Author-Name: and Editor-Name, only one must be present, but is repeatable. More details:

Author-*: cluster
This cluster is repeatable, just make sure each cluster starts with Author-Name:, which is the only required field of this cluster. Put each author in a different cluster. Author-Name should contain only the name, either as Firstname Lastname or Lastname, Firstname. This is for authored books.
Editor-*: cluster
Same logic as for Author-*: cluster, but edited volumes.
While not mandatory, it is highly beneficial to have an abstract. It makes it more likely for the book to be found in a search. Note that it is possible to cut-and-paste from pdf files, so you do not need to type everything yourself...
It is strongly recommended to have a Year: field. This allows RePEc services to display items chronologically. Undated items are typically put at the bottom of the lists, or may be ignored entirely. The format of the year is yyyy.
File-*: cluster
If the book is not available online, ignore the cluster entirely. Note that this cluster is repeatable.
If the books chapters are also indexed in RePEc, put their handles here, repeating the field if necessary.
Use the Journal of Economic Literature codes from this list. It is highly recommended to use them for increased exposure of the book. Avoid the top levels of the classification, try to be specific.
This uniquely identifies the book. The book handle corresponds to the series handle, plus whatever identifier you wish to use.
There are additional fields you may consider using, if relevant:
In the File-*: cluster, use this if the file cannot be freely downloaded, and this was not specified in the series template.
Put anything you deem relevant that did not fit elsewhere here.
Paper-Handle:, Article-Handle:, Software-Handle:
If the book was also published as an item already in RePEc, you can link the two here. Software-Handle: applies if there is some code accompanying the paper that is also made available.
ISBN of the volume.
DOI of the volume.

Note that if you already have your bibliographic metadata in some database, you may want to take advantage of some existing scripts that can help you convert the data. See this blog post.

You are now ready to open your RePEc archive.

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